Thursday, December 26, 2019
Primary Concerns of Macroeconomic Analysis - 722 Words
Macroeconomic Analysis Discuss the three primary concerns in macroeconomics analysis Three primary concerns about the US economy include the massive amounts of stimulus, the large number of unemployed from the last recession and the stock market rising to all time highs. These areas are interconnected with each other. As each one plays an important role in determining the underlying amounts of economic strength and the potential of the US seeing a longer term recovery. In the case of the stimulus, a total of $13 billion dollars was spent supporting consumer spending and encouraging growth through different federal projects. This was accomplished by offering consumers with a $787 million tax refund and encouraging programs to shore demand in select areas (such as: Cash for Clunkers). At the same time, the Federal Reserve has engaged in a program to keep borrowing costs artificially low. This was achieved at first through purchasing mortgage backed securities. (Amadeo, 2013) (Fed Sticks with Stimulus Plan, 2013) However, the challenges impacting spending on the federal level meant that there has been across the board budget cuts for many agencies. This has resulted in the Federal Reserve directly buying even more mortgage backed securities and government bonds. Moreover, they have reduced the Federal Funds rate to historic lows. These actions are designed to ensure that consumers, home buyers and businesses can receive additional loans. This is problematic, as theseShow MoreRelatedA Cross Country Analysis Of Public Debt Management Essay977 Words  | 4 PagesPUBLIC DEBT A Cross-Country Analysis of Public Debt Management Strategies* Martin Melecky: Banking and Debt Management Department World Bank In order to finance expenditures on public goods and services that promote growth and increase nations welfare governments often have to borrow this decision of how much to borrow is that of fiscal policy which determines the targeted level of debt based on a sustainability analysis of government debt. The main cause for the increasing domestic debt and itsRead MoreMicroeconomics Versus Macroeconomics Bus6101627 Words  | 7 PagesMicroeconomics versus Macroeconomics Economics for the Global Manager BUS610-1101C-02 Abstract I want to thank everyone for joining me today to review the effects of microeconomics and macroeconomics in conjunction with the healthcare industry. 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It contains essential amino acids in significant amount so It is a good source of protein. For consumers as well as for the producer instability of commodity prices has always been a major concern in an agriculture dominated country like India. It is too risky for them for them to invest in otherwise profitable activities because of farmer’s direct exposure to price fluctuations. To cope with this problem there are various ways. Various actorsRead MoreKeynesian Views On Money Price Relationship Essay1617 Words  | 7 Pagesemployment and aggregate supply curve is vertical. Keynes published an article entitled ‘How to Pay for the War’ in 1940, in which he developed a demand side model incorporating inflation process with temporarily rigid prices in the labor market. The primary concern of Keynes was to provide space for the necessary increase in output durin g war where the economy had already reached the full employment level. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Symbols Of Short Stories For Thematic Enhancement - 848 Words
The use of symbols in short stories for thematic enhancement Symbolism is a widely used literary technique in short stories. The accounts described in short stories generally promote a certain aspect like religion, love, politics and discrimination among many others. These are the themes that are promoted by the stories. Symbols and imagery are an aesthetic way of bringing out these themes and authors have learnt how to effectively use them for thematic purpose, as they serve a better role as compared to plain words. Symbolism not only adds meaning to the theme in question, it creates an aura of aestheticism while reading such stories. The uses of symbolism for thematic purposes in some of the short stories are discussed below. The theme of American Dream/Nightmare American dream highlights the epitome of prosperity that the United States promises to any hardworking individual. Most importantly, the notion of freedom is one that aligns to values of prosperity. The American nightmare is the opposite of the American dream in the sense that one’s dream can be another person’s nightmare; which translates to one persons success could be another person’s bad luck. That explained, one of the most highly symbolized book which promotes this theme is Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour. Through an exquisite display of objects throughout the story, the author describes the life of a woman’s life in the late 1980’s when the wave of freedom was beginning to flow across America. At theShow MoreRelatedKubla Khan a Supernatural Poem8401 Words  | 34 Pagesin writing. [10] Mileur argues that Coleridge s description of the poetic imagination and ideal perfection implies something he does not necessarily claim for himself, and which is not available to any poet. Mileur in this instance simply falls short of understanding Romantic textuality. The fervent conviction in this essay is that no single poem of Coleridge can be interpreted phenomenologically as an independent self-contained enclosure, which should fully expresses his idealist philosophy ofRead MoreCrossing the Chasm76808 Words  | 308 Pagesopportunity to do that with f uture books, and I have enough respect for this one to try to stand off a bit. That being said, I did make a few significant exceptions. I eliminated the vii viii Preface to the Revised Edition section on using â€Å"thematic niches†as a legitimate tactic for crossing the chasm. It turns out instead they were a placeholder for the market tactics used during a merging hypergrowth market, a challenge covered in a subsequent book, Inside the Tornado. Also I have substitutedRead MoreMarketing Management 14th Edition Test Bank Kotler Test Bank173911 Words  | 696 PagesDifficulty: Moderate 79) A marketers only concern is how best to create demand for a new product produced by his company. Improving product design is not his responsibility. Answer: FALSE Page Ref: 4 Objective: 1 Difficulty: Easy 80) A short definition of marketing is meeting needs profitably. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: 5 Objective: 2 AACSB: Analytic skills Difficulty: Easy 81) Services constitute the bulk of most countries production and marketing efforts. Answer: FALSE Read MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesPsychological Resiliency 139 Social Resiliency 143 Temporary Stress-Reduction Techniques 144 SKILL ANALYSIS 147 Cases Involving Stress Management 147 The Turn of the Tide 147 The Case of the Missing Time 150 SKILL PRACTICE 155 Exercises for Long-Term and Short-Run Stress Management The Small-Wins Strategy 155 Life-Balance Analysis 156 Deep Relaxation 158 Monitoring and Managing Time 159 SKILL APPLICATION 161 Activities for Managing Stress 161 Suggested Assignments 161 Application Plan and Evaluation 162
Monday, December 9, 2019
HARD Summer Music Festival Review free essay sample
My summer was filled with constant excitement and action, but not one activity can compare to the experience I had at my very first HARD Summer. HARD Summer is an annual two-day music festival that takes place the first weekend of August and features over 100 electronic and alternative acts and emerging DJs. All ages are welcome, but the majority of those that attend are young adults to mid twenties. This year’s headliners included Jack U, Dillon Francis, Disclosure, Flosstradamus, and A$AP Mob. In addition to those acts, some of my personal favorites included What So Not, The Chainsmokers, and Clockwork. This year, the festival was held at Whittier Narrows Recreation Area. Music blasts nonstop from five different stages from 12pm to 11pm. People come from all over, some even by plane, to experience what it is that makes this sold out event so memorable. I attended my first music festival, Coachella, this past April. It completely changed my experiences of how I perceive music. I believe there is something special festivals provide for you; they allow you to feel the music, to live vicariously through the music. So, you could say I’ve been a festival junkie ever since. At first, I had my doubts of attending the HARD Summer music festival because none of my best friends were going, and the HARD lineup featured exclusively electronic house music, not the diverse variety of artists like Coachella. But on August 1 (the day before HARD Summer), my friend called me saying that he’d found me a ticket on Craigslist and that all I to do was say that I was in. Unfortunately, since I decided so last minute, I was only able to buy a ticket for the first day of the festival, but that one day alone was one of the most memorable days of my life. HARD Summer provided me with a different experience than that of Coachella; it provided me with a better experience. Don’t get me wrong, I loved every harmonious moment of Coachella, but HARD showed me a different kind of love. It taught me that it doesn’t matter what artist you’re listening to, how close you are to the stage, or even how hot and tired you are. I learned to love the moment I was in with the people I shared it with, even strangers. In fact it was the kindness and friendship of the strangers I met at the festival that showed me the true meaning of PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, Respect) – a sort of chivalry used at these festivals, which ensures an enjoyable and memorable experience for all.I had a feeling of contentment throughout the entire day. This feeling reached its peak during the last set of the day (Jack U). As soon as their music started to blare throughout the crowd, almost simultaneously, it began to rain. I remember listening to the â€Å"Revolution†remix of Flux Pavilion’s â€Å"I Can’t Stop†, reaching my arms into the sky, and letting the rain fall all over me, as if it were falling to the beat of the music. As I entered the festival, I went in with no expectations. I, of course, was an avid fan of a majority of the acts, but because my attendance was so spontaneous I never had the time to build up the hype and excitement for the festival. I think the fact that I had no expectations is what made my experience so incredible. I can still specifically remember around 8pm when Axwell started his set at the main stage (Hard Stage). To be honest, Axwell was not one of the DJs I’d come to see that day; I just ended up being at Hard Stage when his set began. Coincidentally, my group and I ran into about four other groups of people we knew; one of these groups included my older brother and his friends. Together we created a combined group of about 20. For the first and only time that day, it seemed like every single person I knew at the festival was unified and sharing the experience together. Personally, it was an extra special moment for me because I had the opportunity to share it with my brother. I closed my eyes and smiled as he laid his arm around me and we both soaked in the music together. Even though I never intended on seeing Axwell that day, he ended up being my favorite set of the entire day, not because of the music, but because of the experience. HARD Summer to me was like a dirt wonderland, emphasis on the dirt. If I had to criticize one aspect of my overall experience, the only one that comes to mind is its inconvenient location.This is was the first (and hopefully only) time that the festival was held at Whittier Narrows. In years past, it’s always been held at LA Historic Park. This year’s location seemed a bit out of the way, and it was a project to get to and from the festival. Also, the land was nothing but dirt. This meant that for the majority of the day we were choking on dust kicked up by the feet of people dancing or jumping in the crowd. Nonetheless, this didn’t stop myself, or anyone else for that matter, from having the time of our lives. In the end, we embraced the dirt and kicked it into the air with satisfaction. HARD Summer was an experience I will never forget. I recommend this festival to all, for it is one not to be missed. However, I will say that if you are not a fan of this style of music, then I do not recommend attending. HARD Summer teaches you a new appreciation for music and friends. I’m glad I made the rash decision of becoming a part of this historic event, and I cannot wait until next year’s festival.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Evaluate the benefits of a particular spreadsheet solution and describe potential refinements to improve efficiency Essay Example
Evaluate the benefits of a particular spreadsheet solution and describe potential refinements to improve efficiency Essay Excel offers many faciliets, one of them being shortcut keys. A shortcut key makes it easier for a user to move among large or multiple worksheets. 1: shortcut key 2: effect For moving around a worksheet: 1: Ctrl + End We will write a custom essay sample on Evaluate the benefits of a particular spreadsheet solution and describe potential refinements to improve efficiency specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Evaluate the benefits of a particular spreadsheet solution and describe potential refinements to improve efficiency specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Evaluate the benefits of a particular spreadsheet solution and describe potential refinements to improve efficiency specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 2: This moves the cell pointer back to the last cell used in the worksheet 1: Ctrl + Home 2: This moves the cell pointer Moves to cell A1 1: Home 2: This moves to the beginning of a current row e.g. column A1 1: Page Down 2: This moves the screen one down 1: Page up 2: This moves the screen one up Selecting Cells 1: Ctrl + A 2: This selects the current data region in the worksheet 1: Ctrl 2: This allows you to select regions that are not next or close to each other Moving between worksheets 1: Ctrl + Page Up 2: This moves to the next worksheet 1: Ctrl + Page Up 2: This moves to the previous worksheet Formatting 1: Ctrl + Shift + $ 2: This applies a currency format 1: Ctrl + Shift + % 2: This applies a percentage format Combining information Mail merge: You are able to copy data from excel and then insert the data into word document. This data then will turn into a word table and can be edited. When the data is in word document, it will no longer be connected with the original spreadsheet. This could be a great advantage for JEM Bookshop, because it would allow them to produce a report e.g. on their profit and loss account, on Microsoft office for their shareholders or staff. If data, table or graph is needed in the report, you can mail merge it into Microsoft office, making it easier to write the report or change anything in the table, chart or graph. Retaining a link to the original data: This method allows the pasted cell to be connected to the original spreadsheet while being on a different document e.g. word. Thus, allowing the changes in a spreadsheet to also change automatically in the word document. Method: Step 1: Copy cells required from spreadsheet Step 2: Switch to word document and then click edit Step 3: Choose paste special Step 4: A paste special dialog box appears, then choose paste link Step 5: Then choose the document type e.g. Microsoft office, then click OK Result: The required cell will be on Microsoft office and will behave like a graphical image, unlike a word table. To edit them, you can double click on them, spreadsheet will open and you can make your changes there. Advantages of using spreadsheet to JEM bookshop Spreadsheet is very flexible If JEM Bookshop uses spreadsheet, it would be very flexible, as you are able to open there data anywhere-as long as they computer has spreadsheet, which most computers do- or save it on the USB, and bring it to meetings outside their firm. This shows that spreadsheet it used by many people and can be used by many softwares or technologies. It can be used for all types of applications As I said previously, JEM Bookshop can Use their Spreadsheet on many applications, such as: Microsoft office for mail merge. The applications that spreadsheet can used for, are widely know, and used around the world. The structure of table allows it to store values that represent sales figures, profit, number etc. This would help JEM Bookshop with their finance, as they could create their Break even chart; Profit and Loss account; Balance sheet; Gross Profit Margin etc. Spreadsheet has tools such as charts and graphs, which allow large quantities of data to be showed clearer. This would help JEM Bookshop, for example if you have a meeting, it would be easier for the audience to look at a chart or a graph with large data than a table, which would be harder to read and understand. They can calculate sum easily and correctly (as long as there arent any human errors made). This makes it more reliable and accurate. Especially if it is a business, Because JEM Bookshop could make a great loss if it was done manually which would be less reliable, whereas using spreadsheet it is more accurate; as long as you write the figures correctly. Lastly, it can manipulate large list of a datas. Tools such as filtering and sorting allow the user to find a certain list of criteria, easily. JEM Bookshop could use these methods to be more organized and sort by Alphabet; Price; Name or Surname, to find something with a certain criteria. Disadvantage of using spreadsheet to JEM bookshop: If you insert the wrong data or figures in the cell, all the calculations or other things, will lead to a wrong result. This error would also be hard to identify. If JEM Bookshop made an error like this, it would cause a lot of trouble; Profit could Decrease, Reputation would bad, losing customers etc. furthermore, to avoid this you need training or employing new staff, which could increase the expenses. Overall, If JEM bookshop, used spreadsheets, it would help them to calculate their profit and loss account, budget, gross profit margin, net profit margin etc. it would be more efficient easily to use, it saves time for the business thus, allowing JEM Bookshop to spend more time on their business. In reality JEM bookshop could use spreadsheet for a lot of things, rather than by doing it paper based. It provides better security, accuracy and reliability. A lot of successful business use spreadsheet in order to produce chart or graphs for a presentation or just using it to solve financial matters. Not only is it easier, but it provides many tools such us, filtering, sorting, calculating etc. Refining your solution to make it easier for users to use: Step 1: lock cells Step 2: Highlight required cells that needs to be locked Step 3: Select format and the cell selection Step 4: Drop down list appears Step 5: click lock cell. You could use this method to lock important cells, like the cells in the diagram below which, you dont want other staff or public to touch or change.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Using the Spanish Word Tamao
Using the Spanish Word Tamao Tamaà ±o is the most common Spanish word for size. Here are some examples of its use as a noun. Note that it is sometimes more natural to translate sentences containing tamaà ±o by referring to the sizes themselves rather than using the word size. No sà © el tamaà ±o de tu ropa. (I dont know your clothing size.)  ¿De quà © tamaà ±o debe ser el cuestionario? (How long should the questionnaire be?) El tamaà ±o del cerebro del bebà © es sà ³lo un 25 por ciento del que tendrà © cuando sea adulto. (The size of a babys brain is only 25 percent of what it will be when shes an adult.) Quiero enviar un archivo adjunto de gran tamaà ±o. (I want to send a large attached file.) Puedes obtener un descuento en un tatuaje de cualquier tamaà ±o. (You can get a discount on a tattoo of any size.) El artista italiano crea esculturas de madera a tamaà ±o natural. (The Italian artist creates life-size wood sculptures. Tamaà ±o real could have been used here with the same meaning.) Los mamà feros de tamaà ±o medio pueden ser los ms propensos a extinguirse. (Medium-sized mammals can be the ones with the greatest tendency to go extinct.) El tiempo de hornear depende del tamaà ±o del pan. (The baking time depends on the size of the bread loaf.) Con el tamaà ±o familiar, obtendrs 166 lavados para todo tipo de ropa. (With the family size, youll get 166 washer loads for every type of clothing.) Voy a comprar un servidor de impresià ³n de tamaà ±o de bolsillo. (Im going to buy a pocket-size print server.) Tamaà ±o can also function as an adjective to mean such a large, such a or something similar. Note that while tamaà ±o as a noun is masculine, tamaà ±o as a adjective must match the gender and number of the noun that follows. My madre dijo tamaà ±as palabras en una de esas ocasiones. (My mother said such big words on one of those occasions.)  ¿Cà ³mo es posible que un nià ±o de siete aà ±os sea capaz de tamaà ±a aventura? (How is it possible that a 7-year-old be capable of such an adventure?) Los libros hacen tamaà ±a diferencia en las vidas del nuestros hijos. (Books make such a big difference in the lives of our children.) Es tamaà ±o insulto para la inteligencia. (Its such an insult to the intelligence.) Etymology Tamaà ±o comes from the Latin tam magnos, meaning so large. Synonyms Although not as versatile as tamaà ±o, talla is frequently used for size, especially when talking about clothing or body size: Normalmente las tallas americanas son ms grandes que las europeas. (Normally the American sizes run larger than the European ones.) Other words that sometimes translate as size include altura (height), ancho (width), capacidad (capacity), dimensià ³n (dimension), medida (measurement) and volumen (volume). Sources Sample sentences were derived from sources that include,, Cultura Inquieta,,, Jasnet de Barcelona and
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Impede and Impinge
Impede and Impinge Impede and Impinge Impede and Impinge By Maeve Maddox A reader questions the use of the preposition on after impede in a newspaper headline: I don’t think â€Å"on†is needed or correct [in this headline]: â€Å"Washington’s weeklong power outage impeding on Thanksgiving.†I’d love to hear your thoughts. The reader is correct. Impede does not take a preposition. Here are examples of correct usage: Flamingo Road construction will impede traffic through 2016 Natural selection, key to evolution, also can impede formation of new species. Do emotions impede logic or do emotions contribute to being rational? Five Negative Thoughts that Impede Weight Loss In each example, impede is a transitive verb followed by a direct object. Impede combines the Latin negative prefix im- with the Latin word for foot. The meaning of Latin impedire is â€Å"to shackle the feet.†The English transitive verb impede means, â€Å"to retard in progress or action by putting obstacles in the way; to obstruct; to hinder; to stand in the way of.†The person who wrote â€Å"Washington’s weeklong power outage impeding on Thanksgiving†may have been reaching for impinging. Latin impingere means â€Å"to push, strike, drive [something] at or into something else. A common meaning of the English verb impinge is â€Å"to encroach or infringe on or upon.†When that’s the meaning, impinge is followed by the preposition on (or upon): But at what point does my freedom to act impinge on your freedom? I don’t care what they do in their private lives just as long as they dont impinge on my rights. Is it acceptable to impinge on certain civil liberties for the sake of national security? Is it possible to set up quiet areas without impinging on playground space? Dido Sued for Impinging on an Astronaut’s Persona The noise from next door was impinging upon my concentration. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Apply to, Apply for, and Apply with"Owing to" vs "Due to"3 Types of Essays Are Models for Professional Writing Forms
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The nature of FDIs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The nature of FDIs - Essay Example The second commonality mentioned is usually taken to be the more important defining feature of the two. FDI denotes a degree of direct ownership whereas indirect investments are those gaining exposure to enterprises without investing directly such as listed securities, investment funds and derivatives. (Blomstrom and Globerman, 2001) Previously, FDIs referred only to physical investments made by a local company to a foreign setting. Building factories, providing machineries and equipment were considered as FDIs while portfolio investments were considered as an indirect investment. However, the rapid globalization of markets served as an impetus to broaden the definition of FDI to include the lasting ownership of shares of companies and enterprises. As such, joint ventures, alliances where a company provides technological support and licensing of intellectual property and direct acquisition of a firm are now considered to be FDIs. (Sullivan and Sheffrin, 2003) The current requirement is that an international business relationship must be formed between the local entity and the foreign affiliate. Foreign Direct Investors can either be a private or a public entity and may involve an incorporated or unincorporated organization or a lone individual. In any case, the foreign entity should provide the local entity a certain level of control in its management. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), control can come in the form of a 10% ownership as a minimum. In cases where this are not present, the investment made is known as portfolio investment. The ownership implies that the investor is afforded control in the management and decision-making of the enterprise. However, the data from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Economic Development indicate that there are countries where the 10% ownership is treated in a flexible manner to accommodate local legal and business environment circumstances. There are cases where the o wnership is less than 10% but the investor is afforded an effective voice and there are cases where exercise of influence control is not given even if the investor exceeds 10% ownership. FDI Classification According to UNCTAD (2007), FDIs are classified according to certain defined factors. A classification based on the direction of FDI generates two broad types: outward-bound and inward-bound. Outward-bound FDIs are those investments provided by local entities to foreign partners while inward-bound FDIs have local entities as the beneficiary of investments from abroad. FDIs can also be classified according to the nature it is conducted. Vertical Foreign Direct Investments exist when a local entity owns some shares in a foreign enterprise and is using the business arrangement to either generate supplies or be the one supplying. Horizontal Foreign Direct Investment occurs when a local entity, usually a multinational company, establishes a similar business operation in foreign settings. FDIs can also be classified according to its motives. If the FDI was made to explore new opportunities in new markets or strengthen the existing market structure, we have a 'market-seeking FDI'. When the FDI was made because the foreign setting provides resources that are not locally available at the same degree,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Polymorphic Pharmaceuticals and Fine Chemicals Essay
Polymorphic Pharmaceuticals and Fine Chemicals - Essay Example The most commonly noticed forces in crystals are the weak Van der waals forces. Consequently, the melting point of crystals is never very high (1, 2). Structures of many substances, including crystals, vary with temperature. This ability of various substances to exist in more than one form is known as Polymorphism. Allotropy is a synonym for polymorphism and is usually used in the context of elements. Dimorphism is the word reserved for a substance that exists in two forms. Yet another definition exits for polymorphism. It also refers to the multiple crystals that might form owing to improper solvents used during the process of crystallization. Structures of almost all substances consist of bonds, which can be intermolecular or intramolecular. In these, occasionally, one finds that hydrogen (H) bound to a strongly electronegative element (X) acquires a positive charge owing to the bond polarization by the electronegative element (represented as X- H+). Such a polarity charged hydrogen is available for interaction directly with the electronegative elements of adjacent molecules, and the resultant intermolecular bond is referred to as Hydrogen Bond (1,2) represented as three dots: It is this hydrogen bond that accounts for the unusually high boiling points of some liquids, viz., Water (H2O), Hydrogen fluoride (HF), etc. Hydrogen bond is also involved in dimer formation as in carboxylic acid, and is the bond responsible for the stability observed in nucleic acids. When hydrogen bonding is present in crystals, it significantly affects the crystal molecular geometry (2). Thus, hydrogen bond profoundly influences the physical and chemical properties of various substances. Continuing the discussion on similar lines, in a covalent bond, the electrons between atoms or groups with different electronegativities tend to be polarized towards the more electronegative constituent. In such situations, a partial charge can be attributed to the constituents owing to the partial ionic nature of the bond. The ability of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons towards itself is termed electronegativity (EN). The ionic character of the bond can be used as a measure of the magnitude of this effect (the partial charge/EN). When the effect is small, the bond is referred to as a polar bond and treated using dipole moments (DM). Covalent bonds are expected to have a DM of zero, provided the electrons are shared equally by the two atoms (1, 2). In a way, DM is a quantitative measure of polarity, with Debye as units. If bond angles are known, DM is estimated by vector addition of individual bond moments. Possession of a dipole moment permits direct interaction with electric fields or with the electric component of radiation (1). With measurements comes mathematics. Whenever a process/object/concept is characterized in terms of mathematics, relatively simple manipulation of variables can be achieved fundamentally to determine how the process, object or concept behaves in different situations. Such an exercise is traditionally referred to
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Cocoa Commodity Essay Example for Free
Cocoa Commodity Essay Background Cocoa beans are seeds of the cacao tree, which is a member of the Sterculiaceae family. Contained in a cucumber like fruit; these yellowish, reddish to brownish fruits are divided into five compartments each containing up to 10 seeds (Service). As the fruit begins to ripen, the partitions break down and the seeds are found around the central funicle in a whitish pulp. The cocoa seed (i.e. bean) consists of the seed coat which contains the cocoa kernel. The cocoa kernel is the principal component for the production of cocoa products. There are about 20 known varieties of the Cacao plant, but only two are commonly used in producing cocoa products (Canizaro). The two varieties commonly used are: * High Grade or Criollo Cocoa; which are large, roundish and brown in color. They have a delicately bitter, aromatic flavor and are easily processed. * Common Grade or Forastero Cocoa; which are small, flattened on the side and have a dark reddish-brown to violet color. They have a sharper flavor and account for nearly 90% of the world’s cocoa harvest. The main areas of cultivation of the cacao tree falls within a narrow belt 10 ° north and south of the equator because the trees grow well in humid tropical climates with consistent rainfall and a short dry season (Cadbury). Cocoa trees need an even temperature between 21 to 23 degrees centigrade, with a rainfall of 1,000 to 2,500 mm per year to produce cocoa seeds. The main producers of cocoa are: * West Africa Regionâ€â€Ghana, Nigeria and Cote D’Ivoire. * South America Regionâ€â€Brazil and Ecuador. * Asiaâ€â€Malaysia and Indonesia. Production Process Cocoa trees begin to bear fruit when they are around 3-4 years old. Each tree will yield 20-30 pods per year, each pod containing 20-40 seeds which when dried are the cocoa beans of commerce. The harvesting of the cocoa pod is very labor intensive; workers cut the high pods from the trees with large knives attached to poles. The pods are then split open by hand and seeds (i.e. beans) are removed ready to undergo a two part curing process. The two part process includes fermentation of the bean and then they go under a drying process. Methods of fermentation can vary from country to country, but usually only two methods are used; the Heap method or the Box Method. Here is a diagram using either method to illustrate: Heap Method The Heap Method is traditionally used on farms in West Africa. Wet cocoa beans, including the pulp, are piled on banana or plantain leaves which have been spread out in a circle on the ground. More leaves are the piled on top to cover the heap and it is left for five to six days, turning the pile to ensure fermentation (Cadbury). During this fermentation process the pulp and astringency of the beans are removed as the sugar in the pulp turns to alcohol, which drains away causing the bean to develop its true chocolate flavor. When fermentation is complete the wet mass of beans is dried usually by being spread out on mats under the sun. Box Method In the West Indies, Latin America and in Malaysia the box method is used on plantations. It involves the use of strong wooden boxes with drainage holes or gaps in the slats in the base of the box. This enables the passage of air and the removal of liquid products of fermentation. This process usually takes six to eight days during which the beans are mixed twice. After fermentation is complete the beans are dried by means of special drying equipment. Quality The quality of cocoa is based by the quality of the raw cocoa. Fully ripened cocoa beans that have properly fermented consist of a brown to dark red color and have a very fragile kernel with a bitter flavor. Including the bean’s appearance and odor the beans must also be undamaged, un-germinated and must include no foreign matter or mold. They also can’t be infested with insects or have suffered wetting damage. Nor can they smell sour, musty or smoky. Poor quality cocoa beans that have not been fermented properly are purple in color (under-fermented) or very dark in color (over-fermented). They also have a solid kernel and a very astringent taste. The quality of cocoa beans is assessed according to the following criteria: * Good Qualities * Fully ripe, correctly fermented * Firm beans of uniform size with a dry weight of no less than 1g. * Loose and undamaged shell * Light to dark reddish-brown color * Readily crumbled, fragile Kernel * Bad Qualities * Unripe and poorly fermented * Moldy * Strong violet color as a result of under-fermentation * Purple color as a result of over-fermentation * Firm Kernel * Insect infested * Germinated * Smoky odor due to excessively long drying Mode of Transport After the cocoa has been harvested and quality has been assessed, the product should be shipped shortly after harvest, as extended storage (past 6 months) may result in losses due to the high relative humidities in the tropics. Cocoa beans should be placed in bags of jute or sisal usually of a (gross) weight of 60 65 kg, rarely of up to 100 kg (Service). Cocoa beans can be transported by ship, truck or railroad. When transported in a container, the cargo needs to be in a ventilated container so it is in compliance with lower limits for the water content of goods, packaging and flooring. The wooden flooring of the containers must be absolutely clean and dry. Water content should be 12%, corresponding to a lumber equilibrium moisture content of 70%, so that the flooring does not constitute an additional source of water vapor to dampen the cocoa cargo and container atmosphere (Service). The cocoa beans may also be covered with paper which readily absorbs any moisture. Also given the high value of cocoa, a two layer anti-condensation film should be used to provide addition protection against dripping sweat. Another option is by transporting on flat racks in ventilated holds. This option is a more cost effective alternative to the costly ventilated containers. Uses of Cocoa Primary Use of Cocoa Secondary Use Possible Substitute When people think of cocoa, the first things that may come to mind is chocolate or in the spirit of colder weather, hot chocolate. Chocolate and confectionary sweets are the most common uses of cocoa, but many do not know that cocoa can be a great source for dietary reasons. The processed chocolate bars will not give the same effect for dietary purposes but it has been proven that the darker the chocolate, the healthier it is. Raw cocoa beans are sometimes eaten for their flavonoids which according to studies conducted by Eric Dung can improve cardio vascular health. North America has undergone many changes in the last decade especially placing an emphasis on healthy living. Cocoa has been proven to help lower cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, and reduce the risk for heart disease according to Suzanne Steinbaum; director of women and heart disease at Lenox Hill Hospital. Cocoa also reduces cravings for those attempting to diet and want to reduce the amount of food one may be eating. The smell of cocoa is so rich and aromatic that it actually helps satisfy hunger cravings. Cocoa can help repair skin as well according to dermatologist Ava Shamban, MD. Cocoa is loaded with antioxidants that help repair skin cells and neutralize harmful radicals. Cocoa has also made its way into pharmaceuticals. The oils extracted from cocoa beans become a solid at room temperature but melts within the body so this oil has been used to encapsulate certain drugs. Cosmetics have also found the wonders of cocoa. There exists within cocoa a natural compound that naturally prevents anything it is used with from becoming rancid. Makeup and soaps use cocoa in their products to keep the product from spoiling and can last for years. Demand The demand for cocoa has increased from new markets for cocoa products and increased sales in existing markets. The reduction of tariffs to places like Korea and Peru make it easier to compete in the market to hold and increase market share. Other influencing factors include the climate to grow cocoa, resources, technology and sustainable practices in parts of the world with little to no education. There has been a lot of attention given to child labor practices and the need to improve the process and quality of life of cocoa farmers. As sales have increased over the years, cocoa yields are not growing fast enough has motivated big chocolate manufactures to protect their interests and invest in the future of cocoa. Chocolate sales reached over $100 billion in 2011. While sales have been increasing the disparity between cocoa yields and the world’s need for cocoa will only be exacerbated if nothing is done. Farmers face various challenges in growing this crop that directly impa ct their ability to meet demand. The World Cocoa Foundation states that farmers are dealing with aging trees that aren’t producing as much as well as a loss of 30 to 40 percent of their crop due to infestation and disease. These aren’t big industrialized farms that one can see in America; almost 90 percent of cocoa comes from small farms in Africa, Asia and the Americas. For these farmers to help reach the demand for manufacturers active involvement from these companies is needed to ensure sustainability. According to the Fair Trade Foundation the demand for cocoa has been rising approximately 3 percent a year for the last 100 years (3). Production for the 2011/2012 grow season was 3,987 million tons (World Cocoa, 2). By 2020 there will be an estimated 1.5 million ton shortage of cocoa (Bloudoff-Indelicato, Climate Wire, 1). One of the reasons for the increase in demand can be attributed to the rising wealth in China. According to there has been a â€Å"growing shift towards Western-style diets and cocoa powder-based products such as ice creams, biscuits and other confectionary†. As the country’s lifestyle and culture changes with the increase in disposable income, the middle class are developing a taste for chocolate. China’s chocolate sales are expected to grow 19 percent to $1.2 billion this year (CNNFreedom Project). China isn’t the only Asian country hungry for chocolate. Falling just below China is Indonesia with a 25 percent increase to $1.1 billion and India will most likely see a 7 percent increase as well. If Asian markets keep growing as predicted they could very well have 20 percent of the global market by 2016 (CNN Freedom Project). Changes in export costs also make it more profitable and easier to ship cocoa products to various countries. President Obama’s National Export initiative plans to double U.S. exports within 5 years. To help achieve this goal the negotiation of free trade agreements aid American companies to meet the growing demand for cocoa products. Korea is the third largest exporter for U.S. candies with U.S. brands accounting for 16 percent of the chocolate sector. However American companies are at a disadvantage due to the FTA agreement that was signed to incrementally reduce tariffs and are still paying between 5 to 8 percent tariffs. Some other global competitors seemed to have negotiated better free trade agreements and have seen a decrease on tariffs into Korea. Currently the U.S. companies have paid duties in excess of $18 million since the agreement was signed in 2008 (National Confectioners Association, 2). This will make it difficult for American companies to compete with global competitors because their costs of getting their product to market are greater. However, with the free trade agreements signed with various other countries will enhance exports into Korea to meet the increasing demand of chocolate. In 2011, imports of chocolate and other candies were up 30 percent from 2010 totaling $339 million (Korea Product Brief). The dramatic increase in imports is promising for chocolate manufacturers to try and increase their customer base in a rapidly expanding market. Starting October 31, 2012, Panama is eliminating tariffs on more than 86 percent of U.S. consumer and industrial goods (Poe). This includes chocolates and cocoa inputs which will help American companies continue to hang onto their 42 percent ($27 million) market share for candy, gum and chocolate exports. Panama’s growing economy is expected to keep growing 5 to 8 percent each year through 2017 in conjunction with the implementation of the free trade agreement Panama could become an important importer of cocoa products for American companies. Changes in cocoa production While fair trade and organic cocoa represent a small portion of the cocoa market at 0.5 percent there has been some growth in these sectors. Fair trade cocoa is cocoa from farmers that are compensated a fair amount for their product according to they also teach farmers sustainable processes and assist in quality of life improvement. Global sales have seen an uptick in fair trade cocoa from 14,000 tons in 2009 to 35,000 in 2010. This increase is attributed to the growth in the United Kingdom. The United States has also shown an increase of fair trade cocoa imports by 67 percent from 2009 to 2010 (fairtrade cocoa review, 8). With the looming cocoa shortage in the near future, cocoa users are realizing how important it is to be an active partner in sustainable cocoa practices. Manufacturers around the world want to protect their cocoa interests and ensure that there will be enough cocoa to keep up with the rising desire for cocoa products. Various companies have announced their plans and involvement in supporting sustainable cocoa practices as well as providing the farmers the assistance and education needed to ensure a bright cocoa future. According to their company websites the following companies have announced their commitments to provide the cocoa industry a promising future in the years to come. * Mars – 14.6% global market share in 2010 * 2020 – all cocoa will come from certified cocoa * 2011- purchased 10% of cocoa used from certified sources * Nestle – 12.6% global market share in 2010 * Invest 110 million in sustainability, farmer training, social conditions, plant expertise * Commitment to purchase sustainable products * Kraft – 8.3% of global market share in 2010 * 5 year partnership with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to improve cocoa production and supply chain efficiency in West Africa * 2011 largest buyer of cocoa beans from certified Fairtrade farms and Rainforest Alliance Certified Farms * Ferrero – 7.3% of global market share in 2010 * In 2011 pledged to use only sustainable cocoa by 2020 * Hershey – 6.7% of global market share in 2010 * Over the next 5 years will invest $10 million in West Africa to improve farming processes and communities * In 2012 U.S. consumers will be able to purchase Bliss products that are produced with 100 percent certified cocoa Implications of shortage Cocoa shortages would have a huge impact globally. It will affect every member in the cocoa supply chain. Farmers will produce less and receive even less money to be able to live off of. The farmers will have even less to invest into their trees continuing to increase the deficit in cocoa production versus demand. The incentive to continue cocoa farming would decrease and may drive farmers to cities to seek other employment or pursue more lucrative farming opportunities. In an effort to combat the drug war in Columbia, farmers were enticed with trading coca (cocaine plant) growing for cocoa partly due to the high prices cocoa was selling for in the late 2000s (cocoa was selling for $3,520/ton in 2010 according to It is hard to convert coca farmers to start producing cocoa if the opportunity cost of growing cocoa is less than the opportunity cost of not growing cocaine plants. Not only does a cocoa shortage have a direct impact on the farmer’s lives, but also on their community because the monies from coca plants helps guerilla groups that the government has been fighting for years ( Weissmann). Companies that are dependent on cocoa for their income will face challenges in trying to make quality products that consumers have come to expect at a certain price. Some of the increase in purchasing costs will most likely trickle down to the consumer in order to protect the companies’ profit margin. Also companies may look elsewhere to save money, which can result in less cocoa production jobs. There are close to 50 million people that depend on cocoa for their source of income if nothing is done to help increase cocoa production it will take its toll on many people’s lives and their countries’ financial stability (Fairtrade and cocoa, 2). Supply The world of cocoa beans is centralized in none other than West Africa. In fact the top 5 cocoa bean producing countries are all located in West Africa; countries being The Ivory Coast (Cote d Ivoire), Indonesia, Ghana, Nigeria, and Cameroon in that particular order. The Ivory Coast has been the dominant producer of cocoa beans with production totaling nearly 1,242,300 metric tons of cocoa beans. This equates to about 29.3% of the world’s total cocoa beans. Indonesia is nowhere near the Ivory Coast in production, only totaling about 810,100 metric tons of cocoa beans a year accounting for about 19.1%. Ghana is close behind, producing about 632,037 metric tons of cocoa beans accounting for 14.9% of the world’s total. Nigeria follows with 427,800 metric tons accounting for 10.1%. Cameroon rounds out the top 5 accounting for 6.2% of the world cocoa bean total producing about 264,077 metric tons a year. All these countries producing cocoa beans have experienced increases in production with the exception of Ghana who faced a decline in productivity from the year before. Those countries in West Africa account for nearly two-thirds of the world are the leading producers in terms of metric tons distributed to other companies for processing. With nearly two-thirds of the world’s cocoa producers in West Africa, they are close to monopolizing the cocoa industry. Processors of cocoa beans can find the best producers of cocoa beans in one area and these producers are more than willing to supply at the right price. Over forty percent of the world’s cocoa is consumed in Europe and the remaining percent is distributed across the world globally. Cocoa is the main ingredient in what is universally known as the world’s most popular sweet, chocolate. There are about five-six million cocoa farmers worldwide, many in West Africa. 40-50 million people depend on cocoa for their livelihoods as people especially in West Africa depend on the jobs that cocoa farms provide for the people who live in the area. The economics behind cocoa production is th e livelihood for millions of West Africans. If the cocoa tree is taken away then the locals in West Africa may resort to the coca plant which is a base root for cocaine production. This may also lead into more complications resulting in food riots from people not being able to feed themselves, and drug trafficking which can also have implications for human trafficking as well. There are certain conditions that may hinder or halt cocoa bean production. Like many commodities, cocoa is considered a soft commodity; we can only continue to produce if we are careful with our product. Overharvesting is a major issue in the world of cocoa beans. In the early days of cocoa production, less cocoa beans were used to create milk and white chocolate was highly desired in the less conscientious health world of the mid to late 1900’s. In recent years there has been a major switch in preferences by consumers becoming more health conscientious. Most particularly in the Europe and North American markets has the demand for darker, healthier chocolate become more apparent. Due to these changes there has been an unprecedented cocoa consumption as more cocoa beans are being u sed to create dark chocolate in the last 5 years or so. In a study done by the Scientific American news article, a study revealed that further climate changes can cause West Africa to become too hot to grow cocoa beans. If this were to occur, domestic and international economies would be impacted immensely. The cocoa production farms have attributed to lowering the spikes in poverty, drug trafficking, and food riots by providing many with a legitimate means of making money and providing for themselves and their families. It has been projected that by 2060 over half the cocoa producing countries will become too hot. The cocoa industry is valued around $5.1 billion and with West Africa housing the top 5 producers. This includes the top two producers in the Ivory Coast, and Indonesia which account for more than half of the three million tons sold annually according to the World Cocoa Foundation. In 2020, predictions indicate a 1.5 million ton shortage. Weather predictions believe that El Nino could cause more problems for producers, consumers, and those who rely on the cocoa farms. As cocoa shortages increase, there are bound to be increases in demand for cocoa as more and more markets continue to buy into the commodity. In recent years, Europe and North America have been the largest buyers of cocoa. New countries however, are beginning to see the potential in cocoa and have begun to make their moves and are buying into a commodity that maybe wasn’t as sought after before. China and South Korea are buying into the commodity, which will make it harder for buyers to contract the amount desired if shortages continue and weather proves to be the deciding factor impacting West Africa. The hope now is that scientists can come up with a drought resistant strain of cocoa bean able to withstand the heat; however farmers are taking it upon themselves to develop farming techniques to help the cocoa beans survive harsher conditions. Re-creating optimal conditions is such as temperature is easy, however re-creating the taste is nearly impossible. Change the landscape, or geographical location of where the cocoa beans are harvest, and the taste changes considerably. The need to keep cocoa producers in West Africa has become an important issue for many of West Africa’s population who depend on cocoa production for their livelihoods. West Africa currently holds the best location for cocoa production in terms of elevation, climate, and temperatures that give the cocoa beans its distinct look, taste, and aroma that attracts so many. Moving the production to another country such as Asia or Russia, who generally have cooler temperatures can impact the taste and quality of the overall product. West Africa’s location is great because it is near the equator which keeps the temperatures and weather conditions relatively warm. Conditions like these are difficult to find, if not impossible to find anywhere else. Also child labor has been a constant issue in West Africa. This is especially true in regards to the production of cocoa. This issue has been predominantly an issue in the Ivory Coast, who is the leading supplier of cocoa to many different companies in Europe, and North America. With cocoa prices remaining relatively low, the need to lower labor costs becomes a necessity as production struggles to survive; thus children are employed to work the crops for cheap. According to the International Cocoa Organization, it has been estimated that more than 109,000 children work in the Ivory Coast’s cocoa industry and are working under the worst conditions. Not only are the conditions terrible by traditional standards but many as 10,000 of these kids are victims of human trafficking or enslavement. In 2010, a 10 million dollar program was given to the world’s top cocoa growing region in the Ivory Coast and Ghana who share a common cash crop. This program intended to prevent and stop the use of child labor on cocoa farms but faces many difficulties in its pursuit to end child labor in West Africa. By giving these companies the money to boost their revenue they can afford to not have child labor as a way to mitigate costs. Children are put to work carrying heavy loads, spraying toxic chemicals, and in danger of severely hurting themselves in the process of producing and harvesting crops. In a recent report in 2011 by BBC News, there was little change to the situation with child labor on the Ivory Coast. Companies who buy from the Ivory Coast and any production plant in West Africa are being asked to take more responsibility and getting more involved with the production from which they are buying from. Simply paying for cocoa beans is not enough. The emphasis here is corporate social responsibility. West Africa is undoubtedly in need of development and European and North America companies are the best possible source for development in West Africa. Roads, schools, hospitals, and social areas for the youth to gather would significantly help the people of West Africa. Companies such as Kraft foods, Mars Inc., Nestle, Ferrero Group, and Hershey Foods Corp are all major players in the cocoa industry who buy and process the cocoa beans into chocolate. The main distribution channel for the cocoa industry is the retail channel. Cocoa beans are harvested and sold by the metric tons to companies such as Kraft, Nestle, Ferrero, and Hershey’s. These companies then process the beans and manufacture the final chocolate product in their factories which are then distributed to retail stores across the country. A primary value driver for chocolates and other confectionary sweets is taste. Despite the recent recession, the cocoa and chocolate industry continued to grow and expand. People love chocolate and demand for chocolate has continued to grow. This demand and love for chocolate is beginning to make its way into highly populated areas such as China and India where the middle class is large, strong, and growing. Chocolate has been considered an affordable luxury. Despite rising health concerns chocolate is still in high demand, more specifically dark chocolate. The producers of cocoa beans like the Ivory Coast produce a commodity that is in high demand due to its versatility. Chocolate has many uses including, foods like desserts, sweets, and candy, medicine, and cosmetics. Dark chocolate has been proved to be part of a healthy diet. It is known to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and has eight times the antioxidants of strawberries. In the chocolate and confectionary sweets industry, there are many long standing traditions that make chocolate such a strong industry. For decades, chocolates have been a staple of gift giving, like flower shops who focus on the sale of flowers, themed chocolates and delivery. Companies such as Costco, who sell in bulk, sell assortments of chocolate and charge by the pound. Premium or high end chocolate has been increasing in sales since the economy has been making strikes in recovery from the recession. On site baking has become more popular now as the smell of chocolate acts as free advertising. The chocolate and cocoa industry has remained strong and resilient from effects of the economy and the recent recession. Cur rently West Africa is producing cocoa under unstable political conditions. The turmoil and civil war on the Ivory Coast has left the country divided and suffering. Despite accusations that the Ivory Coast production of cocoa beans has been providing weapons and funding for both sides of the civil war, the production has been a ray of hope for the country. Due to the jobs provided for the people living in West Africa, crime rates and drug trafficking has declined, allowing people to work for a living that provides them the opportunity to live a life free of drugs and violence that has torn the land apart. The turmoil from the civil war on the Ivory Coast has caused prices to rise. Despite the rise in prices, companies continue to buy but at some point in the rise in prices, companies will pass. In January the price for a ton of cocoa was a little over $2,300. In September prices peaked at the highest it has ever been this year at just over $2,600. The price fell just slight at $2,463.54 a ton in October. With the turmoil in West Africa causing unstable political governments and civil war tearing the country apart, prices are expected to rise. This data was courtesy from the international cocoa organization. Strategy to reduce cost and/or assure supply With any commodity in the 21st century, constant usage and harvesting are issues that if not monitored can lead to shortages in supply, or possibly depletion of the commodity. There are bound to be problems somewhere along the timeline that can affect the condition of the commodity. Cocoa is no different in that there is constant threat of the commodity becoming scarce globally. Regardless of the recent recession and the recovering economy, cocoa is one of the few commodities around that wasn’t affected to a great extent as other commodities. To begin the 2012 year cocoa per ton cost buyers a little over $2,300. From January through August, the price of cocoa faced many ups and down but never going any lower than the price point in January. In September the price peaked at its highest price point for U.S. companies’ purchasing cocoa beans per ton at over $2,600. Since then it has dropped slightly but is expected to rise according to the International Cocoa Organization (ICCO). Here is a graph illustrating the price changes for the year (Data courtesy of International Cocoa Organization). According to the scientific American news, the cocoa industry is already reporting a 1.5 million ton shortage within the next 10 years or so. What could this potentially do to the price of cocoa in the coming months? Years? If shortages continue to increase than prices can only go up with each coming month. Now while the supply of cocoa decreases, global demand has been projected to rise for a commodity that is becoming more valuable and scarce by the order. The cocoa industry has a strong position in the market as a commodity that is versatile in its uses. The cocoa industry deals with futures contracts which basically means that the buyer agrees to pay for the shipment based on the price of the product the day the contract was made official. Commodity pricing constantly fluxuates monthly, therefore a futures contract protects both parties from any undue damage from prices increasing or decreasing. Reports from several sources including the Huffington Post, and commodity help HQ, have high hopes for the future of cocoa in terms of it being able to sustain itself. Numbers at this time last year are up and there isn’t a reason to really worry about the state of the cocoa industry. Placing an order for cocoa is very similar to writing a math equation. A simple cocoa contract consists of many key specifications. Each contract must state the ticker symbol, contract size or how much cocoa is being ordered; usually in metric tons, deliverable grades which depends on the growth of the country or climate and is divided into three grades. Countries such as the ones in West Africa; Ghana, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, and Sierra Leone are the main crops and receive a grade A classification. Classifications of B or C are smaller and cheaper, such as Venezuela, Malaysia and Haiti. Next the trader or buyer must specific contract months, which are specified by letter coding for each month; for example May is coded K. Next the trading hours must be specified, last trading day, last delivery day, price quotes, tick size which indicates what the size of the order is, and daily price limits. An example formula can read â€Å"CC8K @ 1363†. The CC is the ticker symbol, the 8 indicates the year (2008), K tells us the month which is May, and the numbe r indicates the dollar amount per metric ton. Say the order size was 10 metric tons, the size would be multiplied by the dollar amount per ton. When it comes to possibilities of making cocoa in house, for many companies it becomes a daunting task and nearly impossible to simulate the conditions that allow cocoa trees to grow optimally. It is nearly impossible to produce the same cocoa beans as the beans grown in West Africa. Near the equator where it’s optimally warm, the conditions are right, the soil is ripe to grow cocoa beans in which give the bean a distinct taste. Moving production anywhere else may change the taste and alter the quality. Temperatures for healthy growth range from 69-90 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures lower than 59 can become fatal for the plant. Also adding to the tough conditions is that cocoa trees need no more than 2000 millimeters of annual rainfall. These conditions can leave the tree vulnerable to climate changes. In a study done by the Scientific American news site, scientists are predicting that by 2060 half of the cocoa producing countries may become too hot. The heat is not the only problem in this situation; it’s the pollinators of the trees that become affected as well. Bees and butterflies are common pollinators and cocoa flowers can be pollinated by midges, small flies or by hand. However these climate shifts in temperature could leave the country without bee colonies. In 1983-1984, cocoa production had reached a respectable level of 1.5 million tons. In twenty years this number doubled. The troubling fact to be considered here was that the number hadn’t doubled because of any technological advancement but because more land was acquired. The Ivory Coast is one of the most unstable countries in the world not just politically but economically. Civil war has divided the landscape and because of the lack of growth the country has remained third world. Lack of education, jobs, and healthy outlets have left many West Africans to turn to drug dealing and human trafficking. With the extra land acquired for the cocoa trees, labor was short and there were plenty of children to put to work. The world is looking to put an end to child labor in cocoa producing countries. The cocoa industry has quite the road ahead of them towards recovery as an industry and as a nation for which they work in. Realistically there is no suitable substitute for this commodity. With nearly 70% of the world’s cocoa produced in West Africa, which includes the Ivory Coast, Indonesia, Ghana, Nigeria, and Cameroon. With climate changes making weather conditions too hot, which will indefinitely affect the top three producers of cocoa beans in the Ivory Coast and Indonesia, and Ghana, it will become difficult for countries to get their cocoa. Before when it was just Europe and North America, supplies could take such a hit; but with developing middle class countries like China, and South Korea coming into the mix it will be tougher to acquire what is needed. Shortages lead to price increases, and at some point companies will simply pass on the commodity and move onto other things until prices fall. There are several solutions to the problems environmentally, politically, and agriculturally in West Africa. Corporations who buy cocoa from these countries may need to step in to help the growth of the country by providing access to education, hospitals, all the essentials that help societies grow. Corporations may give money to these countries to help production and attempt to prevent child labor practices but it will never be enough. Political instability , civil war, and child labor are all issues connected to the well being of communities tied to West Africa. Another solution is possibly a pipe dream but a realistic attempt at countering climate changes that could affect the cocoa trees. Scientists are working on creating heat resistant beans to counter the rise in temperatures so that crops can be more resilient and yield more. Moving crops to cooler climates in Russia and Asia have also been considered to balance the additional heat. One other solution is to help the farmers directly. Teach the farmers techniques; show them methods that they can use on their farms. Help provide proper and modern tools and technology to make the entire farming process easier for everyone. It is difficult to say what is right and what is wrong in this instance but something needs to be done if European and American companies wish to satisfy a rising demand with such a versatile commodity. Commodity HQ, a trading a commodity research site predicts that the futures for cocoa is strong and has been soaring compared to last year’s performance. Cocoa is one of the most popular soft commodities in the market. Regardless of the drop in futures and the effects of the most recent recession, cocoa has remained strong and resilient to any effects. By the end of 2011, cocoa futures have experienced a 41% drop. Comparing this year’s numbers to last year there is already a 7.6% increase and this number for this year has continued to soar. When looking at the production of cocoa, the Ivory Coast is the leader as they double the production of their next best competitor in Indonesia. The clientele who buy cocoa from West African countries like the Ivory Coast and Indonesia are modern, well developed countries like the U.S. whereas West Africa is still very much third world. As demand continues to grow as demonstrated with China and South Korea entering the cocoa market along with the U.S. and Europe, this list is only going to grow as the commodity becomes more popular. As weather conditions affect the production of cocoa, civil war on the Ivory Coast, child labor, and over harvesting effect the commodity, shortages will occur. When shortages occur, prices rise exponentially, which leaves one to wonder how far can the price increase before companies around the world decide to call it quits and pull out of the cocoa industry? People love chocolate, and that is not an understatement. Cocoa, cocoa powder, chocolate, and cocoa butter are all variations of the original plant. The future of cocoa looks very bright. The only external factors that may affect the commodity are the political strife’s, climate changes, and practices in production. Works Cited Cadbury. Cocoa and Chocolate. 2012. 26 October 2012 Canizaro, Mark. All About Chocolate. 2002. 26 October 2012 Service, Transport Information. Cocoa Beans. 2012. 26 10 2012
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Manliness, Hostility, and Aggression in A View From the Bridge Essay
Manliness, Hostility, and Aggression in A View From the Bridge Arthur Miller’s ‘A View from the Bridge’ represents the ideas of manliness and how the perception of certain individuals (Eddie) affects the lives of their fellow friends and family. The play is based around the views of the play’s protagonist, Eddie. His analysis of the male personality leads to conflict when other males, in this case Rodolpho, do not conform to his ideas of manliness. Hostility, aggression and masculinity are the main themes which influence the mood of the play and the way they are associated with each other allow an increase in tension in the minds of the reader. Eddie is the play’s main character who has very distinct views on what a man should be like. He feels it is necessary for a man to be aggressive and to use violence in order to state his authority and power. This is evident when he asks Catherine â€Å"What’s the high heels for, Garbo?†Eddie asks this in a very sarcastic manor, however, he is fully aware that he wants things his own way. Eddie also considers bravery and the reputation of the male to be vital in a man’s personality. This is shown by the way he battles Marco nearer the end of the play, not to make friends but to restore his reputation. The language in which Arthur Miller employs when Eddie is speaking tends to be fairly provocative for the person he is addressing, particularly with the way he has primarily been shown to ask or talk to other people in a challenging manner. This is evident when Eddie refers to Rodolpho as â€Å"fruit†; â€Å"aint right†and â€Å"no good†. These quotes show no manners what so ever and portray a very negative approach indicating confrontation to the reader. However the quote â€Å"sees the... carefree personality shows us how life should be lived. Arthur Miller’s views on masculinity are introduced into the character of Alfieri, through this character he reveals how he feels â€Å"it is better to settle for half.†This means settling for what is available to you having worked out a compromise. With his perception on manliness he includes Eddie, Marco and Rodolpho. These three characters portray Miller’s views on masculinity on three different levels, showing that Marco being in between Eddie and Rodolpho is the real man as he enforces violence when need be and also being in touch with his feminine side shown by his family values. Miller has Eddie killed by Marco at the end; this is a metaphor and a sign of the real man winning in his eyes and believes that living the life of Eddie will not allow you to achieve everything you ever want in life.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Reynolds and Reynolds Essay
Reynolds & Reynolds Case Study The Reynolds and Reynolds case about team selling had very many positives and few negatives, and was a very well rounded and planned way for the American Ford Dealership to improve its customer service sector. First, I wanted to point out the effectiveness of team selling that the Reynolds team did well. They had three people comprise the team, Mr. Sherman, Mr. Wiltgen, and Mr. O’Neill. Sherman would pitch the plan to the dealership and discuss the reports with them, Wiltgen was the implementation guy, meaning that he would set everything into place if and when they agreed on what plans to use, and O’Neill was the manager overseeing everything and was there for backup if needed. The three positions and roles they played stayed the same throughout the plan and they followed through with how they wanted to present. Another thing I feel was very effective was how Sherman brought to the attention of the dealership the â€Å"lost opportunities†they had and how more much profit they could have made the previous year. O’Neill confirmed these numbers, thus making a good team decision and presentation of the facts. Also, another effective point they made was bringing up the way the dealership’s competitors were doing business and what systems they were using. The one and only disadvantage I found during this team selling presentation was that Sherman took on multiple roles as the team leader and the business consultant, and the other two were basically just there on an as-needed basis. The Reynolds team also showed great execution to the client access, client education, and fulfillment perspectives. To satisfy client access, they split the client base into three categories: Actives (customers who have been in for service in the previous 6 months), Inactives, and New Customers. Splitting customers into these categories made it easy for the dealership to see who is coming in for service, who should be notified they are due for service, and those new customers they still want to target. They executed client education/ persuasion by creating the â€Å"Preferred Customer Card†program. They also did this by implementing over 100 different types of coupons that can be easily customized to each individual customer by type of car, zip code, etc. and with the service reminder program where customers would be mailed letters, coupons, and notified via phone call that they are due for service or there was a deal going on for them. Fulfillment was achieved by the dealership choosing to implement the Direct Drive program and the service reminder program ideas that the Reynolds team had presented to them, and setting up future plans between the marketing firm and the car dealership.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Banning Smoking in Public Places
Banning smoking in public places I’d like to talk about the banning smoking in public places. Generally, is known about smoking that can cause different types of cancer, yellow teeth and unpleasant smell. I think that smoking in public places represent a real problem, because smoking can lead to serious health problems for both the person who smoke and the sitting next to him. Nowadays, smoking is a leading cause of mortality in the world, but also a very profitable business for some companies.In general, when it comes to smoking, opinions are divided. While some people urge us not to smoke, others try to convince us that is not necessary to make so many problems and that smoking is not dangerous. First of all, issue of smoking in public places has become today a real reason for concern. So, governments all over the world have implemented bans of smoking in public places, to the joy of non-smokers and the dismay of those for whom a cigarette is a permanent extension of the lip s.Tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide, a gas, which, if is inhaled, can produce different types of pulmonary diseases, cancer. This action of carbon monoxide displays one great advantage of the ban on smoking in public places. People standing next to the smoker will, against their wishes, be inhaling the tobacco smoke emanating from the tip of the cigar or cigarette as well as that exhaled by the smoker. Thus, large quantities of carbon monoxide will be entering the â€Å"victim’s†blood stream, wreaking havoc with his red blood cells.Tobacco smoke has also been shown to contain certain carcinogenic compounds which have the ability to mutate the DNA of anyone who inhales them, leading to probable cancers of the lungs, mouth and throat, and also secondary cancers at other sites in the body. These effects present another case in favour of the ban on smoking in public. Unenlightened people standing next to the smoker will be increasing their risk of getting cancer tenf old. Tobacco smoke also contains nicotine, a chemical which produces the same effects as adrenaline in the body.Nicotine increases the breathing rate, heart beat and blood pressure of the person who consumes it. Increased blood pressure may lead to hardening of the arteries, a condition called atherosclerosis. Thus another advantage of the ban comes to light. Non-smokers who unwittingly inhale â€Å"second-hand†smoke are exposed to nicotine and its harmful effects. Apart from the evident medical and health advantages of the ban on smoking in the public, certain social advantages can be mentioned.It is a well-known fact that children, having impressionable minds, emulate almost everything they see their elders doing. The negative impact of seeing an adult smoking could ultimately lead these children to becoming smokers themselves. And the chances of such sighting increase manifold in public places where smoking is allowed. Countries which provide free medical aid for their ci tizens have an added advantage, a monetary one. Respiratory illnesses caused by inhaling tobacco smoke are on the rise, resulting in an increase in the amount of money spent on medical care by these countries.Most of the people suffering from these illnesses are non-smokers exposed to ‘second-hand’ smoke. By banning the smoking of any form of tobacco in public, the incidence of these illnesses is greatly decreased, thus saving millions which may be directed towards other projects. The only disadvantage of the ban that comes to mind is that the smoker finds himself unable to exercise his right to choose, his freedom as a democratic citizen, fully. It is certainly an infringement on the rights of the smoker, rights which are guaranteed to any and all citizens of a democratic country.But one feels it is unjustified. The smoker cannot and should not force his smoking upon anyone, he should care for the rights of others as well. The rights of so few cannot be given preferenc e over the rights of so many. All in all, the ban on smoking in public is a step in the right direction, towards a better future for us and the generations to come. All steps possible should be taken to discourage tobacco smoking, a potentially hazardous habit which may lead to death. We owe it to ourselves to do so. Banning Smoking in Public Places Banning smoking in public places I’d like to talk about the banning smoking in public places. Generally, is known about smoking that can cause different types of cancer, yellow teeth and unpleasant smell. I think that smoking in public places represent a real problem, because smoking can lead to serious health problems for both the person who smoke and the sitting next to him. Nowadays, smoking is a leading cause of mortality in the world, but also a very profitable business for some companies.In general, when it comes to smoking, opinions are divided. While some people urge us not to smoke, others try to convince us that is not necessary to make so many problems and that smoking is not dangerous. First of all, issue of smoking in public places has become today a real reason for concern. So, governments all over the world have implemented bans of smoking in public places, to the joy of non-smokers and the dismay of those for whom a cigarette is a permanent extension of the lip s.Tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide, a gas, which, if is inhaled, can produce different types of pulmonary diseases, cancer. This action of carbon monoxide displays one great advantage of the ban on smoking in public places. People standing next to the smoker will, against their wishes, be inhaling the tobacco smoke emanating from the tip of the cigar or cigarette as well as that exhaled by the smoker. Thus, large quantities of carbon monoxide will be entering the â€Å"victim’s†blood stream, wreaking havoc with his red blood cells.Tobacco smoke has also been shown to contain certain carcinogenic compounds which have the ability to mutate the DNA of anyone who inhales them, leading to probable cancers of the lungs, mouth and throat, and also secondary cancers at other sites in the body. These effects present another case in favour of the ban on smoking in public. Unenlightened people standing next to the smoker will be increasing their risk of getting cancer tenf old. Tobacco smoke also contains nicotine, a chemical which produces the same effects as adrenaline in the body.Nicotine increases the breathing rate, heart beat and blood pressure of the person who consumes it. Increased blood pressure may lead to hardening of the arteries, a condition called atherosclerosis. Thus another advantage of the ban comes to light. Non-smokers who unwittingly inhale â€Å"second-hand†smoke are exposed to nicotine and its harmful effects. Apart from the evident medical and health advantages of the ban on smoking in the public, certain social advantages can be mentioned.It is a well-known fact that children, having impressionable minds, emulate almost everything they see their elders doing. The negative impact of seeing an adult smoking could ultimately lead these children to becoming smokers themselves. And the chances of such sighting increase manifold in public places where smoking is allowed. Countries which provide free medical aid for their ci tizens have an added advantage, a monetary one. Respiratory illnesses caused by inhaling tobacco smoke are on the rise, resulting in an increase in the amount of money spent on medical care by these countries.Most of the people suffering from these illnesses are non-smokers exposed to ‘second-hand’ smoke. By banning the smoking of any form of tobacco in public, the incidence of these illnesses is greatly decreased, thus saving millions which may be directed towards other projects. The only disadvantage of the ban that comes to mind is that the smoker finds himself unable to exercise his right to choose, his freedom as a democratic citizen, fully. It is certainly an infringement on the rights of the smoker, rights which are guaranteed to any and all citizens of a democratic country.But one feels it is unjustified. The smoker cannot and should not force his smoking upon anyone, he should care for the rights of others as well. The rights of so few cannot be given preferenc e over the rights of so many. All in all, the ban on smoking in public is a step in the right direction, towards a better future for us and the generations to come. All steps possible should be taken to discourage tobacco smoking, a potentially hazardous habit which may lead to death. We owe it to ourselves to do so.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Biography of President Taft †History Essay
Biography of President Taft – History Essay Free Online Research Papers Biography of President Taft History Essay William Howard Taft: distinguished jurist, effective administrator, but poor politician. Taft was an intelligent student as well as a good husband and father. When William Taft became president of the United States in 1909, great things were expected from him and his cabinet. A combination of his biographical achievements, political affiliation and political achievements make William Taft one of the most remarkable U.S. presidents. Taft was born on in Cincinnati, Ohio, on September 15, 1857. His parents were Louisa (Torrey) and Alphonso Taft. Both parents were descendants of old and important New England families of British origin (American Presidents, 98). William Taft was an intelligent person. He graduate from Yale university, 1878, second in his class. After Yale he went home to attend the Cincinnati Law School and graduated from there in 1880. In 1886, Taft married Helen W. Herron, with whom he had three children: Helen, Charles Phelps and Robert Alphonso who later became U.S. senator. Helen Taft played an important role in Tafts choice of career and in his progress because she urged him to become president of the U.S. Taft represented the Republican political party. Before he became president, Taft was appointed as a Judge on the Cincinnati Superior Court. Taft was designated commissioner of the Philippines, which the United States had just acquired in the Spanish-American War. Finally, the last step before he became the twenty-seventh president of the U.S. was to serve as Secretary of War in Roosevelt’s administration. It was in 1909 when Taft became president of the U.S. â€Å"His belief was that unlike his predecessor he considered that the president must justify his actions based on specified grants in the constitution†(New Standard Encyclopedia 53). Taft’s cabinet was formed by James S. Sherman as Vice-President; Philander Knox as Secretary of State; Jacob M. Dickinson as Secretary of War; Franklin MacVeagh as Secretary of Treasury and George W. Wickersham as Attorney General. These people were an important part of Taft’s success while in office. Taft was the type of president whose interests were in the progress of the country. While William Taft was in office, the military intervened in Nicaragua and Dominican Republic. New Mexico and Arizona were admitted to the Union during Taft’s period. During his term of office, two of the biggest monopolies were broken, Standard Oil Company and the American Tobacco Company (New Standard Encyclopedia, 54). In addition, Taft was the first president to designate a woman to a major federal post. Taft was the initiator of some traditions in the country such as the presidential car and the opening of the baseball season. Taft was responsible for the creation of the Postal Saving System. Taft, who weighed over 300 pounds got stuck in the White House tub the first time he used it. William Taft, the twenty-seventh president of the United States, brought progressiveness to the country. His family’s background and his wife compelled him to become president of the United States. Even though Taft served in many offices, he gave the public an satisfactory administration, but poor show. With the implementation of new reforms Taft set the basis for a new country. The mixture of Taft’s political affiliation and political achievements along with his biographical background make him an accomplished president of the United States of America. American Presidents. Chicago: n.d. â€Å"William H. Taft†New Standard Encyclopedia vol., 17. Chicago 2003 ed. Research Papers on Biography of President Taft - History EssayNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationWhere Wild and West MeetHip-Hop is ArtAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 219 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseQuebec and CanadaBringing Democracy to AfricaAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 Europe
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
One-dimensional Characters Lack Depth and Never Grow
One-dimensional Characters Lack Depth and Never Grow In literature, as in life, people often see growth, change, and internal conflict carried out in a single character. The term one-dimensional character in a book review or story refers to a character who lacks depth and who never seems to learn or grow. When a character is one-dimensional, he or she does not demonstrate a sense of learning in the course of a story. Authors may use such a character to highlight a certain trait, and usually, it is an undesirable one. The Role of the Flat Character in a Story One-dimensional characters are also known as flat characters or characters in fictional stories that do not change much from the start of the story to the end. It is thought that these type of characters have little to no emotional depth. Their role is often to highlight the main character, and they typically hold a simple and small perspective about life or the situation in the story. Their character is often a stereotype and may simply be used as a literary device to keep the narrative moving. Examples of Popular One-dimensional Characters A one-dimensional character can be summed up in a certain trait or characteristic. In All Quiet on the Western Front, for example, Paul Bumers high school teacher, Kantorek, maintains the role of a one-dimensional character, because he maintains a sense of idealistic patriotism despite his encounters with war atrocities. Additional one-dimension characters from famous books and plays include: Benvolio from Romeo and Juliet (By William Shakespeare)Elizabeth Proctor from The Crucible (By Arthur Miller)Gertrude from Hamlet (William Shakespeare)Miss Maudie from To Kill a Mockingbird (By Harper Lee) How to Avoid Writing One-dimension Characters in a Story Characters that lack internal conflict or multiple facets to their personality are often dubbed as flat or one-dimensional characters. This is often seen as a bad thing in a story, especially for first-time writers, when all of the characters are one-dimensional. However, if there are one or two characters that are simplistic in nature for a reason, it may not be perceived as a negative trait. As long as an author uses one-dimensional characters correctly, and with deliberate intention, there is nothing wrong with it. Often, a narrative is most successful with a combination of flat and rounded characters. With that said, its important to have strong character development overall to create rounded characters that have some depth to them. This helps characters imitate being a real human being. Being able to relate to characters in this way, as a reader, makes them far more interesting and realistic. Furthermore, the complexity that a character holds reveals the challenges they go through and shows the many sides of them, which reveals what their life is truly like to readers. Tips for Creating Characters With Depth Writing better characters for fiction readers help immerse them in a narrative. Below are several tips for developing multi-faceted characters: Allow characters to hold strong opinions. Giving characters a mix of relatable features, such as positive traits, along with character flaws, like mistakes and fears, will keep them well-rounded.Share the motivations and desires of the characters through their thoughts, actions, and obstacles, such as other characters.Give some mystery to characters. Throwing too much at the reader at once is not realistic. Treat characters like a person the reader is meeting for the first time, and allow them to develop over the course of the story.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Healthcare Milestones and Benchmarks Research Paper
Healthcare Milestones and Benchmarks - Research Paper Example tient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) has been the one of the most valuable dimensions in the past decades, which has been introduced by the President of the US Barrack Obama in the year 2010. Even before that, US social legislation had passed Oregon Death with Dignity Act (ODDA) in the year 1994. Apart from these, in the year 1973, United States had developed the Health Maintenance Organisation Act (HMO), which has been implemented widely in healthcare industry till the present scenario. Besides, the United States government had passed the Social Security Act in the year 1935, which has established the principle of federal aid for the people of America. Moreover, during the World War-I in the year 1919, the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates officially convicted compulsory health insurance for the public of the United States. Besides, AMA had also restricted the involvement of third parties in between the patient and medical aspects (Sultz & Young, 2010 ). With regard to the impact of the identified milestones and benchmark events on the healthcare system, it can be apparently asserted that the benchmarking events or milestones have contributed to the development of the American healthcare industry significantly. During the year 1940, 9% of the U.S. population had health insurance, which had exceeded the figure of around 74% by the year 1986 (Sultz & Young, 2010). On the other hand, through Social Security Act, the American government has been able to address several diseases and has been capable of improving the quality of food, drugs and cosmetics for consumer protection. Furthermore, through the help of Health Maintenance Organisations the American government has been capable of promoting health and preventing illnesses. Consequently, Oregon Death with Dignity Act has allowed adult incurably ill residents of Oregon to select the path of self-administration of lethal drugs to end their own lives. Simultaneously, PPACA has
Friday, November 1, 2019
Social distance and social connectedness Term Paper
Social distance and social connectedness - Term Paper Example Both of the terms, i.e. the social distance and the social connectedness although different in meaning, are employed to discuss the level of closeness between the individual groups within the society that differ from one another on various grounds. Social interaction and dialogue between different communities gives rise to unity and strength, and promotes the prosperity and progress of the nation as a whole. The vast amount of literature developed in the area of sociology has categorized social distance into three different types, namely the affective social distance, the normative social distance and the interactive social distance. Social distance is called as affective distance when it depicts the concerns of one community towards another community when the latter experiences certain hardships in the society. On the other hand, normative distance serves to differentiate between insiders and the outsiders. â€Å"Relations between normatively close members of a group are not always warm and friendly, and normatively distant groups can sometimes be an object of reverence and love.†(Karakayali, 2009). The third type of social distance is called as the interactive social distance that is essentially a measure of the level of interaction and socialization between two parties in the society. In light of this definition, the interactive social distance is inversely proportional to th e communicative strength prevailing in a relation between the two parties. Every individual in the society builds personal boundaries around him/her and this is an intrinsic feature of human psychology. â€Å"This social distance is also known as body space and comfort zone and the use of this space is called proxemics.†(Hall, 1966). It is also essential to a certain extent in order for the individual to be educated on the necessary limits to be drawn
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