Saturday, August 31, 2019
Attila the Hun †Short Story Essay
Why were the military campaigns of Attila the Hun successful? Attila’s military success will be explained through his ability to lure the Romans into war on a pretext whenever the Romans were vulnerable. His motives behind each war was to abstract as much money from the Romans as possible. Also to be explored will be his ability to assert psychological domination over the Eastern Emperor at a time when the two Empires were at peace. Furthermore to be examined will be his ability to portray himself as diplomatic through treaties and embassy consultations between the Romans and the Huns. Also to be looked at will be how successful was Attila’s at creating and seizing opportunities This will be done by looking at Attila’s campaigns in the east and west Roman Empires. After the death of their Uncle Rua 435/6, Attila and his brother Bleda took control of the Hunnic Empire. The two brothers decided to renegotiate the relationship that existed between their Uncle Rua an d the Eastern Roman Empire based in Constantinople. The Treaty set up by Rua, stipulated that, the Romans paid him an annual subsidy of 350 lbs of gold. He also demanded fugitives who had fled to the Romans and threatened war if they were not returned. The negotiations took place near the city of Margus in 438. According to Priscus the meeting took place according to both parties’ customs. The Huns would hear what the Romans had to say while mounted on horseback while the Romans discussed the meeting on foot. The Huns dictated the new terms of the treaty, referred to as the Peace of Margus. The Huns decided the annual subsidy was to be raised to the sum of 700lbs. The treaty also fixed that for every Roman captive who had escaped from the barbarians, the Romans must pay eight pieces of gold. The treaty also predetermined that all fugitives must be returned to the Huns. Furthermore the emperor Theodosius was to relinquish any ongoing treaties with enemies of the Huns. Moreover the Huns were to conduct the way the free markets on the northern side of the Danube were controlled. Attila used the markets as a pretext to wage war on the east. The free markets were attacked by Hunnic traders in 441/2 killing Roman merchants during the raid. Theodosius complained that the Huns had violated the â€Å"Peace of Margus†. The Huns reported to the Romans that the Bishop of Margus had crossed over to their territory and robbed their royal tombs. They complained that the Romans had not honoured the Peace of Margus by refusing to return fugitives to them. Additionally, they demanded the Bishop be handed over as well. The significance of these allegations was central to the Huns plan for an attack during the campaigning season. The Romans refused both claims and war was declared. Having successfully provoked the Eastern Romans into a war had been a strategic move by the Hunnic leader. Attila knew the eastern Roman field forces were based in Sicily on a joint expedition with the Western Empire to recapture Carthage from the Vandals led by king Geseric. The North African campaign was partially why Theodosius readily agreed to the treaty of Margus. He thought it would give the east breathing space. Moreover Carthage was crucial to the Western Empire as it provided Rome with grain. Knowing that the east was vulnerable, the Huns would cause carnage throughout the Balkans. Margus was a key city that opened up the Balkans for the Hunnic invasion of the east. The Bishop of Margus defected to the Huns. In return for clemency he handed over the Episcopal city. The Huns swept through the Balkans raising cities to the ground. The key fortified city of Naissus was besieged and taken. Priscus gives an account of the siege. He states â€Å"†¦a large number of [Hunnic siege] engines had been brought up to the wall†¦the so called rams were brought up also†¦A beam is suspended by slack chains†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . However, Professor E.A Thompson disputes that the siege occurred and that Priscus borrows heavily on Thucydides’ account of the Battle at Plataea. Professor Thompson states four reasons to argue his point, among them the Huns inept ability to construct such machines and also it is unlikely that the Hunnic archers, who rarely dismounted, would on this occasion have left their horses for a totally alien form of warfare. On the other hand, they may have been quite capable of such construction for it is well documented they had enslaved many tradesmen. As for example in the bath which was made for the Hunnic noble Onegesius by a craftsman who was captured at Sirmium. Nevertheless the Huns ransacked and pillaged the Balkans taking fortified cities along the way such as Viminacium, Illy ricum and defeated the Roman army at Chersonese. According to Brian Croke, In 441 the Huns invaded Illyricum only and in 442 broke into northern Thrace . The Romans sued for peace and the Treaty of Anatolius was agreed. Attila terms demanded that the annual tribute be tripled to 2,100 pounds of gold. He also compelled the Romans to surrender all Hun deserters and to ransom their own deserters at a rate of twelve solidi each. The treaty, however, contained one provision that had no precedent. Attila forced the Romans to make an immediate payment of 6,000 pounds of gold. Attila’s plan to force a war to bring about higher subsidies had worked. He would devastate the Balkans for a second time in 447 when he came looking for subsidies that were in arrears. When Atillas second campaign of the Balkans began in 447 he was sole leader of the Huns after having his brother Bleda killed in 445/6. A year later an embassy was sent by Attila to the Imperial court to address the issue of arrears and fugitives. The Romans were now feeling in a stronger position. They had introduced a new law in 443 which insured Military readiness for the Eastern Field forces. They had been strengthened by a recruitment of a large number of Isaurians – traditionally bandits- from the highlands of Cilicia in south-west Asia Minor. Moreover the Eastern army had been forced to return from Sicily after Attila’s first campaign. Attila turned as far south to Thermopylae and then west, ransacking Marcianople, Arcadiopolis, and Callipolis. An earthquake at Constantinople had occurred, Attila decided to turn back. The Imperial City was heavily fortified with triple walls that had been repaired hastily after the earthquake. The legislated Military Readiness law was of little use to the Romans as Attila wreaked havoc on an unprecedented scale. The results were the same as the first campaign, the Romans sued for peace and the second treaty of Anatolius was agreed. More subsides was agreed and a large track of land to act as a buffer zone between the Huns and the Romans was approved. Attila had succeeded at luring the Eastern Empire into war on a pretext to extort more subsidies. He was also adept at asserting his psychological domination, by humiliating the Eastern Emperor Theodosius at Constantinople. Theodosius was humiliated in 449 when his Eunuch Chrysaphius hatched a plot to assassinate Attila. The Plot was unbeknown to the Roman ambassador Maximinus, and his escort Priscus. They were sent to Attila’s camp to discuss issues in the treaty such as the ongoing fugitives case and the issue of the land used as a buffer zone. To give a picture of the devastation Attila caused in the Balkans. Prisucus relates how when travelling to Attila’s court in 449 they stopped at Naissus to pitch tent, he states how the pl ace was littered with bones from Attila’s first campaign. Attila’s refusal to meet the missionaries irritated Maximinus and Priscus. He ordered them to leave then ordered them to stay. Maximinus and Priscus were at a loss to Attila’s behaviour. Maximinus was frustrated and urged Priscus to arrange a meeting with Attila. Priscus succeeded by offering gifts to Onegesius’ brother Scottas to secure them a meeting with Attila. The two missionaries were shocked when it was revealed to them by Attila’s men the purpose of their mission. After nothing left to stay for they departed home despaired. They met their interpreter Bigilas travelling back to Attila’s court whom he had dismissed earlier. When they had initially left Constantinople, Chrysaphius had persuaded Edeco to kill Attila. Edeco had arrived in Constantinople the previous spring as a Hunnic ambassador and was now returning to Attila’s camp along with Maximinus and Priscus. Edeco a faithful and trustful servant to Attila had revealed the details at once. When Bigilas arrived he was immediately set upon by Attila’s men a nd a bag with 50lbs of gold was found in his possession. It was the reward money to Edeco if he had succeeded in killing Attila. Bigilas’ son was threatened with death if he did not come back with another 50lbs of gold. Attila sent his Roman secretary Orestes as a Hunnic ambassador to Constantinople with the empty bag around his neck. His instructions were to ask Theodosius if he recognised the bag. Priscus gives a clear account of the humiliation when he states â€Å"Eslas was to say directly that Theodosius was the son of a nobly born father, and Attila too was off noble descent†¦whereas Attila had preserved his noble linage, Theodosius had fallen from his and was Attila’s slave bound to the payment of tribute†. Attila had succeeded at psychologically humiliating Theodosius. Furthermore, as the interpreter returned with the 50lb of gold to free his son, Attila had gained more subsidies in the form of 100lbs gold even though the two sides were at peace. Priscus observed an interesting point at Attila’s cou rt. He noticed Attila was asking western ambassadors to hand over a silver plate dealer who resided in Rome, named Silvanus. Attila claimed Silvanus had stolen gold vessels from him. Silvanus maintained he had bought the vessels from Attila’s secretary Constantius. Attila had Constantius crucified and called for the surrender of the Silvanus. The Roman General Aetius refused Attila’s demand. Aetius declared that Silvanus was Constantius’ creditor, despite the fact that he did offer to pay for the price of the vessels he would not hand over the innocent Silvanus. Attila had got his pretext to wage war in the west. Moreover in c.450 a Frankish succession crisis brought about a situation where one claimant appealed to the Huns and the other to the Vatican. In 451 Attila left the Hungarian plains and turned westwards to Gaul. The Hunnic invasion of Gaul was accompanied by allies such as the Rugian, Gepid, Burgundian, Scirian, Thuringian and Franks. They initially swept away defenceless cities such as Metz and Constantine’s’ old Imperial city at Trier. At the city of Orleans they met heavy resistance from the Alans who were in the service of the Romans. Aetius and Theodoric along with several other mercenary tribes manage to lure Attila away from Orleans. The following month was the Battle of Chalons on the Catalaunian fields. The battle of Catulaunian Fields is regarded as one of the decisive battles of the western world. Attila’s army was defeated by Aetius who represented the incapable Western Emperor Valentinian. Both sides suffered heavy losses, the Gothic king Theodoric had been killed in the battle. Aetius advised Theodoric’s’ son Thorismud to return home to defend his claim to the throne, as a result disabling Aetius’ pursuit of the battle against the Hunnic alliance. Attila retreated back to the Hungarian plains to plan his next move. Within a year the Huns were on the move again. The Western Emperor Valentinian’ sister Honoria had been caught having an affair and was bethrothed to another man named Herculanus. She sent her eunuch Hyacinthus to Attila before he entered Gaul offering herself as his wife and half the western Empire as her dowry. She had sent her ring as proof of her commitment. Attila waged war on Italy in 452 on the pretext he was entitled to half the Western Empire. Attila pillaged the wealthiest cities in northern Italy most notably Aquileia and Milan. When he was marching towards Rome papal legend claims Pope Leo persuaded him to abandon his plan and not to attack Rome. More practical issues would be his incompetence in preparing a supply line of food for his huge army. It could also be said the army was suffering from breakouts of various diseases. Furthermore an Eastern Roman General also named Aetius had invaded Attila’s kingdom. Nonetheless, Attila decided to return home to his vast Empire north of the Danube where he died the following year on his wedding night. The Huns had been inadvertently responsible for creating the instability the Western Empire now faced. Attila’s predecessors had forced, Germanic, Alans, Suevi and other tribes into the Empire for sanctuary. In 376 the Romans were beseeched by Goths north of the Danube to be admitted into the Empire who had been retreating under Hunnic Pressure. They had been driven from their lands by the Huns and were now crossing the Danube to reach the Empire. When the Goths were admitted into the Empire during the late fourth century, the authorities gave them food and land to cultivate. The Eastern Emperor Valens viewed them as foedearti and more taxes; this would benefit the army and treasury alike. Moreover the rich landowners would benefit from their labourer. Too many refugees came across for the Romans to count, but it may possibly have been in the tens or hundreds of thousands. Many were dispersed to whether they were needed to stop them becoming a threat to the Empire. The displacement of the Goths by the Huns and acceptance by Emperor Valens is often viewed as the beginning of the end for the Western Roman Empire. The invitation quickly turned to attempted invasion when the Romans in the east suffered their worst defeat in 600 years at the battle of Adrianople in 378. The Goths led by king Fritergen killed the emperor Valens; not until the ninth century would another emperor die in battle. They slaughtered two thirds of the Eastern Roman army. It was a self inflicted wound, near crippling the east. If the Goths had been treated better in the east, they may have helped the Romans face the Hunnic hordes already closing in from the Steppes. Furthermore slightly more than three decades later the Visigoths led by Alaric would sack Rome in 410. These two conquests in the east and west is evident the once mighty Roman Empires glory days were almost at an end. By the time the Huns had turned west from the Hungarian plains into Gaul, the west was already a weakened Empire through lose of land, taxes and military power. By the time of Attila’s arrival the Western Empire was dominated by barbarian tribes. Germanic forces had fought and weakened the empire in northern Gaul. Consequently it seems to have become a patchwork of territories ruled by unrecognised chiefs, leaders whose authority was based upon Roman titles, and barbarian warlords. The tribes were dominant enough to conduct their own foreign policy and more importantly, alliances, without Roman approval. For example Theodoric married his one of his daughters to the heir of the Vandal throne and another to the Suevic king. In Gaul 406, 408, and 411, the Romans had fought among themselves and suffered heavy losses. Supported by the Huns in 425 they suffered further losses at the hands of the Vandals. In 439 Aetius was fighting the Goths in Gaul in and restoring order against local rebels named by Romans as Bagaudae at Aremorica. Geseric took advantage and took Carthage by surprise. Due to the manpower crisis the Empire could not afford to fight on two fronts. To protect Carthage, Aetius had to make peace with the Gothic king Theodoric to free himself in order to fight the Vandals. Aetius had increasingly become heavily depended upon recruiting barbarian allies outside the Empire.. Attila made unsuccessful attempts to extract wealth from the west. Attila’s campaigns can be measured as successful through his tactics, his ability to lure the Romans into war on a pretext. He tended to act diplomatic by negotiating treaties then he would dishonour his own treaty and blame the Romans, Attila repeatedly used the issue â€Å"fugitives†as a case to wage war. Attila’s success can be measured on his achievements through the raising of subsides with each treaty. Attila achieved what he had set out to do from the start and that was to get as much money from the Romans as possible. Attila never wanted to conquer Constantinople or Rome. He wanted to extract as much subsides as he could. The Eastern Empire collected taxes from Egypt to Asia Minor and the Huns had no navy to uphold this lucrative adventure. It was easier for them to collect of the Romans. His successful campaigns were planned strategically. His campaigns can be measured by breaking up an important joint East-West enterprise to save Carthage. This is also the case in the west. He knew it was in a factional position and politically unstable. It was an opportunity Attila Seized upon. Attila campaigns were thought out in advance and sometimes long before the enemy realised. Attila could also be tactful; evident to this was shown hen Attila humiliated Theodosius. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. W. Bayless, The Treaty with the Huns of 443. in The American Journal of Philology, Vol. XCV11, No. 2 (1976), p.178 [ 2 ]. W. Bayless, The Treaty with the Huns of 443., p.177 [ 3 ]. P. Heather, The fall of the Roman Empire: A new history of Rome and the barbarians (USA, 2006), p.301 [ 4 ]. E. Gibbon, (2012-05-12). History of the Decline and fall of the Roman Empire – Volume 3 (Kindle Locations 3917-3922). . Kindle Edition. [ 5 ]. P. Heather, The fall of the Roman Empire, p.301 [ 6 ]. W. Bayless, The Treaty with the Huns of 443., p.177 [ 7 ]. E. Gibbon, (2012-05-12). History of the Decline and fall of the Roman Empire – Volume 3 (Kindle Locations 3998-4001). . Kindle Edition. [ 8 ]. W. Bayless, The Treaty with the Huns of 443, p.178 [ 9 ]. P. Heather, The fall of the Roman Empire, p.302 [ 10 ]. R. Blockley, â€Å"Dexippus and Priscus and the Thucydidean account of the siege of Plataea†. in Phoenix, Vol. XXV1, No. 1 (1972), p.25 [ 11 ]. R. Blockley, â€Å"Dexippus and Priscus and the Thucydidean account of the siege of Plataea†, p.25 [ 12 ]. W. Bayless, The Treaty with the Huns of 443., pp. 176-179 [ 13 ]. B.Croke, The Context and Date of Priscus Fragment 6. Classical Philology, Vol. 78, No. 4 (Oct., 1983), pp. 297-308 [ 14 ]. W. Bayless, The Treaty with the Huns of 443., pp. 176-179 [ 15 ]. P. Heather, The fall of the Roman Empire, p.302 [ 16 ]. P. Heather, The fall of the Roman Empire, p.302 [ 17 ]. Medieval Sourcebook, â€Å"Priscus at the court of Attila†( (30 Nov. 2012) [ 18 ]. Medieval Sourcebook, â€Å"Priscus at the court of Attila†( (30 Nov. 2012) [ 19 ]. P. Heather, The fall of the Roman Empire, p.324 [ 20 ]. Medieval Sourcebook, â€Å"Priscus at the court of Attila†( (30 Nov. 2012) [ 21 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West 376-568 (UK, 2007), p.250 [ 22 ]. P. Heather, The fall of the Roman Empire, p.324 [ 23 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West, p.253 [ 24 ]. E.A. Thompson, Romans and Barbarians, p.16 [ 25 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West, p.252 [ 26 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West, p.252 [ 27 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West 376-568, p.254 [ 28 ]. P. Heather. The Huns and the End of the Roman Empire in The English Historical Review, Vol. 110, No. 435 (Feb., 1995), p.11 [ 29 ]. J. Moorhead, The Roman Empire divided 400-700 (UK, 2001), p12 [ 30 ]. E.A. Thompson, Romans and Barbarians: The decline of the Western Empire (USA, 1982), p.16 [ 31 ]. J. Moorhead, The Roman Empire divided, p.12 [ 32 ]. J. Moorhead, The Roman Empire divided, p.62 [ 33 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West, p.243 [ 34 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West, p.247 [ 35 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West, p.245 [ 36 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West, p.254 [ 37 ]. J. Moorhead, The Roman Empire divided, p.53
Friday, August 30, 2019
Capital One Case Study Essay
In consumer lending, every product is evolving in the same direction as credit cards-toward large, national-scale consolidators replacing local, face-to-face lending. That evolution has happened in credit cards. It’s well under way in auto finance, mortgages, and home equity. Its coming more slowly in installment lending. So consumer lending, a major part of the asset side of banking, is all flowing toward national consolidators like Capital One. -RICHARD D. FAIRBANK, CEO AND CHAIRMAN, CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORPORATION’ United Kingdom, the Hfs Group, to strengthen its Global Financial services (GFS) subsidiary in the British market. As of April 2005, it possessed sufficient liquidity ($21 billion) and capital ($9.2 billion)4 to enable its famous brand to expand into new markets and seize the right opportunities for profitable growth. Although the company’s acquisition of Hibernia in March 2005 provided it an opportunity to enter the fast-developing Texas markets of Houston and Dallas, it might face stiff competition from other large credit companies, such as Citigroup and J.P. Morgan. Capital One Financial Corporation is a diversified bank holding company, with a 2005 market value of $18.92 billion. It provides a gamut of financial services through its main subsidiaries-Capital One Bank, Capital One FS.B. (which offers consumer and commercial lending and consumer deposit products), and Capital One Auto Finance Inc (COAF). From a small local bankcard issuer in 1995, the company has transformed itself into one of the largest financial institutions in the United States by continually introducing a steady stream of products. It features one of the most recognized brands in the industry, which it leverages along with its strategies of direct marketing, risk analysis, and information technology to grow and diversify into other businesses. Ranked 206th in the Fortune 500 list in 2005,2 the company has been gradually transforming itself from a credit card company to an institution that provides banking and other financial services to consumers. By January 2005, it was the 31st largest deposit institution in the United States with $25.6 billion3 in interest-bearing deposits. Capital One has been on the path of diversification from the late 1990s and has made three acquisitions between 2004 and 2005: Onyx Acceptance Corporation, eSmartloan, and Hibernia National Bank. It has also acquired a home equity brokerage company in the Capital One is the fifth largest credit card provider in the United States5 and one of the largest issuers of MasterCard and Visa credit cards. It was founded as a wholly owned subsidiary of Virginia-based Signet Bank when Richard D. Fairbank, CEO and chairman of Capital One, was invited by the bank to head its bankcard division. It began its operations in 1953, the same year MasterCard International was formed. Fairbank and the former vice chairman of Capital One, Nigel Morris, realized that traditional banks offered loans without focusing on the customers-like analyzing their risk characteristics. They decided that by using technology and data mining techniques in the decision- making process of providing credit, the bank could charge the appropriate interest rates more accurately and earn greater profits. In 1994, Capital One was spun off from Signet as a public credit card company and established itself in McLean, Virginia. It had an initial public offering of 7,125,000 shares of common stock in the United States and Canada, at a price of $16 per share,6 which was managed by J.P. Morgan Securities Ine., Goldman, Sachs & Co. and Barney Ine. It is a part of the S&P 500 index, and also trades on the New York Stock Exchange with the symbol COF ~ This case was written by Susmita Nandi, under the direction of Sumit Kumar Chaudhuri, ICFAI Business School Case Development Centre. It is intended to be :;: used as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was compiled from 25 published sources.  © 2005, ICFAI Business School Case Development Centre. No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced, or  © distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner. Between 1994 and 2004, the company grew at an annual compound rate of 29 percent/ both in terms of its EPS and the number of customers. In 2004, its earnings were $1.5 billion, and the EPS was at $6.21.8 At the end of 2004, the company and its subsidiaries held 48.6 million accounts and $79.9 billion9 in managed loans outstanding, which grew by 12 percent ($8.6 billion) over the previous year (see Exhibit 1). It had 17,760 employees in March 2005. The bank offers 7,00010variations of its MasterCard and Visa cards, each one is customized to appeal to different customer preferences and needs by combining product features such as different backgrounds and colors, along with varied annual percentage rates, credit limits, fees, and rewards programs. Capital One’s pricing strategy is based on the risk level of its customers. It offers platinum and gold cards to its preferred customers with excellent credit history and a wide range of secured and unsecured cards to customers with limited or poor credit history. The company also provides a range of consumer products like auto finanCing, mortgage services, credit insurance, and home-equity loans. Customizations of credit cards at Capital One are made with the support of its Information-Based Strategy (IBS), which uses sophisticated data-mining techniques to match its credit cards (its combination of interest rates, fees, rewards, and other conditions) with targeted customers based on their credit scores, credit uses, and other parameters. IBS is the fusion of one of the world’s largest databases, information systems, a well-trained team of analysts and statisticians, and advanced scoring models. The company’s decision-making process is made efficient by bringing together marketing, credit, risk, and information technology. It selects its most profitable customers and the appropriate rate by using the rigorous testing of econometric and time series models. The credit ratings of customers is based on the Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) scores, which are used to predict payment risk by looking at several variables, including credit history. The IBS system uses FICO scores to divide its customers into three groups of super-prime (with excellent credit history), prime (average credit history), and sub-prime (with poor or very little credit history). Through the use of IBS, the company has been able to locate a group of students who were not included in the mailing lists of other credit card companies because these students, mostly unemployed and little or no credit histories, were considered high risk. Capital One’s strategy of sending credit card applications, which were tailored to the needs of these students, proved effective, as 70 percent of the applications were filled and mailed back, thus creating a new market for the company. IBS has also helped Capital One avoid customers who do not pay interest charges on loans. The charge-off rate (for bad debt) of Capital One is the industry’s lowest, and for 2004 was at 4.37 percent, compared to 5.32 percent in the previous year. Capital One’s GFS segment offers a portfolio of diverse products to both domestic and international consumers. In the domestic market, the GFS segment includes installment lending, health care finance, mortgage lending services, and small business lending services. GFS has been on a growth curve and in 2004, it accounted for 27 percent of Capital One’s total managed loans, which are comprised of reported loans and off-balance sheet securitized loans. It also accounts for 14 percent of its earnings. Its international portfolio primarily consists of credit card business in the United Kingdom and Canada, valued at $8.2 billion and $2.4 billion,12 respectively. Capital One is the United Kingdom’s seventh largest credit card issuer, and among the top ten of the same in Canada. In January 2005, the company completed the formalities to acquire a British equity brokerage firm called Hfs Group to strengthen its position in the United Kingdom. Although Capital One had hold ings in France and South Africa, it exited these markets due to lack of growth opportunities. Capital One generated strong earnings and loan growth again in 2004, as it has each year since its initial public offering ten years ago. The company is well positioned for continued success in 2005 in both our Us. credit card and our growing and profitable diversification businesses. -RICHARD D. FAIRBANK, CHAIRMAN CAPITAL AND CEO, CORPORATION†ONE FINANCIAL Capital One grew at 30 percent14 (see Exhibit 2, on page 68) between 1994 and 2004 by issuing credit cards at attractive interest rates. Most of its business is conducted via direct mail (junk-mail solicitations), although it also markets its products through television and Internet (http://www It expanded its credit card operations in Canada, Europe, and South Africa in the late 1990s. At the same time, the company also made strategic moves toward diversifying its portfolio by entering into financing of automobiles and other motor vehicles, mortgage and home equity loans, insurance, and other consumer lending products. Although 60 percent of its total managed loans is in its credit cards business (see Exhibit 3, on page 68), the company is gradually increasing its operations in other business segments. In 1998, Capital One bought Amerifee, a company that provided financing for elective surgeries such as orthodontic, vision, and cosmetic procedures. It became a wholly owned subsidiary of Capital One in May 2001. Amerifee is a market leader known for introducing Orthodontists Fee and Dental Fee plans in 1993 and 1998, respectively. These fee plans are the largest patient payment plans in (dollars in millions, except per-share data) Reproductive Endocrinologists and infertility clinics. IS The subsidiary formally became Capital One Healthcare Finance in April 2005. Capital One soon realized that the auto financing market is double that of the credit card market, and therefore it has a strong growth potential in that segment. This market is highly fragmented and no company holds more than 20 percent16 of the market share. It provided an opportunity to Capital One Auto Finance Ine. (COAF) to introduce innovative offers and increase its market share. COAF added $163.8 millionl? to the company’s earnings in 2004, and has continued to be on a high growth curve. To strengthen its market position in the automobile finance segment, the company acquired ONYXAcceptance Corporation (Onyx) for $191 millionl8 (in an all cash transaction) on January 11, 2005. It also acquired InsLogic, an insurance brokerage firm, from Onyx’s management team. The purchase strengthened the Auto Finance subsidiary of Capital One and enhanced its dealer relationships, coastto-coast market penetration in the United States, and its product line among the prime borrowers. Onyx is based in Foothills, California, and provides automobile loans to certain independent and franchise dealerships all over the United States. Onyx claims to have purchased and securitized $10 billionl9 in auto loans since its inception in 1993, and will add 12,000 new dealerships to Capital One’s list. According to David R. Lawson, Capital One’s executive vice president, and president of COAF, â€Å"This transaction combines two strong franchises with complementary strengths. Onyx’s significant and long-standing presence with California dealerships coupled with its strong prime product offering fills out both COAF’s product line and geographic footprint. Together, we expect to realize significant revenue and cost synergies:’20 This acquisition may make COAF the second largest auto lender in the United States. COAF has announced that it has raised its car loan limit to $100,00021 (previously $75,000) for direct-toconsumer vehicle loans that have originated from its Web site ( in February 2005. This move was made in response to the growing demand for luxury cars such as Corvette by Chevrolet, so that the company can get more business from this customer segment. This extension is limited to only those with excellent credit histories (super-prime customers). The vice president of COAF, Brian Reed, said, â€Å"Car buyers have more choices than ever today at the higher end of the car spectrum, so weà ¢â‚¬â„¢ve adjusted our limit to offer consumers greater flexibilit/’22 The competitive advantage of COAF is that the loan process takes place on the Internet and requires no legacy fees. Also, its IBS system allows it to charge varying interest rates depending on the customer’s risk levels. In February 2005, Capital One purchased eSmartloans .com for $155 million,23 one of the largest online providers of home equity loans mortgages in the United States. Headquartered in Overland Park, Kansas, the company offers a variety of products that are marketed and delivered directly to homeowners. The purchase is meant to broaden Capital One’s offering of consumer loans and deepen its position in the growing US. home equity market. Larry Klane, Capital One’s executive vice president of Global Financial Services, said, â€Å"eSmartloan has succeeded in building a scalable technology platform, a highly skilled sales team, and an outstanding reputation for customer service and speed to close. By combining these strengths with Capital One’s powerful national brand, access to 47 million accounts, and expertise in direct marketing, we will enhance the growth of our home equity lending business:’24 In early March 2005, Capital One announced its decision to purchase Hibernia National Bank. Hibernia is the largest bank in Louisiana,2s with 316 branches in Louisiana and Texas, and $17.4 billion26 in deposits. It provides a wide assortment of financial products and services through its banking and non-banking subsidiaries that ranges from deposit products, small business, commercial, mortgage, private and international banking, to trust and investment management, brokerage, investment banking, and insurance. Capital One paid a 24 percent premium over Hibernia’s closing stock price of $26.57 as on March 4, or $33 per share,27and a total of$5.3 billion for the purchase. The merger is expected to cost $175 million in restructuring expenses and result in near-term synergies of$135 million.28 According to Fairbank, â€Å"This acquisition is a natural extension of the diversification strategy we have been pursuing for some time. The transaction brings together two financial companies with complementary strengths and represents a compelling long-term value proposition for shareholders of both companies. Hibernia’s leading market share in Louisiana and its promising Texas branch expansion create not only a solid growth platform as we continue to expand, but also an additional source oflower cost funding. Additionally, we believe our national brand, 48 million accounts, broad product offerings, asset generation capabilities, and market expertise will drive profitable growth in branch banking:’ 29 Capital One wanted to purchase a commercial bank with a strong management team and a large local market share. Hibernia has both these qualities as well as the potential to expand extensively into Texas markets. Currently it has only 109 branches in Texas, but the cities of Dallas and Houston are number 2 and 3 in terms of fastest growing markets in the metro cities, a seemingly untapped potential for capturing market share in that region.30 The main advantage of purchasing Hibernia is that Capital One gains access to a lower cost of funding at 1.38 percent against a rate of 4.24 percent.3l One third of Capital One’s funding is obtained from the deposits in its fully owned Internet bank at 4 percent, which is higher than that paid by any of its rivals. The rest of it comes from securitization, which is risky as well as costlier than its other avenues of sourcing funds. It can increase ratio of funding from deposits from the previous 30 percent to 40 percent,32 to support its lending operations in the areas of credit cards, auto finance and mortgages. Acquiring Hibernia is also expected to increase its profit margins due to decreased interest expenses and bring stability to its businesses of consumer lending and other financial products. It now has the ability to use Hibernia’s brick -and- mortar branches as a launching pad to market its range of offerings in combination with its IBS techniques. The deal also provides Capital One with the opportunity to enter the debit -card market and also introduce its own home equity credit line. Early in the twenty-first century, the US. credit card industry witnessed a high level of competition and was also going through a phase of consolidation. For example, J.P. Morgan merged with Chase in 2000, and the combined group merged with Bank One in July 2004 to form the second largest US. bank holding company with a combined asset base of $1 trillion33 and 19.1 percent of the total credit card market share. The US. consumer debt amount of $2.1 trillion (Federal Reserve Bank data) in January 2005 was mostly due to the top ten credit card companies, which held 85 percent of the market share.34 Market share of Capital One in the credit card segment fell from 7.2 percent in 200Ys to 6.8 percent (see Exhibit 4) in 2004. Capital One was left with no innovative ideas such as being the first bank to offer automatic balance transfers, which could grab business from other banks. The rise in personal bankruptcies and the economic recession between 2001 and 2004, coupled with the saturation of the credit card market diminished growth opportunities for Capital One in that market. This necessitated its diversification into other consumer lending operations through different distribution channels such as Hibernia. Capital One has been bombarding the Internet, radio, and television with its advertisement, â€Å"What’s in your wallet?†with one of the versions featuring the famous Hollywood comedian David Spade (Appendix 1). It spent $285 million on advertisements, a total marketing expense of $1.3 billion36 in 2004 and $5.4 million in January 2005,37 which was more than competitors such as American Express. In a consumer survey conducted by USA Today’s weekly poll, 30 percent of the people â€Å"disliked†the advertisement, while 12 percent liked it â€Å"a lot;’ suggesting that it did not receive the popularity it wanted. It was opined that the advertisement expense has been eating into Capital One’s profits. Another potential hurdle for Capital One is its potentially risky source of funding from securitization. It pools together the loans it originates and invests pieces from that collection in different securities. Because the investment is dependent on the stock market price fluctuations, this source of funding involves a great deal of uncertainty and risks of monetary loss. It has also amassed a large portfolio of sub-prime customers as it relies on its IBS system to guide it toward greater profit margins (related to greater risk), without incurring heavy losses. Due to federal regulations and a great many of its customers defaulting on their loans, Capital One had to shift away from subprime to a greater proportion of prime and super-prime customers. This change led to smaller margins as the company offered an introductory rate of 9.9 percent to its super-prime customers vis-a-vis a rate of25.9 percent3s charged to sub-prime customers who are associated with high probability of delinquency. In July 2002, the company disclosed its decision to tighten controls over its loan disbursements (mainly to sub-prime lenders) to meet the banking regulators’ demands, leading to a 40 percent decline39 in its shares in one day (Appendix 2). Management of Hibernia’s branch banking and its non-consumer lending operations, after the merger is complete, might pose a challenge for Capital One because it lacks experience in those fields. The non-consumer lending portfolio consists of commercial and industrial loans (C&I) and commercial real-estate (CRE) loans. Hibernia’s combined portfolio of C&I and CRE is worth $4 billion,40 and its small business portfolio is valued at $3.2 billion. The challenge will be to efficiently integrate Hibernia into its system and strategy, which includes incorporation of its retail branch banking, and review of its business and asset integration plans. For the short term, it might need to rely on Hibernia’s management team in making any strategic decisions. Part of the strategic long-term vision, as announced by the company is to expand further into the state of Texas, especially in Dallas and Houston, and establish new branches there. In expanding in that direction, Capital One is likely to face stiff competition from several major players in the credit card and banking industry such as JP Morgan, Citigroup, Bank of America, and American Express. It may be difficult for Capital One to steal any business away from these giants, even with its innovative ideas and products, because the bigger players have strong presence in that region. Analyst and credit rating agencies like Fitch have warned that Capital One’s growth depends on its ability to aggreSSively defend and maintain market positions in the states of Louisiana and Texas. Fairbanks said, â€Å"We’re well positioned to continue our profitable growth. Financially, we’ve never been stronger. Our flagship credit card business is thriving. We’re successfully taking IBS, the strategy that made Capital One a winner in credit cards and auto finance, to new businesses. And, we have a powerful brand and huge customer base to fuel our growth and diversification. Our people have pulled together to make Capital One the strong, diversified company it is today. And I am confident that they will sustain our momentum as we enter our second decade as a public company: M. McNamee, 2005, Capital One’s concrete step, http://www, March 11. Ibid. N. Slaughter, 2005, Capital One shells out http://wwwfoolcom, March 7 1994, Capital One financial corporation completes initial public offering, Ibid. 2005, Capital One to acquire Hibernia Corporation for $5.3 billion in stock and cash,, March 6. M. McNamee, 1999, Capital One: Isn’t there more to life than plastic?† Ibid. 2005, A capital idea, http://wwweconomist.eom, Ibid. Ibid. 2005, Capital One announces new online auto loan limit of $100,000, February 25. Ibid. March 10. November 22. November 15. . Louisiana is one of the southern-most located between Texas and Mississippi. A capital idea, op. cil. states in the U.S. and is 2005, Capital One buying Hibernia for $5.3B, http://wwwcnnmoney. com, March 7 Capital One to acquire Hibernia Corporation for $5.3 billion in stock and cash, op. cil. Capital One’s concrete step, op. cil. A capital idea, op. cil. Ibid. 1 Locke, 2005, Bank One, JPMorgan merger ups the ante in Colorado banking game, A capital idea, op. cil. March 25 K. Maguire, 2005, Capital One rolls with the punches,, March 21 M. McCarthy, 2005, Capital One’s ‘What’s in your wallet?’ ads filling airwaves, March 13. S. Maranjian, 2005, How to owe $40,000 by doing nothing, http://wwwfoolcom, February 11. R. Barker, 2003, Who’s minding the store at Capital One? March 24. 2005, Fitch places Capital One on rating watch positive; Hibernia on watch negative, March 7
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Management Styles in the Workplace
Title: Management Styles in the Workplace Purpose Statement: My purpose today is to inform you on four different management styles in the workplace. Thesis Statement: It is important for managers to understand their management style when certain situations arise in the work place, by knowing your management style you will become a better leader. Introduction: Have you ever been told, â€Å"Do it this way or don’t do it at all? †if so do you know what type of leadership or management style this. Well today, I’m going to inform you about four different type of management styles; democratic, autocratic, paternalistic, and laissez-faire.Also, I am going to explain the advantages and disadvantages of each management style. Main Point 1: Democratic Management Style A. What is it? a. According to Building a Management Style, Democratic management builds commitment among employees in order to generate new ideas. It is one that seeks input from all employees and allows t he staff to use their own work methods, to get the task done in a timely matter. The Democratic Management Style is similar to the participatory leadership style because it produces moderate task efficiency but high satisfaction, according to the textbook.These two types of management style result in a transformational leadership approach according to the publication by Larry Thompson. This approach results in staff empowerment by making the staff or team feel that they are part of the decision making process, which will motivate your team and generate new ideas. B. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages a. Advantages: i. It is people centered ii. Encourages others to share ideas iii. Tolerating alternative views (understanding at there is more than one way of accomplishing the goal) b. Disadvantages: i.The manager could be taken advantage of due to employees not working to their full potential. ii. Moderate task efficiency iii. Slow down decision making process Main Point 2: Aut ocratic Management Style A. What is it? a. According to Building a Management Style autocratic managers do a complete 180 has far as treating his/Her staff. The book states this type of manager is single-minded about getting long-term results, and help from others. b. Autocratic management style is very similar to high directive leadership style studied in the textbook, such as; productivity is high, with little concern for people and their satisfaction level.The autocratic management style only offers one-way communication, and that is through the leader. This type of management style falls into the transactional theory according to the publication by Larry Thompson. B. What are the Advantages and the Disadvantages? a. Advantages: i. Although this type of management style seems pretty forceful there are many advantages. According to Managementstyle. org a few of the advantages are: 1. Instructions are forceful, 2. can make fast decisions, 3. less unexpected side track situations du e to lack of communication. b.Disadvantages: i. With such a Hitler style management approach there will disadvantages to using the autocratic management style, according to Managementstyle. org, such as: 1. The staff may feel useless as they are not consulted 2. Input from the staff is not allowed 3. Staff waiting on instructions (will cause delays) Main Point 3: Paternalistic Management Style A. What is it? a. According to learningmanagement2. com the paternalistic management style is combination of both democratic and autocratic management styles.Paternalistic managers will ask for the staff views and opinions, which allows them to feel involved, but in the end the manager will make the finial decision. b. According to Dr. Daniel Theyagu, who is a corporate trainer and seminar leader, suggest that by using the paternalistic management style approach, the leader will learn to move away from delegation to empowerment. i. Dr. Daniel Theyagu suggests leaders should stay involved with the development of their staff, so that the manager can be aware of his/her staff’s needs. ii.It is important for constant communication, to clear up any uncertainty among the staff and make sure everyone is on the same level for common values and goal of the project or task. iii. Dr. Daniel Theyagu also believes that when people feel involved they are more likely to ‘â€Å"buy in’ the visions and values of the leader. †Main Point 4: Laissez Faire Management Style: A. What is it? a. Laissez Faire Management style is also known as negligent leadership style in the textbook. According to the business dictionary website, laissez-faire management styles is a non-authoritarian approach to management.This type of manager feels that or â€Å"believes that people will excel when they are left alone to respond to their responsibilities and obligations in their own ways. B. What are the advantages and disadvantages? a. Advantages: According to about. com this type of management can be very effect if: i. When leaders are still there for consultation and feedback ii. Members are able to work alone and still be motivated iii. If Members are highly skilled, they do not need to wait on management to tell them how to complete the task. b.Disadvantages: In most cases the disadvantages out way the advantages because i. The lack of guidance may leave the staff feeling neglected. ii. According to the textbook, leader take no part in the decision-making process and offers little advice or direction. Conclusion: We are all managers of your own lives, but one day we will be leaders of others. Democratic management style allows others to take part in the decision-making process. Autocratic management style leaders make decisions without regards to others. Paternalistic allows for others input, but the decision is still up to the leader.Laissez-faire management style is a more hands off approach, and this type of leader style is not recommended for most si tuations. Knowing what the different types of management styles are, and what they mean, this can be an informative advantage to maybe using certain management styles in certain citations. References Autocratic,Paternalistic, Democratic, Laissez faire and Unorthodox management styles Laissez faire management style  » Tag Archive  » Business tips – BSMR. COM . (2011, October 8). Business tips – BSMR. COM  » Tips and advice about business . Retrieved February 23, 2012, from http://www. smr. com/tag/laissez-faire-management-style/ Matlwa, M.. (2009, May). Building a management style. Accountancy SA,18-19. Retrieved February 28, 2012, from Accounting & Tax Periodicals. (Document ID: 1748263211). Management Styles. (n. d. ). Welcome to Learn Management 2. com. Learn about management here. Free management lessons and revision notes.. Retrieved February 23, 2012, from http://www. learnmanagement2. com/leadership%20styles. htm Autocratic Management Style. (n. d. ). Management Style. Retrieved February 24, 2012, from http://managementstyle. org/autocratic-management-style. hp/ Dodd, C. H. (2012). Managing business and professional communication (3rd ed. ). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. The Democratic Leadership Style. (n. d. ). Leadership Toolbox: Your Source for Leadership Development Resources. Retrieved February 24, 2012, from http://www. leadership-toolbox. com/democratic-leadership-style. html Theyagu, D. (n. d. ). Autocratic vs Consultative Leadership. EzineArticles Submission – Submit Your Best Quality Original Articles For Massive Exposure, Ezine Publishers Get 25 Free Article Reprints. Retrieved February 23, 2012, from http://ezinearticles. com/?Autocratic-vs-Consultative-Leadership&id=1054914 Thompson, L.. A study of the relationships between leadership style and employee and customer satisfaction in a wireless telecommunications company. Ph. D. dissertation, Our Lady of the Lake University, United States  Texas. Retrie ved February 28, 2012, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Publication No. AAT 3354209). What is laissez-faire leadership? definition and meaning. (n. d. ). BusinessDictionary. com – Online Business Dictionary. Retrieved February 23, 2012, from http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/laissez-faire-leadership. html
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Research paper (predicting the number of internet users) Essay
Research paper (predicting the number of internet users) - Essay Example Ethically, sharing of data for other purposes other than the intended is un-ethical (Callahan 1998) To get a best predictor of the number of internet users, the researcher used multivariate linear regression. In this type of methodology, each of the predictor variable is modelled against the response variable, in this case the number of internet users. This process is carried over with different combinations of the explanatory variables and the values of R, coefficient of correlation, and R2, coefficient of determination for the different models are calculated. The model with the highest value of R is normally selected as the best fitting model for the data (Bryman 1992). R2 explains the variations in the response variable readings. In this case, the researcher used all the explanatory variables in the initial model and used the backwards which eliminates the variables which are not better placed to explain the response variable as anticipated. The only problem with this technique is that it may result in the elimination of explanatory variables even before their effects on the entire model have been determined. As a best practice, I suggest individual simple regression equations to determine the individual effects on the response variable and then stepwise inclusion of the variables (Hinton 1995).
Personal Brand Building and Networking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Personal Brand Building and Networking - Essay Example The author presents several core steps towards the development and control of a personal brand. Foremost, the author explicates that it is imperative for any individual, willing to create an appealing personal brand, to familiarize themselves with search engines to confirm whether the results that emerge prove a unique identity. The author of this article takes a technical stance when giving examples of useful tools used for cleaning up an individual’s web presence. This is to ensure that the emergent information that does not appeal to the individual disappears for new branding. Creating a reputation with handy tools online is the author’s next point. A personal website falls into this category. It is necessary to further claim personal web profiles and individual URL addresses on all, social interactive sites (Royse). Being active in networking is imperative for gradually creating a personal brand. Next, purchasing a unique domain is pertinent because the ownership av ails an opportunity to customize a person’s profile. Failure to secure a domain name leaves reputation in the possession of unknown parties, which may destroy a personal brand. Google Alerts aids in monitoring the individual’s website. The next useful step is creating a blog where sharing of individual perspectives and personal brands is easy. Blogs help in expanding personal networks beyond borders because it reaches many people, portraying expertise in various topics. Posting material that is helpful to counterparts and the entire world depicts social responsibility and progressive leadership qualities. The author stresses that personal brands, like company brands, deteriorate with time. A feedback loop is a channel through which an individual can obtain support, advice, and counsel from colleagues, family, and mentors (Royse). It enhances constant rejuvenation on an individual and establishes a tacit and unique personal brand. Personal Branding Wailen-Daugenti, in h er article, affirms that companies promote their brands to augment social awareness, visibility, popularity, and sales by giving instances of Apple and Nike companies that invest immensely in brand promotion. According to Daugenti, a personal brand offers individuals a chance to promote and highlight their careers. She points out that personal brand is pertinent because numerous recruiters use search software to perform track checks on their job candidates (Wilen-Daugenti). Social networking provides a diverse branding platform. She gives examples of how social networking hubs such as Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube have large numbers of subscribers. Personal brands depict how qualified an individual is to their potential customers, employers and recruiters. It is important to appreciate admirable brands of people that have succeeded in leadership and profession. People willing to establish their unique brands should network and interact with other people who can rate their brand (Wi len-Daugenti). Building a personal brand begins with listing skills, talents, accomplishments, goals, and individual traits that may be of use when perfective a personal brand. The author recommends the virtue of evaluating the brand periodically.Â
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Business Scenarios Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Business Scenarios - Essay Example Moreover, it appears that he is in school just to pass time. One strategy to assist in seeking a solution to the predicament is informing the teacher because he or she may understand why the student lacks interest in education. Apparently, family issues can be the reason behind the student’s lack of interest in education. Since students are afraid to share their problems with their fellow students, the teacher will be of substantial help because students feel free to share their problems with teachers as opposed to their fellow students. Another strategy that may work is trying to inquire from the student the reasons for showing minimal commitment to work. By doing so, a student may reveal his problems and the students can devise a way of assisting the student in eliminating his problem. However, the best solution to curb the problem is referring the student to the school’s counselor. As stated earlier, family issues may be the reason why the student fails to value education. The counselor would be of immense help because they can interact with the student and know the problem. Moreover, they can advise the student on appropriate ways to eliminate the problem at
Monday, August 26, 2019
Continental Drift Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Continental Drift Theory - Essay Example In the last part of the 20th century, modern investigations have led to the evidence of sea-floor spreading or the diversion of ocean floor from the mod-ocean ridges. Under geometric continental reconstructions evidence, Wegener proposed that the coastline geography of the continents on either side of the Atlantic Ocean have pattern and can be fitted back together like a jigsaw puzzle. Example of which are the coastlines of western Africa and eastern South America (Rogers, 2008, 93). In addition, Wegener reiterated it is the end of the submerged continental shelf that marks the line of the originally-joined continents and not the coastline-fit misconception. Geological match and continuity of structure evidence explained how there are similar rock types, succession of strata or igneous bodies which have unique characteristics were found on either side of the ocean. This evidence was observed in the similarities of the rock strata and geological structures of the Appalachian and Caled onian mountain belts of eastern USA and northwestern Europe, as well as the Precambrian rocks and geological structures similarity observed between South America and Africa (Rogers, 2008, 95). ... The modern evidence gathered during the latter part of the 20th century which has made the continental drift theory acceptable is the sea-floor spreading evidence. Modern geologists had explained the inaccessible ocean floor in Wegener’s theory and discovered striped patterns of magnetic polarities at both sides of the ocean and on mid-ocean ridges (Frisch, Meschede & Blakey, 2011, 3). Scientists and physicists during Wegener’s time rejected his idea because the forces suggested by Wegener are too weak to explain the drift of the continents. Furthermore, the lack of strong mechanism to drive continents across the ocean basins’ questioned the credibility of the Wegener’s continental drift theory, particularly the use of scientific method. During that time, Americans believed that scientific method is empirical, inductive, modest, holding close to the object of study, and is resistant to the impulse of going further (Oreskes, 2003, 11). Derived from the form er description, Americans believed that Wegener breached the scientific method because of drawing out the theory first before gathering evidence. Scientist of today accepted Wegener’s theory but used plates instead to describe the division and pattern of relative movement between regions of the Earth surface because modern physicists discovered the sea-floor spreading and the tectonic cycle (Frisch, Meschede & Blakey, 2011, 3). In addition, the process of scientific method and theory development are further improved. The scientific method starts with a question of the object/topic under investigation. Hypothesis is identified and initial experiment is done. Observation and measurement of the initial experiment took
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The Importance of Communication Personal Statement - 1
The Importance of Communication - Personal Statement Example Since the research work was done as a group, there were challenges that were encountered in terms of different factors affecting the way the group was expected to perform and deliver the identified outcome. In every group endeavor, there were initial challenges in terms of aligning each member’s time, skills and abilities, and efforts toward the fulfillment of the group’s goal. In this particular situation, the goal was to come up with a comprehensive case study which focused on miscommunication during a funds transfer transaction within a bank setting. To do this, it was crucial to initially identify the competencies and capabilities of each member, as well as skills and talents. This is necessary to be able to assign roles and responsibilities and to equitably delegate tasks. Thus, during the process of group formation, members were able to agree on a group leader who governed all the tasks, roles, performance, and coordinating among members to ensure that various pha ses of the case studies are complied with effectively according to a definite time frame. Thus, at this particular phase alone, the challenges encountered were as follows: (1) carefully assessing skills, talents, abilities, and roles that each member would assume; (2) deciding who the group leader would be; (3) agreeing on the delegated tasks and responsibilities; (3) coming up with an outline of scheduled tasks to be delivered by each member depending on a time frame; (4) agreeing to meet or correspond on a particular schedule and venue; and (5) exchanging relevant personal details (names, addresses, contact numbers, and available schedules).
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Answer QUESTIONS Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Answer QUESTIONS - Coursework Example Lack of organizational policy –in the absence of a project manager the organization does not adopt a formal policy on the project’s management. Traditional and inconsistent policies cause in mixed results therefore project failure. Lack of enforcement of policy and procedures - even after policy establishment, it is not enforced. Because of this inconsistent results arise. If a standard and consistent approach to project management is devised by a company, it must be routinely policed in order to assure accuracy and uniform results. Lack of project management complexities – people generally under estimate the tasks involved with managing the project. Absence of the manager therefore results in people applying bad methods to run the project leading to poor results at the end of project. 3. The PMLC our organization uses the most is the Linear Model. It uses this model which falls under the Traditional Project Management approach because it is the most simple. The goal and solution are clearly defined; therefore a great situation and each process have to be completed before continuing with the next. 4. I would use the Incremental Project Management Life Cycle during development of a commercial software with well-defined requirements but realization may be delayed or one where basic software functionality are required early. The main model’s main objective is to build the system step by step, starting from the basic partial system features followed by gradually adding more features until the entire system is completed. Compared to the waterfall model, it permits flexibility by accommodating changes. It therefore also provides room for improvement in succeeding additions. Because projects are not centralized, resource allocation enables the project managers an accurate picture of the resources workloads. Project Insight enables project managers and resource managers to view all resources and all projects in the
Friday, August 23, 2019
The role of marketing in strategic planning process Essay
The role of marketing in strategic planning process - Essay Example One set of marketing policies broadly defines the nature of the products that the business offers to the market Suder, (2007:118). The policies cover a diversity of the product line, the general level of technical sophistication of the products and the target level of product quality in relation to the competitors. The prospector businesses heavily depend on the continuing development of new and unique products and the penetration of new markets as a primary competitive strategy. Hence, the adherence and policies of the prospective businesses which encourage the broad and technically advanced trade lines should relate positively to the performance on the critical dimension of share growth. The products should also be of a higher quality compared to competitor products. Marketing, in building profitable customer relationships, assists in finding new customers for a business (Bojanic & Reid, 2009:59). Through marketing, one can be able to acquire the right target market and from that maximize profitability. To achieve this, the industry sector identified for growth in strategic planning must be implemented throughout the business. The sales team must have a structured and designed Commission to reflect closed sales in the business being pursued. When marketing and selling, a new marketplace, the products and services offered must be profitable both to the business and the customer. Some factors that the marketing manager should consider are such as, pricing, promotion and product presentation towards the customers.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Mabalacat Pampanga Essay Example for Free
Mabalacat Pampanga Essay Is a former municipality, the third city in Pampanga converted because of a referendum on July 21,2012. According to the last 2010 consensus, Mabalacat has a population of 215,610 people. Economy and Livelihood -Mabalacat is a major transportation hub here in Pampanga connecting NLEX, SCTEX , and the McArthur Hi-Way. -Mabalacat is a highly urbanized city. It consists of different business establishments. A lot of this includes iron works, ceramics, car accessories and different hotels and restaurants. -Mabalacat also gets some tax contributed income from the Clark Freeport Zone. -Delicacies include tocino del cielo and pastillas. Cultural Profiles: Festivals: Caragan Festival: This is a Festival in Mabalacat which the Mabalacat people celebrates its roots and ancestry and to honor the town’s first Aeta chieftain. City Fiesta: Every February 2, the city Fiesta is celebrated in honor of the statue of a Virgin Mary with a baby Jesus on her lap that was found by Cabezang Laureanas workers, This statue was presented to Caragan as a gift by Padre Maximilian Manuguid, the priest of early Mabalacat church. Customs -Mabalacat people are religious and diligent. They put the family time and church activities as one of their priorities. -Mabalacat people follow the holy week traditions carefully and still practices Penitensya.* *as cited by residents Traditions -Mabalacat people still follows pastorella, even though all other places in Pampanga have stopped celebrating it. -Mabalacat people majority still follow the â€Å"penitensya†during the Holy Week. -People of Mabalacat always spend quality time with each other especially family. -The People of Mabalacat has a family first kind of principle.* *as cited by Residents. Prominent Local Figures: Mayor MORALES, BOKINGVice-Mayor HALILI, CHRISTIANLydia de Vega a famous runnerMelanie Marquez is a former beauty queen and model who won the 1979 Miss International beauty pageant.Joey Marquez is an actor and politician.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Role of Women in Sense and Sensibility and Othello Essay Example for Free
Role of Women in Sense and Sensibility and Othello Essay It is very interesting how different time periods can produce similar behaviors in women just like in Othello by William Shakespeare which was written in 1603 and Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen in 1811. Despite the different time periods, the two texts have a connection with each other. Though set in different time periods, Sense and Sensibility and Othello placed the characters of the women in each text in roles that required them to act a certain way due to societys norms and be dependent on men. The women in these two texts have portrayed such traits by acting depending on their class, and the way they are treated by men in their lives. Subsequently, the actions of the women characters shape the plot in both the texts. To begin with, the way the women act around other people mostly depends on the society`s norms and act according to their class. Elinor of Sense and Sensibility accomplished much she stayed within her social status, married a rich guy with whom she is in love. He is very far from being independent. What his mother really is we cannot know; but, from Fannys occasional mention of her conduct and opinions, we have never been disposed to think her amiable; and I am very much mistaken if Edward is not himself aware that there would be many difficulties in his way, if he were to wish to marry a woman who had not either a great fortune or high rank. (Austen.6). Elinor realizes that her marriage with Edward can ruin because of his rude family, which considers social status as more important than Edwards happiness. Since Elinors not of a high rank and her status is lower than Edwards, it is understandable that his family will vehemently disagree to their wedding. Finally, when Elinor finds out shes getting married to Edward, she cannot hold in her emotions. When Edward tells her it was Robert who married Lucy not him and hes here for her shes overjoyed! Elinor could sit it no longer. She almost ran out of the room, and as soon as the door was closed, burst into tears of joy, which at first she thought would never cease. Edward, who had till then looked anywhere, rather than at her, saw her hurry away and perhaps saw or even heard her emotion (Austen.348). We see that Elinor is told by Edward that it was his brother, Robert who marries Lucy Steele and that hes here for her. Finally, Elinor is ecstatic to hear that her Edward, who has always been her love has come back which she thought would have been impossible after Edwards engagement with Lucy. Marianne is wild, sort of reckless and she didnt follow societys norms for a relationship. When she meets Willoughby, she thinks, That is what I like; that is what a young man ought to be. Whatever be his pursuits, his eagerness in them should know no moderation, and leave him no sense of fatigue. (Austen. 42). Marianne judges quickly and she thinks Willoughby is perfect for her, like she has been waiting for Willoughby. But later on we see, her misjudgement of Willoughby causes a lot of grief for her and her family. When a young man, be he who he will, comes and makes love to a pretty girl, and promises marriage, he has no business to fly off from his word, only because he grows poor, and a richer girl is ready to have him. (Austen.188). Ms.Jennings, says this when she finds out that Willoughby married Miss. Grey, a rich lady, for her money and to avoid poverty, he dumps Marianne for Miss. Grey. Mrs. Jennings says that when a man promises a lady that he will marry her and loves her, he has no right to leave his word and go to another woman just because shes rich. Thats a low thing to do. We see that because of Mariannes misjudgment of Willoughby, she is making her family suffer with her. Then, Marianne marries her long-time admirer, Colonel Brandon, who had revealed Willoughbys reality to Elinor which saved Marianne form less suffering. Though both Elinor and Marianne want to marry for love, their future husband should be able to support his family and marriage. The different characteristics and judgments of the two sisters, Elinor and Marianne lead to their happiness and perfect suitors for both of them. Both the sisters have to marry to stay secure financially, since women could not work back then, the womens fate depended on the status of her husband where he stood in society or she depends on male relatives for her status. Desdemonas decision of marrying the moor impacted her life which made a large part of the society view her as an inferior. She states to her father defending her husband, I do perceive here a divided duty. To you I am bound for life and education. My life and education both do learn me, How to respect you. You are the lord of duty. I am hitherto your daughter. But heres my husband. And so much duty as my mother showed. To you, preferring you before her father, So much I challenge that I may profess, Due to the Moor my lord.(I.III.82-191). Brabantio doesnt accept Desdemonas marriage with Othello but Desdemona defends herself and her husband by saying that this is hard for me, I respect you and love you for giving me life, education since I am your daughter and you are my father. However, just like my mother chose you over her father, I favour the moor over you since he is now my husband and to listen to him is my duty. Conversely, we see that Brabantio is very upset by the fact that Desdemona married Othello therefore deceiving her father and marring betraying her race by marrying a man not the same colour as her. Also, since she was the senators daughter, she was supposed to marry someone from the upper class and with high status, but instead marries a general who is the age of her father and is a different race. Therefore, being a daughter of a senator, she has to act a certain way and do what women of high class would do. Elinor and Desdemona both marry the men they loved and they married for love and they get status and money with it. But their high priority is love and money and status are secondary. They remained within their social status. Emilia is overlooked by most of society, but personally, she has strong opinions and is an honorable person. Emilia is the servant of Desdemona, so her opinions dont really matter since she is of low class. Villainy, villainy, villainy! I think upon t, I think I smell t, Oh, villainy! I thought so then, Ill kill myself for grief. Oh, villainy, villainy! (V.II.202-205). Emilia says that upon finding out that Othello killed Desdemona because her husband told him Desdemona was cheating on him with Cassio. Emilia is so distraught by the fact that poor, innocent Desdemona was killed because of a misperception; she says that she would kill herself out of grief that her mistress died due to false accusations and it was also her fault. Emilia married Iago, which raised her status since Iago was considered honorable in the eyes of the general, Othello. Emilia and Marianne are quite similar due to the fact that they judge based on whats in front of them and their judgments cause them grief as well as everyone surrounding them. Hence, social status was a main fixation that is required to be when deciding to marry. Subsequently, from the sixteenth to eighteenth century women are dependent on men for everything since women didnt have the option to work so they couldnt financially secure themselves. Elinors love for Edward is just like her, caring, loving and loves her dearly and he treats her more like a person than an object. I have seen a great deal of him, have studied his sentiments and heard his opinion on subjects of literature and taste; and, upon the whole, I venture to pronounce that his mind is well-informed, his enjoyment of books exceedingly great, his imagination lively, his observation just and correct, and his taste delicate and pure. (Austen, 20). After meeting Edward, she starts to fall in love with him due to his good qualities and the similarities between them. Edward treats her like a human being and not as an object because the way he thinks is just like her; he sacrifices his fortune to get Elinor back and gives her rights just like him. In contrast, have seen a great deal of him, have studied his sentiments and heard his opinion on subjects of literature and taste; and, upon the whole, I venture to pronounce that his mind is well-informed, his enjoyment of books exceedingly great, his imagination lively, his observation just and correct, and his taste delicate and pure have seen a great deal of him, have studied his sentiments and heard his opinion on subjects of literature and taste; and, upon the whole, I venture to pronounce that his mind is well-informed, his enjoyment of books exceedingly great, his imagination lively, his observation just and correct, and his taste delicate and pureMariannes first love Willoughby is a user, he had played around with Marianne`s emotions and treats her like a object then leaves her for his own benefit. To avoid a comparative poverty, which her affection and her society would have deprived of all its horrors, I have, by raising myself to affluence, lost everything that could make it a blessing. (Austen.310). Marianne loves Willoughby with all her heart but in return Willoughby ended up deceiving her for his own benefit. He states that he did make a mistake, and he will never be happy now since he has sold his soul for fortune to Miss. Grey. He marries her to avoid poverty and to get her fortune. Due to Mariannes misjudgments she is left to suffer not alone but with her family. Desdemona is strong and is capable of following someones demands if she wants too. Furthermore, Othello suppresses her and questions her loyalty, therefore we see at the end Othello smothers her power by killing her. Desdemona betrays her father by marrying the Moor, thus it is seen Desdemona is a capable of listening to what her father says, but she is also capable of not following demands if she doesnt want to. When Desdemona elopes with the Moor, Rodrigo tells Brabantio, Zounds, sir, youre robbed! (I.I.98). Literally, Brabantio is told that he has been robbed of something. In the sixteenth century, women and men did not have equal rights thus men treat women like property. Before marriage, Desdemona is supposed to be Brabantios property since he is the father but now she is Othellos property since he is her husband. Nevertheless, Othello accuses her of betraying him with false accusations and kills her; hence he kills the power in her, the potential she had inside to do what she wills. There are similarities between Desdemona and Elinor. Othello loves and treats Desdemona with respect and gives her rights to do what she wills. It is the same with Elinor; Edward loves her more than anything else. Desdemona and Elinor both marry for love and Edward married Elinor even though she is poor and has a low status. Iago treats Emilia like a forfeit to succeed in his iniquity plans. I am glad I have found this napkin. This was her first remembrance from the Moor, My wayward husband hath a hundred times. Wooed me to steal it, but she so loves the token, For he conjured her she should ever keep it, That she reserves it ever more about her, to kiss and talk to. Ill ha the work taen out, And givet Iago. What he will do with it, Heaven knows, not I. I nothing, but to please his fantasy. (III.III.294-303). Emilia steals Desdemonas handkerchief which was Othellos first love token given to Desdemona, thereby the handkerchief is a symbol of Othellos love. Emilia steals the handkerchief because Iago asks her to steal it so many times, but she does not know why he wants it so bad. When opportunity strikes, she takes the handkerchief, just to make her husband happy. Unknowingly, she had ignites the starting of misunderstandings between Othello and Desdemona leading to Desdemonas death. Iago uses her for his benefits without making her suspicious at all and he does not really love her, since he was using her only to get what he wants. Also, her tone in this quote, it seems that Emilia is clueless as to why Iago wants the handkerchief so badly. Iago had the power to make everyone around him see only what he wants them to see, thereby not making them suspicious of what he is doing. Iago manipulates the lost handkerchief and makes the handkerchief a symbol of Desdemonas faith and loyalty. The handkerchief is a symbol of fidelity and Othellos love. Even Marianne was used by Willoughby; he played around with her emotions but then to avoid poverty himself, he married another woman for her fortune. Moreover, Emilia had also been used by Iago to succeed in his plans that were targeted by jealousy. The women in these texts were used like property due to the inequality of men and women. Consequently, the actions of the women shape the plot in both the texts. Elinor is a very important main character because her family especially her mother relies on her heavily for helping the household after her husbands death. To be the counselor of her mother, and enabled her frequently to counteract, to the advantage of them all. (Austen.6). After Mr. Dashwood dies, her mother and sisters are dependent on Elinor since John refuses to help them. Elinor helped her mother a lot and her sisters too. Marianne introduces characters that provide room for learning about the character of people. Willoughby was a young man of good abilities, quick imagination, lively spirits, and open, affectionate manners. He was exactly formed to engage Mariannes heart; for, with all this, he joined not only a captivating person, but a natural ardour of mind, which was now roused and increased by the example of her own, and which recommended him to her affection beyond everything else. (Austen.48). Marianne meets Willoughby and thinks he is the perfect man for her. If it was not for Marianne, we would not have seen how cruel and cunning people can be. Since Willoughby plays with her emotions and love and then leaves her for a woman with great fortune because Marianne is poor and is of low rank. Willoughby is an example of many men back in the eighteenth century; who wanted women with fortune and whom were not poor. Desdemona is a victim of Iagos evil plan which causes Othellos downfall and rips her life apart. Therefore be merry, Cassio, For thy solicitor shall rather die, Than give thy cause away. (III.III. 26-28). It was because of Iago that Cassio got fired. To succeed in his evil plans, he told Cassio to go speak to Desdemona, who was the generals wife, to get his position back. Cassio had done what he had been told by Iago and he went to speak to Desdemona alone, without the presence of Othello. Desdemona assures Cassio after talking to him that she will do anything to help get Cassio his position back, even if she has to kill herself. Desdemona tries to convince Othello many times to give Cassio his position back, in which suspicion and jealousy struck his mind which had helped Iago in his plan. If Cassio hadnt met up with Desdemona so many times, it would have been hard for Iago to succeed in his plan since Othello trusted his wife a lot before the handkerchief went missing. Iago uses Emilia to help him in his devious plan therefore, has she not been there, Iago would not had succeeded in his plans. O thou dull Moor! That handkerchief thou speakst of, I found by fortune and did give my husband. For often, with a solemn earnestness-More than indeed belonged to such a trifle-He begged of me to steal it. (V.II.238-243). Upon finding out that Iago accuses Desdemona of cheating on Othello, she is shocked! Emilia tells Othello that she was the one who steals the handkerchief and had gave it to Iago since Iago told her many times to steal it but she was unaware of why he wants it. She is also quite an honorable person, because she disregards the consequences, and confronts Othello about murdering Desdemona. Then, when she found out it was her own husband who causes it, she revealed that she also, played a part by stealing the handkerchief. If Emilia had not stolen the handkerchief, it would have been hard for Iago to convince Othello that his wife, Desdemona, was cheating on him. To conclude, the two texts, Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen and Othello, by William Shakespeare both put the women in both texts in roles which required them to act a certain way due to societys norms and be dependent on men. The women showed these traits by acting depending on their class, and the way they are treated by men in their lives, thereby the actions of the women shape the plot in both the two texts. The way the women act around other people mostly depends on the society`s norms and act depending on their class. Also, women were dependant on men for everything since women did not have the option to work so they could not financially secure themselves. Todays society is different from the society that is portrayed in the two books. Women and men both have equal rights now in which women have the option to work and have any occupation they want. I think this is a great improvement because it enhances the equality between men and women, which allows them to incorporate a bond between them.
Christmas and Chinese New Year Festival | Comparison
Christmas and Chinese New Year Festival | Comparison After researching both Christmas and the Chinese New Year Festival, interesting similarities between the two unique celebrations came into fruition. For instance, both contain traditional meals, presents, feasts, decorations, songs, poems, God(s), folk lore, and are family oriented occasions. When discovering similarities, there were also perceptible differences between the two, such as the time of year, and the significance of the occasion within their respective cultures. This paper will be showcasing both Christmas, and the Chinese New Year Festival in terms of their origins, as well as the similarities and differences they both share. Christmas is a religious celebratory holiday, which embraces the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas Eve takes place on December 24th, the day before Jesus Christ is born. This is the day where family members gather for a festive meal, which in North America, usually consists of a large turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, vegetables, gravy and wine. It is significant to know that different cultures may eat different meals. According to, â€Å"In Poland, traditional Christmas Eve meals include one or more of the following foods: Golabki filled with Kasza, Pierogi, Borscht, fish soup, carp, and pickled Herring. Krupnik is sometimes drunk after dinner,†[1] and â€Å"In the Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria, a coin is concealed in a bread loaf and the host breaks a piece of the loaf at the dinner table for each member of the household: it is believed that the one who gets the piece of bread with the coin will be fortunate in the forthcoming year. The dinner is accordin g to the rules of fasting: fish, baked beans, sauerkraut, walnuts and red wine are common. The dessert may consist of apples and dried fruits: plums, dates, figs. The table is usually not cleared after the dinner and until the next morning, to leave some food for the holly spirits a custom which probably comes from pagan pre-Christian times.†[2] Also, there are many families whom may attend mass or choose to â€Å"divine fast†[3]on this day, as a means to celebrate on the night before Jesus birth. It is important to know that non-religious individuals may also celebrate Christmas as well, whom primarily focus on the family, feasting, and gift giving aspect of Christmas. Some may view Santa Claus, a mythological figure, to be more important than Jesus Christ. Santa Claus is known for travelling across the world on December 24th, from the North Pole, delivering presents to the â€Å"nice†children, while the â€Å"naughty†children receive a lump of coal. H ence, Santas list for delivering gifts to children is called the â€Å"naughty or nice list.†Santa Clause originates from â€Å"St. Nicholas, whom tried to help others while inspiring his virtues. Legends of his unselfish giving spread all over Northern Europe, and accounts of his heroic deeds blended with regional folklore. Eventually, the image of the stately saint was transformed onto an almost mystical being, one known for rewarding the good and punishing the bad.†[4] How Santa Clauss name came to be in North America was due to Dutch immigrants whom â€Å"presented Sinterklaas (meaning St. Nicholas) to the colonies. In their excitement, many English-speaking children uttered the name so quickly that Sinterklaas sounded like Santy Claus. After years of mispronunciation, the name evolved into Santa Claus.†[5] December 25th is the day where Jesus Christ, known to many Christians as their savior, is born. This is the day where a few individuals will put up nume rous decorations, although many will decorate in advance. Examples of decorations used for Christmas are; miniature size nativity scene figures, stockings, wreaths, ornaments, candles, mistletoes, garlands, poinsettias, Christmas lights and most importantly, the Christmas tree. â€Å"The origin of the tree is credited to Saint Boniface (circa 722) who stopped a child from becoming a human sacrifice to a pagan god by striking down the oak tree destined for use as the stake. A fir tree sprang up in its place and he declared it a holy tree and instructed the faithful to carry one to their homes and surround it with love and gifts.†[6] Ultimately, the blending of numerous cultures is how Santa Claus, as well as the numerous traditions on Christmas Eve and Day, came to be. The Chinese New Year Festival is a major holiday, which has been celebrated in mainland China for many centuries, taking place on â€Å"the second New Moon after the winter solstice.†[7] It is significant to know that this festival is also celebrated in other countries by its Chinese inhabitants, while various foreigners have been known to participate in the festivities as well. During this coming year, 2010, the Chinese will be celebrating the year of the tiger, the first day being on February 14th. â€Å"According to tales and legends, the beginning of Chinese New Year started with the fight against a mythical beast called the Nien (Chinese: ?;pinyin: nià ¡n). Nien would come on the first day of New Year to devour livestock, crops, and even villagers, especially children. To protect themselves, the villagers would put food in front of their doors at the beginning of every year.†[8] The Chinese not only used food as a means to protect themselves from Nian, but they al so released firecrackers, and wore red attire. Hence, the color red is strongly used throughout the festival, such as clothing, decorations, envelopes, sweets, gifts, etc. When families come together, they will feast on meat, noodles, rice, dumplings, mandarin oranges, sweets, and so forth. Before the feast, which takes place on the Eve of Chinese New Year, red envelopes with money inside and gifts should have already been distributed amongst family members, and children. The Chinese New Year consists of fifteen days, with the majority of the days each signifying different customs and actions. For instance, â€Å"The first day of the Lunar New Year is â€Å"the welcoming of the gods of the heavens and earth.†Many people abstain from meat on the first day of the new year because it is believed that this will ensure long and happy lives for them,†[9] â€Å"The fifth day is called Po Woo. On that day people stay home to welcome the God of Wealth. No one visits families and friends on the fifth day because it will bring both parties bad luck,†[10] â€Å"the seventh day of the New Year is the day for farmers to display their produce. These farmers make a drink from seven types of vegetables to celebrate the occasion. The seventh day is also considered the birthday of human beings. Noodles are eaten to promote longevity and raw fish for success,†[11] and on â€Å"the 10th through the 12th are days that friends and relatives should be invited for dinner. After so much rich food, on the 13th day you should have simple rice congee and mustard greens (choi sum) to cleanse the system.†[12] These are just a few of the customs that the Chinese celebrate throughout their New Year Festival. â€Å"It is also the tradition that every family thoroughly cleans the house to sweep away any ill-fortune in hopes to make way for good incoming luck. Windows and doors will be decorated with red color paper-cuts and couplets with popular themes of â €Å"happiness†, â€Å"wealth†, and â€Å"longevity†.†[13] Decorations are usually red, consisting of pictures, greetings, and Chinese idioms. On the fifteenth and final day of the Chinese New Year Festival, the Lantern Festival takes place. During this period, numerous individuals decorate the streets with Lanterns they have lit, which are primarily red. Some people may add their own unique individuality to a lantern, by adding a song or a poem to it. The Chinese New Year Festival is a high-spirited, content time where family and friends come together in order to celebrate years of tradition, such as feasts, decorations, gifts, envelopes, mythology, fortune gods, national pride, etc. It is also an influential festival that has spread across the world, blending in with copious cultures. It is fascinating to learn that Christmas and the Chinese New Year have actual similarities, with slight variations to them. For instance, the use of flowers is strongly used in both celebrations, although the Chinese convention for flowers has a more significant meaning within their culture. A certain flower can symbolize different connotations, for instance, longevity, luck, prosperity, tranquility, health, etc. The Chinese are known for using many different flowers for the Chinese New Year Festival, such as pussy willows, plum blossoms, water lilies, bamboo, and so forth. For example, the reason for using pussy willows for the Chinese New Year is â€Å"In Cantonese, â€Å"Yin Liu†sounds like â€Å"Yin Lou†which is similar to â€Å"Yin Liang†(money). Therefore, having this plant around during Chinese New Year would represent the invitation of abundant luck and prosperity into homes.†[14] As for western cultures, when celebrating Christmas, individuals use flowers mostly as decorations. It is principal to know, that there is an origin story of how the poinsettia became the official flower for Christmas. â€Å"The poinsettia is a shrub that features green leaves combined with red, white, or pink leaves surrounding tiny yellow flowers. Used by the Aztecs as a dye and medicine, it is native to Mexico and Central America where it is known as â€Å"Flores de Noche Buena†(Flower of the Holy Night) and was used in these areas by Franciscan friars in Nativity processions as early as the 17th century.†[15] In terms of sweets and baked goods, sticky cake and Christmas cake closely resemble one another. Sticky cake, also known as Neen Gow, is a fruitcake that can be either steamed or baked. This particular cake is made in appreciation for the kitchen god. The Christmas cake started out as porridge from the English, evolving over the past couple of centuries into a fruit cake. The ingredients usually consist of eggs, flour, su gar, butter, marzipan, spices, dried fruit, spices, and whisky. â€Å"All Christmas cakes are made in advance. Many make them in November, keeping the cake upside down in an airtight container. A small amount of brandy, sherry or whisky is poured into holes in the cake every week until Christmas. This process is called â€Å"feeding†the cake.†[16]Both celebrations are also known for the process of giving and receiving gifts to friends and/or relatives. For instance, during the Chinese New Year, individuals will give gifts, which â€Å"are usually brought when visiting friends or relatives at their homes. Common gifts include fruits (typically oranges, and never pears), cakes, biscuits, chocolates, candies, or some other small gift.†[17] Christmas gifts are also distributed, and some gifts can be similar to those that are given on the Chinese New Year, but Christmas gifts usually consist from a large variety of options. For example, food, alcohol, jewelry, elect ronics, toys, household appliances, automobiles, etc. Christmas and the Chinese New Year are both important celebratory occasions, which can bring joy and anticipation amongst those whom celebrate these events. These are times when family, friends and even complete strangers, can come together in harmonious enthusiasm. Both events contain similarities, such as, folk lore, feasts, decorations, gifts, traditions, songs, poems, flowers, God(s), games, etc. Christmas, a westernized occasion, may contain different significance and symbolic meanings to those whom celebrate it rather than those whom celebrate the Chinese New Year. But, the most important thing about these two occasions, even with their differences, is they bring people together, and are both accepting towards all cultures and beliefs. Works Cited Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November 27, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from (December.2, 2001)The Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything. Retrieved November.28, 2009 from (February.8, 2007) Popular Chinese New Year Plants. Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Davis, John K. (November.10, 2009)The Origins of Traditional Holiday Plants. Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November 27, 2009 from References Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November 27, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from (December.2, 2001)The Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything. Retrieved November.28, 2009 from (February.8, 2007) Popular Chinese New Year Plants. Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Davis, John K. (November.10, 2009)The Origins of Traditional Holiday Plants. Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November 27, 2009 from Retrieved November 27,2009 from Retrieved November 27, 2009 from Retrieved November 27, 2009 from Retrieved November 27, 2009 from Retrieved November 27, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from (December.2, 2001)The Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything. Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from (February.8, 2007) Popular Chinese New Year Plants. Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Davis, John K. (November.10, 2009)The Origins of Traditional Holiday Plants. Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Retrieved November.28, 2009 from Gulf of Tonkin Incident: Military Investigation Gulf of Tonkin Incident: Military Investigation Military Intelligence Organizations Military Intelligence is a division of military the purpose of which is to exploit the number of information collected and analysis techniques in order to provide guidance and directions to commanders in support of the crucial decisions made by them. They do it by performing an analysis and assessment of the available data which they gathers from wide range of sources, guiding and directing the commanders to make decisions or respond to focused questions as part of their operational campaign. The collected information is first identified and then incorporated into the process of intelligence collection, analysis and dissemination. Military Intelligence Organizations have played their role in resolving conflicts in any nation. Discusses here is the Gulf of Tonkin Incident and the role of U.S. Military Intelligence Organizations to resolve it. The incident took place on August 2 4 1964 (Kim, 1999). This was the incident that helped the America’s involvement in Vietnam War. Gulf of Tonkin Incident Overview When President Lyndon b. took over charge of the country after the death of President John F. Kennedy, he became worried about the South Vietnam’s ability to keep away the Communist Viet Cong guerillas that were actively operating at that time in the country. In order to follow the established policy of containment, the Secretary of Defense at that time Robert McNamara started to increase the military aid to South Vietnam (Trueman, 2000). Many Norwegian built fast patrol boats (PTFs) were purchased and sent to South Vietnam. These PTFs helped in conducting a series of attacks on coastal areas of South Vietnam as part of Operation 34A. 34A was originally began by Central Intelligence Agency in 1961, it was a extremely classified program of the covert operations against North Vietnam. Due to several early failed attacks, in 1964 it was transferred to Military Assistance Command, Vietnam Studies and Observations Group, and the focus of it was shifted towards maritime operations. In due course of time, U.S. Navy was also instructed to conduct Desoto patrols off the North Vietnam. The Desoto Patrols consisted of the American warships cruising in international waters in order to conduct electronic surveillance operations (Shane, 2001). As a result of 34A and the Desoto Patrols, the ships offshore were made able to collect important information about the North Vietnamese Military capabilities. The First Attack On July 31, 1964 the destroyer USS Maddox conducted the Desoto Patrol off North Vietnam (Paterson, 2008). Under the operational command of Captain John J. Herrick, it steamed through the Gulf of Tonkin collecting intelligence information. This mission was accompanied by several 34A attacks including many big attacks on two islands of North Vietnam. The Government of North Vietnam decided to strike the USS Maddox and on August 2, three Soviet built P-4 Motor torpedo boats were dispatched to attack the destroyer. About twenty-eight miles cruising in international waters, the torpedo caught the USS Maddox. In the meanwhile, Herrick requested for air support from the U.S. Air Force. The request was granted and the four F-8 Crusaders were sent towards the Maddox position. Herrick also ordered to fire the three warning shots if the torpedo reaches a range of 10,000 yards of ship. These warning shots were fired and the P-4s launched their first torpedo attack. The Maddox scored fire on P-4s and was just being hit by one 14.5 millimeter machine gun bullet. Soon after fifteen minutes, the F- crusades arrived to rescue the Maddox and started hitting the targeted fires on North Vietnamese boats, damaging the two and leaving the third one dead in the waters. The attack was retreated and the Maddox returned to join its friends but the Desoto mission was continued as per orders of the commander in the Pacific. The Second Attack On August 4, the American radars, sonar and radio signals were received of another North Vietnam attacks. Taking evasive action, the U.S. Maddox fired on numerous radar signals targets. After this incident (Parados, 2004), Herrick was not sure that his ship was attacked by the North Vietnam. Reporting at 1:27 AM Washington times that due to freak weather, the radar and sonar signals did report some of the enemy ships but nothing has been visualized by the Maddox. After suggesting the complete evaluation of the affair conducted by the U.S military intelligence, Herrick radioed a request asking for a complete reconnaissance in daylight by the aircrafts. But the American aircrafts flying over the area failed to find out any North Vietnam ship. Although there were doubts about the second attack, those present on Maddox were convinced that the attack did happen. This along with the flawed signals intelligence from the National Security Agency led the forces to attack retaliatory airstrikes against North Vietnam. On August 5, the Operation Pierce Arrow saw aircrafts from USS Ticonderoga and USS Constellation strike and attack about thirty North Vietnam vessels. Although the subsequent research and records prove that the second attack didn’t happen. This was also reinforced by the statements from the retired Vietnamese Defense Minister who admitted the August 2 attack but denied the second attack. After ordering the airstrikes, soon Johnson went on to address the nation on television regarding the incident. He in his address requested the passage of a resolution, which expresses the unity and determination of the United States in support of their freedom and in the hope to protect peace in the Southeast Asia (Cohen Solomon, 1994). He also argued that he didn’t want a wider war, and said that United States would continue to protect its national interests. As approved on August 6, 1964, the Southeast Asia (Gulf of Tonkin) Resolution, gave Johnson the power to use military intelligence and force in the region without requiring a declaration of war. Later on over the next few years, Johnson used this resolution to rapidly escalate the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Intelligence has fulfilled the wider ranging and very important functions in different section including security, diplomacy and statecraft (Augustin, 2009). However in past few years, the role of military intelligence in resolution of conflicts has expanded and broadened its range and now it forms the core element of conflict management policies and procedures. Ancient Greece is the first democracy in the world. It has established several institutions that served as intelligence services. Proxenia were the upper class citizens of Greece who served as top class agents. They used to collect information and even executed the assassinations if required. The Heralds collected the public and private information. Both were protected by the Law of Greece and only the Heralds used to get the rewards of bringing good news back to the nation. Greece impressive political and military achievements really lacked the true intelligence system like today. Although they didn’t have the proper intelligence system like today but still they had the intelligence cycle existed in their military endeavors. The two major requirements of intelligence services are democratic control and the effectiveness of the actions and activities (Augustin, 2009). African countries always had difficulties in managing and creating the solid intelligence systems. The territory of the Sahara Dessert is always problematic so the military intelligence related to that area is restricted. In 1997, the African countries created a security sector reform whose purpose was to try and narrow the challenges and constraints of developing a proper military intelligence system in the area. The main challenges that African countries are facing these days include the legacy of the African socialism and colonialism, autocratic military and security services and the unknown and informal activities of the military intelligence services. Gambia established the National Intelligence Agency in order to protect the regime. The unsuccessful attempts of Eisenhower and Kennedy to remove Castro from the power are considered as the failed military intelligence actions (Augustin, 2009). According to them the biggest threat to democracy is the communism. In Cuba, the America supported the Batista leading anti-communist government. After Castro being elected to power, he started quickly eliminating his enemies. And started to nationalize the economy and created knots with the USSR. His actions made it clear by 1960 that he was following the communism path for the Cuba. Eisenhower tried to remove the Castro from power by training Anti-Castro forces and sneaking them into Cuba. They began to target the Cuban sugar fields and the CIA developed an assassination program to eliminate Castro. Although such attempts were failed again and again, Kennedy tried to invade the Cuba by the Bay of Pigs operation but that was again a failure. This was all due to the strong military intelligence of Castro which saved him from all the American attacks. The Shah of Iran has a weak legitimacy and had lot of enemies (Augustin, 2009), ], so to overcome them in 1957, he formed the SAVAK, a national intelligence and security organization. The SAVAK served a tool to torture and eliminated anyone who could prove as a threat to the Shah and his dynasty. No open opposition was allowed against the institution in Iran during Shah Regime, but with the passage of time the resistance of people became worst. Khomeini got exiled to Iraq and then to France because of his increasing popularity and threat to his life. In 1977, censorship law was introduced in Iran in order to retain the Shah’s power but due to his detachment from the public, the public dismissed him and Khomeini came to power after the over throw of the Shah of Iran .In 1980 under the rule of Reagan (Augustin, 2009), The U.S. Intelligence Community realized a need for more intense intervention in Central America in order to stop the communist expansion. El Salvador’s mil itary government was the only potential barrier against the communism in the Central America. The DIA also tried to help the government of El Salvador to assist them fight against the leftist group called as FMLN. The DIA worked and operated with the direct military intelligence information sharing and between 1987 to 1989 a guerilla attack was made by the FMLN which surprised the El Salvador and the American armies. This also showed that how little the U.S support helped. Over all the defense of the El Salvador is considered as the failure in the history of the U.S. military intelligence. Intelligence is basically the sociological phenomenon that is used for the information gathering and to ensure the prevention of hostility (Augustin, 2009). It is important to differentiate between the intelligence that has been existed in any nation and the intelligence that is established as a result of state concept. Intelligence cycle, covert actions and counter intelligence are all the components necessary for decision making process. Intelligence focuses on the hostility both in democracies and non-democracies tenures. Intelligence in democratic system must have strong relations with the citizens and must work under a legal framework. The functions and scope of working of intelligence agencies must be clarified and their methods of working and sources of information must be protected. However intelligence in the non-democratic system concentrates more on internal opposition rather than external threats. So the intelligence is outside of the scope of legal framework in non-democ ratic system while intelligence in democracies should only be used to measure level of democracy in the country. In 1960, the Egyptian forces entered in Sinai which was a big surprise to Israel (Augustin, 2009). The IDF couldn’t respond in time and it lead to the result that intelligence was needed for an earlier warning of possible Egyptian attack. The methods or tools for an earlier warning were HUMINT, the SIGINT and the VISINT. The 1960 rotten affair and the 1973 Vom Kippur war failure show failure of the intelligence system and a need for strong intelligence system. References [1] Sankt Augustin (2009), Intelligence and Democracies in Conflict and Peace, retrieved from, [2] Tom Kim (1999), The Gulf of Tonkin Incident 1964, retrieved from, [3] Chris Trueman (2000), Gulf of Tonkin 1964, retrieved from [4] Scot Shane (2001), The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, retrieved from [5] Lieutenant Commander Pat Paterson, U.S. Navy (2008), The Truth about Tonkin, retrieved from [6] John Parados (2004), The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, 40 Years later, retrieved from [7] Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon (1994), 30-Years anniversary, Tonkin Gulf Lie Launched Vietnam War, retrieved from
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