Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Buddhism Essay Example for Free
Buddhism Essay Extreme reality: None, Nothing is lasting. Holidays: Buddhas birthday, Buddhas illumination and lunar quarters Human nature: There is no self or soul. Human presence is just a mix of five fleeting segments (khandas). Reason forever: Theravada Become an arhat, get away from the pattern of resurrection, and accomplish nirvana. Mahayana Become a boddhisatva at that point help other people accomplish illumination. The great beyond: Rebirth or nirvana. Nirvana is seen essentially as the end of enduring by a few and as a superb heaven by others. Originator/Leader Siddhartha Gautama Buddha was brought into the world a sovereign in Lumbini, Nepal, at the foot of Mount Palpa in the Himalayan extents, in 580 B. C. He passed on at age 80 out of 480 B. C. His dad was Suddhodana, lord of the Sakhyas-. His mom, Maya, kicked the bucket seven days after his introduction to the world, he was raised by his temporary mother, Maya’s sister Mahaprajapati. He was otherwise called Sakhya Muni, which means a plain of the Sakhya clan. He is likewise called the Enlightened One. Upon his introduction to the world, soothsayers anticipated that after accomplishing masculinity, Siddhartha would become ither an all inclusive ruler (Chakravarti), or would surrender every natural solace to turn into a priest and a Buddha. Siddhartha wedded Yasodhara at age sixteen, who thusly brought forth their child, Rahula. Craving to perceive how the individuals in his town were living, he figured out how to escape his walled fenced in area joined by his wo rker, Channa. He happened upon a run down elderly person, a wiped out man, and a carcass and he was stunned. He at that point met a priest who intrigued him with his peacefulness and excellence. Siddhartha left his home everlastingly, wearing yellow robes and shaving his head, to take up Yogic practices. Looking for guidance from a few recluse instructors who lived in collapses the neighboring slopes, he rehearsed serious Tapas (severities) and Pranayama (breath control) for a long time, during which time he nearly starved to death and turned out to be exceedingly frail. Given food by a young lady, he looked for an agreeable spot to sit and eat it. He found an enormous tree, presently known as the incomparable Bo-tree, or Tree of Wisdom. He came out of the contemplation triumphant, his face sparkling with light and wonder, having accomplished Nirvana. At age 35, Siddhartha was a Boddhisatva. Buddha left his wondrous Bo-tree behind, wandering out into the world to show other people who were looking for Wisdom and Enlightenment. The resulting lessons of The Buddha are the establishment of Buddhism. Statement of faith The Four Noble Truths 1. Life implies enduring 2. The birthplace of enduring is connection 3. The suspension of enduring is achievable 4. The way to the end of enduring Code Five Percepts 1. I attempt the preparation rule to go without taking life. 2. I attempt the preparation rule to keep away from taking what isn't given. 3. I embrace the preparation rule to keep away from sexual wrongdoing. 4. I embrace the preparation rule to go without bogus discourse. 5. I attempt the preparation rule to go without matured beverage that causes lack of regard. Eight Percepts 1. I attempt to avoid causing damage and taking life (both human and non-human). 2. I attempt to swear off taking what isn't given (for instance taking, relocations that may cause false impressions). 3. I attempt to keep away from sexual action. 4. I attempt to keep away from wrong discourse: lying, misleading others, controlling others, utilizing terrible words. 5. I embrace to keep away from utilizing inebriating beverages and medications, which lead to recklessness. . I attempt to keep away from eating at an inappropriate time (the ideal time is after dawn, before early afternoon). 7. I embrace to keep away from singing, moving, playing music, going to amusement exhibitions, wearing scent, and utilizing makeup and wreaths (ornamental adornments). 8. I embrace to keep away from sumptuous spots for sitting or dozing , and overindulging in rest.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Determine the water resources in your hometown area (Canton, Ohio - Assignment
Decide the water assets in your old neighborhood zone (Canton, Ohio - Stark County) - Assignment Example At long last a bound together methodology will be adjusted, fusing all the points of view, to address the issue of preservation of water. As indicated by the US 2009 evaluation, the assessed populace of Canton-Massillon, Ohio Metropolitan measurable region is 408, 005 (US Census Bureau, 2009). The greater part of the urban populace relies on ground water for utilization and day by day use purposes. The zone gets its water gracefully through 3 distinctive natural components, which are all interconnected through a complex hydrologic and penetration cycle. The significant wellsprings of water gracefully are: (1) Precipitation (2) Surface water assets (3) Ground water assets. We will quickly clarify every single one of them with especially more prominent accentuation upon ground water assets and it’s the essential wellspring of water gracefully to the region. The graphical representation underneath uncovers that on normal 3.5 to 3.7 inches precipitation falls each month on Stark nation. In any case, considering the way that occasional changes and yearly limits seriously influence the precipitation rate, the accompanying information may not be solid while breaking down long haul precipitation rate. Information uncovered by â€Å"Ohio state college expansion certainty sheet†exhibits that, all the minor waterways, streams and lakes in the long run channel into Ohio River close to Beaver, Pennsylvania and Ohio River at Marietta (in Washington County). Besides, the penetration limit of soil likewise assumes a critical job as it decides the measure of precipitation water to be caught on a superficial level or invade into the dirt. As referenced before, the accessibility of ground water is needy upon the compound and physical properties of geologic arrangement. For a superior comprehension of ground water assets, the nature of springs ought to be examined in detail. As the accompanying figure â€Å"Ground water asset mapâ€
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Some Good Advice
Some Good Advice Summers sunlit streams of serendipitous socializing (or solitude) are sadly shriveling. My english teacher would be proud of that alliteration. But I digress, after all Im not here to wax nostalgic about how happy my former english teacher would be! And how fortunate, because Im sure the rest of my blogs will have enough run-ons and comma splices to make the Voynich Manuscript look like Shakespeare. No what Im actually here to talk about, albeit in my characteristically verbose but curiously charming roundabout way, is freshmen advisors. When you arrive on campus, you dont know anything. (many scholars and religions will argue that you never will, but again, I digress). It may seem like the wealth of reading materials, videos, and of course priceless blog entries have prepared you to dive headlong into the rigors of MIT, but on the other end of it youll realize you were never ready at all. Perhaps theres a lesson in that. Thankfully, you do have a wonderful resource available to you in the form of your freshmen advisors. Freshmen advisors are faculty and staff who have agreed to take in a group of wide-eyed new cadets under their wing at the institute and, as their namesake implies, advise them about ways to do things. Advisors come in many different flavors (but dont lick them. Thats weird). From extremely hands-on to more-or-less agreeing to let you do whatever it is you want, theres a style for every student. Theyre the people you can talk to about what classes you should take, what to major in if you dont know what to major in, how to talk to professors and other intimidating academics, as well as just generally be there to ask how youre doing. I certainly cant speak for all of them since I didnt have all of them, but my freshman advisor (Stephen Pepper), was a particularly important figure in my freshman year. I, at the time, thought I had more or less a game plan, and didnt need to have a lot of meetings and talking about what it is I wanted to do. I wanted the controls and I wanted to hit the throttle. In the off-chance that Stephen finds this entry, Id like to take the opportunity and publicly say thank you for your patience and politeness in pulling in the reigns more than once. I hope you have a small smirk in remembering the occasions we disagreed and no small satisfaction in knowing that you were right. And if theres anything I could suggest to incoming students wholl soon be in their first meetings with their advisors, its to listen and engage them. In fact, thats good survival skills for MIT in general. The professors and faculty are immensley welcoming and open, but the responsibility is on you to engage them. The moment you dont understand something in lecture, ask. The moment you start to get behind, ask for help. The instant the rest of your life collapses in on you and you find yourself overwhelmed with it, tell someone. More times than Id care to count, I found myself in tough spots figuring Id just duck down and power through, and more often than not that made things worse. I hated to say or do anything though because in my mind Id rather put in the blood sweat and tears to do it myself. But youll quickly learn MIT isnt meant to be done alone. Psets encourage collaboration. Theres no graduating with honors or valedictorians. Professors encourage questions, and most will bend over backwards to accomodate your curiousity. Of course you might be able to do it yourself, but if you do, frankly, youre doing it wrong. So dont. After all, theres no I in MIT. errwait
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The significance of the rate of interest in the determination of firms investment decisions - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 13 Words: 3917 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Discuss the relevant significance of the rate of interest in the determination of firms investment decisions What are the policy implications of this for a government, which wishes to promote economic growth? Alternative Theories of Business Investment Behaviour 4 Keynes on Animal Spirits 8 The concepts entailing the investment decisions made by firms, and the significance of interest rates in the preceding represents a broad as well as complex series of issues, factors, agents, inputs, policies, and other factors that impact upon this area, investments. The policy implications of governments in the preceding affects the outcomes of the circumstantial equation into where these items mesh at differing points in time, and as such represent another determining factor in how investment decisions will thus ultimately be made within this context. This examination shall examine two facets within the foregoing, 1). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The significance of the rate of interest in the determination of firms investment decisions" essay for you Create order The alternative theories of investment behaviour, and the competing theories that places differing emphasis on interest rate importance, along with other factors, and 2). the connection between investment and economic growth. The preceding will also include brief references to the limits that face governments in managing their economies and theories of interest rate determination to provide a balanced view of this complex subject matter. Alternative Theories of Business Investment Behaviour Interest rate, represents the profit yielded over time as a result of the utilization of financial instruments (Piana, 2002). In terms of companies, interest rates can be determined by a number of factors (Piana, 2002): The credit worthiness of the organization receiving the loan The use and aims of the plan being financed, for example, investment, working capital, consumption, with the external variables in terms of the utilization of said funds having an impact upon the interest rate computation. The number, frequency, risks and amounts of reimbursement actions in connection with the loan The locale, risks, stability and political situation connected with the end use of the investment. The corporation’s track record in similar investment instances as well as its position in the overall market relative to its competitors concerning sales, projected strengthens and weaknesses as well as innovations and market penetration All of the preceding are contingent upon the prevailing global interest rate within the corporation’s home country. The changes represented by interest rate structures are acted upon by reasons that are internal as well as external to financial markets, ass represented by the following (Stapetenand and Subrahmanyam, 1999). Differing types of interest rates influence and are linked to each other, thus the functioning of financial markets along with their relationships in the international arena represent a good portion of fluctuations in the rates. The overall economy, as well as the performance, expectations and perspectives of the corporation receiving the loan also plays an important part. The scope of globalisation thus exerts considerable influence on domestic conditions, and with financial markets being linked on an international basis as well the Central Banks of individual countries, in most instances, increased their co-operation as a result (Piana, 2002). The policy of the Central Banks represents the final determination of the country’s official interest rates, and thus influences business decisions regarding the timing of potential investment decisions. Interest rate increases can be a result of one or more of the following factors (Piana, 2002): The Central Bank seeking an anti-inflationary policy to restrict the growth of the nominal money supply as well as slow rising discount interest rates. Central Bank policy of either a revaluation of the currency, and or defending the currency from devaluation. Attempt by the Treasury in covering its public deficit through the issuance of additional bonds in a market that is basically unwilling to accept more governmental debt. The ending of an inflationary stage in the country. A relaxation regarding the need to defend the exchange rate. A fall in the country’s stock exchange. A fall in the overall profitability of the country’s major firms. A fall in the country’s private investment. A fall in credit consumption. Upward pressure on the exchange rate. Policy, and expectations greatly influence interest rates; as a result the relationship with the business cycle is therefore dependent upon decisions that are explicit, as well as subjective judgements on the part of key institutions. For example, if the use of interest rates is mainly employed to tune business cycles, then the rates will fall in recession periods slightly, and then rise on a steady basis when the economy recovers (Piana, 2002). At the end of the period of growth after the recession period, then interest rates will be increased to slow, or brake potential inflationary ramifications (Ranson, 2007). In the instance of inflation, the policy rules change. During a stagnant period, meaning whereby the Gross Domestic Product is depressed as a result of high inflation, interest rates might be high, therefore a counter cycle pattern potentially emerges (Ranson, 2007). Inflation represents a percentage increase in the price levels (Ranson, 2007). Inflation needs to be match ed by corresponding, nominal, increases in earning income; otherwise individuals within the economy become poorer. The importance of the preceding in terms of its relationship with business decisions to invest is that they do extensive research into the patterns, and policies of foreign countries, and track extensively the patterns and cycles in their home office, or main business locations, countries. Borrowing, and or building in high interest rates, and or inflationary periods erode the buying power of the funds utilized, and thus increase the investment return period for breakeven substantially. Such is made more of the case when the sums of money being utilised are quite large. Moderate inflation ranges between 5% to 25-30%, dependent upon the historical rates for the country in question, the following examples provide a clearer perspective in order to gauge the business investment significance (Ranson, 2007): Low Inflation Between 1 and 2% to 5% Moderate Inflation As is the case with most financial and economic areas, the definition of any term can have widely differing meanings dependent upon the country and region under consideration. Thus, moderate inflation is defined as existing between a range of 5% to 25%, with the higher segment of the preceding range representing ‘high inflation’ for some countries. Extremely High Inflation This can range anywhere between 50% and 100%, and can also represent an increase in inflation representing anywhere between 30% and 50% annually. Anything hovering within this vicinity is dangerously close to ‘hyperinflation’. Hyperinflation This represents the most extreme manifestation of inflation that represents annual price increases representing three-digit percentage points that grows at an accelerated rate. Inflation reduces incomes as well as consumption and savings, and can be attempted to be controlled by Central Banks via a sharp increase in real interest rates (Ranson, 2007). The preceding generally initiates a fall in investment as well as a revaluation of currency. Piana (2002) tells us that the first remedy â€Å"†¦ brakes domestic demand †¦Ã¢â‚¬ while the second reduces foreign demand. Higher interest rates postpone business investment as it: Increases the cost of a company’s investment, thus inducing higher risk in terms of return achievement. Represents entering an investment at the wrong period and thus inducing risk for shareholders in terms of future stock and bottom line performance, thus impacting stakeholders. Negatively impacts economic growth, as a result of reduced investment on the part of a number of businesses. Reduces the formation of new jobs. Impacts industrial output In discussing the impacts of investment in terms of interest rates, the preceding refers to both outside investment, meaning the attraction of companies into a country to establish and or expand their operations, as well as domestic companies expanding within their home markets. In the later instance, such, higher interest rates, reduce domestic production and thus competitiveness which can weaken their ability to compete with foreign firms as well as on an export level. In terms of foreign companies, higher interest rates can causes companies to seek locales with more favourable interest rates, thus representing a loss of investment, jobs, wealth creation and related factors. Henderson (2007) advises that economic growth takes place when individuals take resources and re-organise and arrange them in ways whereby they become more valuable. Money represents a key ingredient in the process as it provides the means to obtain more efficient techniques, equipment, processes, affiliation s and methods to obtain the preceding objective. Keynes on Animal Spirits Beenhakker (1996, p. 30) puts the preceding into perspective regarding publicly traded companies in that the stock price represents, among other things, the company’s projected capacity to earn revenues from new plant, processes, and markets, aspects that factor in the company’s recent, and planned investment(s) in these areas. Kalecki as well as Keynes (Asimakopulos, 1988, p. 147) advise us â€Å"†¦the key element in the determination of the level of economic activity in any short period in a capitalistic economy is the rate of investment that firms have decided to implement †¦ â€Å". Kalecki’s (1971, p. 13) view concentrates on profits, which are directly, and positively intertwined with economic activity, and stated: â€Å"Thus capitalists, as a whole, determine their own profits by the extent of their investment and personal consumption. In a way they are masters of their fate; but how they master it is determined by objective factors, so t hat fluctuations of profits appear after all to be unavoidable†John Maynard Keynes (1973, p. 121) explained the linkage between investment and economic growth as: â€Å"†¦the level of output and employment as a whole depends on the amount of investment. I put it in this way, not because this is the only factor on which aggregate output depends, but because it is usual in a complex system to regard as the causa causans that factor which is most prone to sudden and wide fluctuation. More comprehensively, aggregate output depends on the propensity to hoard, on the policy of the monetary authority as it affects the quantity of money, on the state of confidence concerning the prospective yield of capital assets, on the propensity to spend and on the social factors which influence the level of the money wage. But of these several factors it is those which determine the rate of investment which are most unreliable, since it is they which are influenced by our views of th e future about which we know so little depends on the propensity to hoard, on the policy of the monetary authority as it affects the quantity of money, on the state of confidence concerning the prospective yield of capital assets, on the propensity to spend and on the social factors which influence the level of the money wage. But of these several factors it is those which determine the rate of investment which are most unreliable, since it is they which are influenced by our views of the future about which we know so little †¦Ã¢â‚¬ The relevance of the foregoing is that unless a firm has sufficient savings to finance its investment(s), it seeks outside financing through banks, and thus is subject to interest rates, as explained. In all cases, the binding agent, in terms of interest, economic policy and investment decisions is represented by the human factor. In equating this facet, Keynes refers to ‘animal spirits’, whereby decisions impacting and affectin g the future â€Å"†¦ cannot depend on strict mathematical expectation †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Melberg, 2007). Keynes asserts that the foregoing is true â€Å"†¦ since the basis for making such calculation does not exist †as they are based upon projective inputs, and speculation as to how future events might proceed (Melberg, 2007). His, Keynes, â€Å"†¦ writings on uncertainty are widely acknowledged by, and indeed have clearly influenced the thinking of many economists †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Lawson, 1993). Harris and Knopf (1947, p. 50) explain that the cornerstone of the Keynesian system is based upon the rate of interest. They advise that â€Å"†¦ Keynes was very optimistic concerning the effectiveness of monetary expansion operating through the rate of interest in pulling a country out of the quagmire of deflation †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Harris and Knopf, 1947, p. 50). In Keynes’ â€Å"†¦General Theory, he stressed the relation of the rate of interest, and marginal efficiency of capital as a determinant of the amount of investment and hence of employment†(Harris and Knopf, 1947, p. 50). In explaining ‘animal spirits’, Harris and Knopf (1947, p. 50-51) tell us that in making calculations, estimates, and projections concerning the probability of future events â€Å"An estimate of what an investment will earn five, ten, or twenty years hence is based largely on guesswork, on animal spirits, on adapting estimates to the average estimate, which in turn is based on uninformed guesses†, thus uncertainty represents a deterrent to investment. â€Å" Arestis et al (2002, p. 21) explain â€Å"In the Keynesian case there are different types of agents consumers, workers, producers, renters and entrepreneurs. There is an overlap between these categories. Thus producers and entrepreneurs overlap, as do consumers and workers†Keynes statement on ‘animal spirits’ represents how decision makers foc us on the differing agents acting in the economic stage, and the action between these agents that he stated is based upon projections that in reality individuals do not have a basis for making decisions upon (Arestis et al, 2002, p. 21). The expectation of entrepreneurs concerning profits that has the probability of a high degree of variance is also subject to the individual interpretations based upon internal equation systems, animal spirits, that are uncertain, and or undefined as the calculations, and projections that are being utilised to make the decisions (Arestis et al, 2002, p. 21). Lawson (1993) does advise however â€Å" †¦Although the situation as a whole may be characterized by a degree of instability, the fact that agents fall back on convention does, within the wider existing institutional framework, also allow for a significant degree of structural stability to prevail †¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Keller (1983, pp. 1087-1095) tells us that post Keynesians, and institutionali sts share the same concepts regarding time, money as well as society. Tymoigne (2003) aids us in summarising the foregoing Keynesian concept: â€Å" †¦ time is historical, it implies that decisions are irreversible and that uncertainty matters and shapes the behaviour of economic actors. This appears notably through the use of money, which permits the transfer of purchasing power from the future to the present (satisfaction of animal spirits) and the transfer of expected purchasing power in a safe form, from the present to the future (liquidity preference)†Connection Between Investment and Economic Growth The case for the connection between investment, and economic growth is amply demonstrated by China. The country introduced its first round of economic reforms in 1979, which represented the Central government’s plans to put into place incentives for internal savings, and investment to build the economy (Morrison, 2006). During the period 1960 through 2005, the average annual growth rate of the Chinese economy grew from 5.3% to 10.1%, which economists attribute that much of the foregoing was and is a result of two principle factors (Morrison, 2006), large scale investments, as financed by domestic savings as well as foreign investment, and a rapid growth in productivity In addition, it is also acknowledged that the economic reforms led the country to increased economic efficiency (Morrison, 2006). The preceding is hailed as boosting production output as well as increasing the resources to result in additional investment. The following illustrates the growth in Chinaâ€℠¢s Gross Domestic Product for that period: Table 1 – China’s Average Annual Gross Domestic Product Growth Rates, 1960 – 2005 (Morrison, 2006) Time Period Average Annual % Growth 1960 – 1978 (pre-reform) 5.3 1979 – 2005 (post reform) 9.7 1990 3.8 1991 9.3 1992 14.2 1993 14.0 1994 13.1 1995 10.9 1996 10.0 1997 9.3 1998 7.8 1999 7.6 2000 8.4 2001 8.3 2002 9.1 2003 10.0 2004 10.1 2005 9.8 The case for investment, and economic growth is further found in China’s high savings rate. In 1979 the country’s domestic savings as represented by a percentage of GDP was 32%, which was primarily a result of state-owned enterprises (Morrison, 2006). The preceding was used by the government to increase domestic investment, and through economic reforms household savings underwent substantial growth, and thus now account for 50% of all domestic savings (Morrison, 2006). The reforms have aided the yearly increase in savings to the point where savings, as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product, has risen to 49% in 2004, making the foregoing the highest in the world (Morrison, 2006). The example of China has been used to illustrate the ties between interest rates, investment, and economic growth. It is by no means an isolated case, as evidenced by the growth of the Asian Tigers, and other examples. In equating the success of China, as well as the Asian Tigers and other high growth rates, it is important to establish comparative examples. Developed economies, the steady growth rate model indicates total savings, as represented by the formula (Kaplan, 1999): Total Savings = Private Savings + Public Savings + Net Foreign Savings To explain why less developed countries have productive capacity growth rates representing double, triple and greater on an annual basis, as compared to developed economies that range between 2% to 5% per year, one needs to look at the Solow Model for the difference in potential output growth (Kaplan, 1999). Mankiw (2007, p. 186) advises that the purpose of macroeconomic analysis represents the explanation of why the income of nations grows, and why the economies of some countries grow faster than other countries. In explaining the preceding, Mankiw (2007, p. 186) discusses the inputs of: production, capital, labour, the country’s economic output, and thus its total income. He explains that the differences in terms of income are result of differences in labour, capital as well as technology (Mankiw, 2007, p. 186). The Solow growth model illustrates how savings, along with population growth as well as technological progress have a direct effect upon a country’s economic output, and thus its growth (Mankiw, 2007, pp. 186-187). Savings represent the key determinant in investment as plentiful money aids in lowering interest rates in conjunction with the Central Bank, and governmental policy, taking into account other factors. Solow’s model explains that less developed countries in almost all instances have lower living standards, along with smaller economies, less capital as well as lower capital ratios than developed nations (Kaplan, 1999). As a result, lesser-developed nations do not need to devote a large portion of their savings, and investments to replacing depreciated plant, equipment, and other assets therefore leaving more for new asset development. In addition, the lowered costs of doing business, purchase, and or the leasing of land for plant, and or offices as well as the lowered costs of labour, related business expenditures, and in the case of China and or India, their huge domestic markets, makes investment a growth proposition (Kaplan, 1999). The preceding eventually balances out as LDC’s achieve a comparable internal market, and industrial development, falling into a ‘steady state rate of growth’ that identifies developed economies. Mankiw et al (1992, pp. 407-437 in an empirical note advises that the reservations in the Solow model that he raised concerning if balanced growth represents the norm, states the neoclassical growth model is widely accepted as it generates explanations for economies nearing the steady state growth rate (Blankenau and Cassou, 2004). The foregoing, ‘steady state economy’ is defined as one having a relatively stable as well as mildly fluctuating population and per capita consumption (Czech and Caly, 2004). Kumar (2007) sums up the preceding in stating that investment represents the manner in which countries as well as companies utilise financial assets to create wealth through investment in plant, equipment, technologies and market locations. The significance of interest rates in the determination of the investment decisions of business firms represents a cost analysis factor based upon the utilisation of a financial asset to yield an agreed upon, and a rate of overall return that compensates for the use of money in an environment that has acceptable risk. Such is subject to variable that are outside of the control of the company in that is depends upon the state of international economics, monetary policies, consumption patterns, future market stability, and savings. This entire complex series of interactions is dependent upon the actions of individuals, most of whom are working towards their own firm and or institutional self interests to maximise their returns. Interest rates represent the binding foundation of the overall calculation starting point in that future projections as to the impact of the anticipated use of funds for a specific purpose is dependent upon future factors and forecasts that may or may not accurately predict those events. The preceding is referred to as ‘animal spirits’ by Keynes, representing that individualized nature of the internal decision processes, and the uncertainty of events, which are used in arriving at the determinations. Governmental policies are reactionary in terms of addressing shifts in economic trends, both internal and externally that impact upon their countries. In addition, immediate, short-term, intermediate and long term policies enacted by governments on an individual and collective basis influence these events, thus forcing further in-phase adjustments to achieve outcomes. These are all predicative facets responding to the foregoing that seek to moderate present and future events into more favourable outcomes within individual economies. Central Bank actions in consort with the preceding are inputs contributing to the equation to attempt to create an internal economic environment that is conducive to growth, and market stability to present instances whereby the longer term prospects point to a business condition companies seek to basis investment decision in and upon. The foundation, as stated, rests in interest rates as well as future economic growth prospects that are representative of market conditions, which will yield anticipated returns. As Keynes aptly stated, the entire equation of uncertainty underpins the process. Firms do have a degree of control in that their past fiscal performance, if positive, aids in their being offered interest on more favorable terms, however, such is still subject to the vicissitudes of the overall international and national environment that consi sts of decisions made individually and in consort regarding economic variables. Arestis, P., Desai, M., Dow, S. (2002) Methodology, Microeconomics and Keynes: Essays in Honour of Victoria Chick. Vol. 2. Rutledge Publishers, London, United Kingdom Asimakopulos, A. (1988) Investment, Employment and Income Distribution. Westview Press, Boulder, CO, United States Beenhakker, H. (1996) Investment Decision Making in the Private and Public Sectors. Quorum Books, Westport CT., United States Blankenau, W., Cassou, S. (2004) Labor Market Trends with Balanced Growth. Kansas State University Czech, B., Daly, H. (2004) In My Opinion: The steady state economy – what it is, entails, and controls. Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy, Arlington, VA, United States Harris, S., Knopf, A. (1947) The New Economics: Keynes’ Influence on Theory and Public Policy. Alfred A. Knopf Publishers, New York, New York, United States Henderson, D. (2007) The Conc ise Encyclopaedia of Economics. Liberty Fund. In Romer, P. (2007) Economic Growth. Retrieved on 24 July 2007 from Kalecki, M (1971) Selected Essays on the Dynamics of the Capitalist Economy: 1933-1970. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, MA, United States Kaplan, J. (1999) Applications of the Solow Model. Retrieved on 25 July 2007 from Keynes, J. (1973) The General Theory and After: Part II Defense and Development. Volume XIV of the Collected Writings, Macmillan for the Royal Economic Society, London, United Kingdom Kumar, A. (2007) Economic Letter – Insights from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Retrieved on 25 July 2007 from Lawson, T. (1993) Keynes and Conventions. Vol. 51. Review of Social Economy. Mankiw, G. (2007) Macroeconomics. Worth Publishers, New York, N.Y ., United States Melberg, H. (2007) A note on Keynes Animal Spirits. Retrieved on 25 July 2007 from Morrison, W. (2006) China’s Economic Conditions. 12 January 2006. CRS Issue Brief for Congress, Congressional research Service, The Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., United States Piana, V. (2002) Interest Rates. Retrieved on 23 July 2007 from Ranson, D. (2007) Inflation. Retrieved on 25 July 2007 from Stapletenand, R., Subrahmanyam, M. (1999) The Term Structure of Interest-Rate Futures Prices. Workshop on Financial Engineering and Risk Management, European Institute ofr Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels, Belgium Timoigne, E. (2003) Keynes and Commons on Money. Vol. 37. Journal of Economic Issues
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Modern Communication And Flexible Manufacturing Methods
a. Product innovation Title: Decentralised manufacturing Location on the Innovation Matrix: Context, Product Decentralised manufacturing makes it possible for a large international firm like Ikea to reduce transport miles (and the associated carbon, NOx, SO2 and other emissions) and reduces the commercial risks of relying on a sole producer. It supports local small and medium size enterprises, provides local employment and can take advantage of locally sourced materials. The main impact of this innovation is to reduce transport costs. However a secondary benefit is better interaction with customers, especially for products with a short life cycle (Kianian et al. 2013). Modern communication and flexible manufacturing methods (e.g. Computer Numerical Control (CNC), 3-D printing, Additive Manufacturing) are all innovations that allow designs from a centralised source to be manufactured in smaller quantities close to where they will be sold. These techniques can also afford a firm commercial advantage the through the ‘personalised production’ of products (Mourtzis Doukas 2012) should they wish to adopt this as part of their business model. b. Service innovation Title: Chair leasing Location on the Innovation Matrix: People, Service Leasing office furniture can provide a cost efficient model for. Lease payments are deemed a direct operating expense rather than capital expenditure, giving companies a tax advantage. By not having to pay for the chairs at the point ofShow MoreRelatedThe Global Integration of Business Functions1134 Words  | 5 Pagesurges the foundation of globalization. Integrating into the global economy offers multinational companies not only opportunities to disperse their industries for goods and services worldwide, but also challenges to compete with others and sustain in flexible environment. On the other hand, globalization has caused much pressures for multinational business. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
It goes without saying that leaving your home to study in a foreign country can be scary stuff – especially if you don’t speak the language. Yet all over the world, hundreds of thousands of students move to different countries for their education, and don’t look back! So what is it about moving to another country to study that is so attractiveWell Studying or living abroad is an experience of a lifetime. You learn more about yourself and the world than you ever have before, and possibly ever will again. We will write a custom essay sample on 7 THINGS YOU ONLY LEARN FROM MOVING TO THE UK TO STUDY or any similar topic only for you Order Now So in case you’re tossing up whether or not to study abroad, we look at the 7 lessons that you will learn from moving to the UK to study. COMMUNICATION Believe it or not, it is perfectly possible to communicate without a speaking the common language. In fact, you can make friends with people even if you only speak a few words of their language or vice versa. Reach out and show people you mean to communicate. Making the effort to communicate certainly teaches you a great deal about how relationships and friendships work and how communication is more than just the words we say. CONFIDENCE If you’re a naturally shy person you’ll soon discover that you are not as shy as you first thought. In fact, in the right circumstances, you can talk to anyone. From sheer necessity you will be forced to operate in an unfamiliar environment. There can be a lot of ego-boosting moments as you navigate the new and different successfully, and that lends new confidence to all of us. SELF-RELIANCE Before you move abroad, you probably have an extensive network of family and friends to help you out. Such a network is fantastic and will always be there for you, even if it’s only via phone and email. But living in a foreign country means you’ll likely learn that you can rely on yourself to get through tough times. You will soon discover that you can do it on your own. OPEN-MINDEDNESS If you have made the decision to move abroad, you probably have some degree of open-mindedness. However, in terms of experiences as simple as food, you will no doubt learn to be even more open-minded and less judgemental about new things and the new people you meet. RESPECT AND UNDERSTAND OTHER CULTURES Every country is different. There is no better experience than living abroad to open your mind to other cultures and traditions. It’s often mind-blowing, personally enriching, and always a daily life lesson. YOU CAN DO IT! The number one thing you will learn from living in a foreign country is that if you put your mind to it, you can do anything! Before you move abroad, so many things sound so difficult  getting the right visa, learning a new language, fitting in to a different culture  but once you’re there, nothing is as hard as it sounds. And this tends to spill over into all areas of your life. ASK FOR HELP There’s no shame in recognising that moving to another country is difficult, especially to study – learning to write academically in a whole different language is certainly a challenge. But Universities and lecturers understand this and will provide guidance to help bring you up to speed with what is required to come out of Uni with an incredible life-experience, and grade! If you do feellike you need some support with you studies, then speak to us at our site and we will show you how we can help you to pass your course with ease! How to cite 7 THINGS YOU ONLY LEARN FROM MOVING TO THE UK TO STUDY, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Interpretations of the novel Essay Example For Students
Interpretations of the novel Essay The multiple narrators of Robert, Frankenstein and the creature combined with the framed narrative from all three of the individuals points of view and some unreliable narrators make for many different interpretations of the book and the story within. As I said, there are three narrators in the book. The first is Robert Walton a British Explorer who starts his narration in Russia. He is trying to find a crew and ship or a voyage to the North Pole where he hopes to discover new places or animals so that when he goes back to Britain he will become a rich and well-known man. He then continues his narrative in the form of letters up to the point where he finds Victor and helps him onto his ship. Next the narration is by Victor Frankenstein who is telling his story to Robert. Later the Creature tells his story by talking to Victor who then tells Robert. After this Frankenstein continues the story until the end when Robert writes his final letters. All these different types of narration from different types of people make the reader unclear whom they should sympathise with. For instance in some parts of the book Frankenstein tries, it seems, to beg the reader for forgiveness for making the creature but not for leaving it and hurting it physiologically. But I was in reality very ill and surely nothing but the un-bounded and un-relenting attentions of my friend could have restored me to life (Chapter 5) Also the way the Creature speaks to Victor once he has killed and hurt humans is like he is trying to shift the blame to Frankenstein for creating him and the human race for detesting him even though they know nothing of his inner feelings. This was the reward of my benevolence! I had saved a human from destruction, and as a recompense I now writhe under the miserable pain of a wound (Chapter 16) This is true because I think the creature did not initially want to hurt anyone, especially humans, but as time went past, he suffered many different types of violence and abuse. Then he finally breaks after being shot because people thought that he was trying to hurt them when he had just saved a young girl from drowning. Inflamed by pain, I vowed eternal hatred and vengeance on mankind (Chapter 16) In this section, I think that the Nature/Nurture debate should be included as it has direct consequences on how we could or should interpret the Creature and maybe Frankenstein himself. On the nature side of the argument is that the Creature was probably not created evil as Frankenstein did not want that he wanted a Creature that could help himself and humanity and its only when the hate of humans that he becomes evil. Now on the side of Nurture side is that when he is first created he did have contact with humans in the form of Frankenstein who gave him his first impressions of humans which was that they would be scared of him and may hurt him. Eventually I think that Nurture wins as it is when he reveals himself to the De Laceys and every other meeting with a human he learns that he is not liked and as this is by Nurturing it wins and gives its impact on the readers interpretation. This is what I think the multiple narrators do to the readers interpretation of the book. Another factor for why the readers interpretations may be influenced is by the book having two quite unreliable narrators: Frankenstein and the Creature. Firstly, Frankenstein I think is unreliable mostly in the latter parts of the book but also sometime just in the beginning. In Chapter 5 after when he has created the creature, he runs out of his laboratory and into his bed where he has nightmares. Until he is woken by the creature standing by his bed with his hand outstretched, which to Victor means he is trying to kill or detain him, but I think that the creature is holding out his hand for his creator to hold so he can feel loved and as a sign that he wants Victor to be his Father.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Antigone Was Right Essays - Antigone, Civil Disobedience, Haemon
Antigone was Right The story of Antigone deals with Antigone's brother who's body has been left unburied because of crimes against the state. The sight of her brother being unburied drives Antigone to take action against the state and bury her brother regardless of the consequences. The concept of the Greek afterlife was far more important and sacred than living life itself. Everything they did while they were alive was to please the many gods they worshipped. They built temples for their Gods, made statues to symbolize their Gods, and had a different God to explain things that we now say are an act of mother nature. Antigone percieved her actions to be courageous and valid, and Kreone, the King, percieved them as blasphemous. The entire story focuses on deciding who's right. The question arises, "Did Antigone take proper action?" Was it right to go against her Uncle Kreon's wishes and go ahead and bury her brother that was to be left out for the vultures? Would it have been better just to leave the si tuation how it was? The fact is, Antigone did the right thing. She was acting out of divine influence so to speak. Since divinity and humanity are shown to be colliding forces where divinity out weighs humanity in ancient Greece. Antigone was justified in her actions. Antigone was following divine laws, or walking with divine shoes, while Kreone followed the laws of the state. Her brother's afterlife was so important to Antigone that she was willing to give up anything to ensure her brother's happiness and "future" after his death. This supported in the play by the way she is so outspoken about what she had done after she is caught and while she is being questioned. "Why should I be ashamed of my loyalty to my brother?" (Sophocles line 624). Kreon didn't like her speaking in the manner such as this because it shows him that she has no remorse for disobeying his orders. Furthermore, it damaged Kreone's incredible pride. Kreone's pride is so great in fact, that he can't even be swayed by his son Haimon. Haimon asks his father to take his advice and not have Antigone executed, but, because of Kreon's stubborness for the law of the state, Kreon gets furious and makes the situation worse then it already was. He was way too proud to take advice from som eone younger, and in his anger he decided to kill Antigone right away in front of Haimon's eyes. "'Just understand: You don't insult me and go off laughing. Bring her here! Let him see her. Kill her here, beside her bridegroom'" (Sophocles 919-921). This was too much for Haimon to take, and he runs out of the room, yelling, "'?her death will destroy others'" (Sophocles 908). Blinded by his pride and arrogance, Kreon takes that remark as a threat to himself, unknowing that it wasn't directed to him, but was a suicide threat by his own son. Yet, Kreone may have been viewed as justified in his actions as well. Kreon states that the gods would be unhappy if a traitor to their earth were to be buried. Someone that was a traitor to the Gods land would not be admired. The gods would agree that the person should be punished. Kreon "should" have been taken as correct on this argument because kings were the lawgivers and thought to be god-like. The same type of thing goes on in today's government with our president. If we don't like him , which many may not, that does not give us the right to ignore his laws or the laws of this country. The fact is laws are made for a reason, be it good or bad. Even though they may seem a little far-fetched now, they were probably very reasonable then. The law may seem to be unjust to us in today's society but that does not give anyone the right to create their own laws to live by. Unless, they are rebeling against a absoulutism; and this is precisely what Antigone was doing. In the story, Kre one was refferred to as a tyrant. "In the seventh and sixth centuries B.C.E. in one city-state after
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Virtual Key Codes Used by Windows
Virtual Key Codes Used by Windows Windows defines special constants for each key the user can press. The virtual-key codes identify various virtual keys. These constants can then be used to refer to the keystroke when using Delphi and Windows API calls or in an OnKeyUp or OnKeyDown event handler. Virtual keys mainly consist of actual keyboard keys, but also include virtual elements such as the three mouse buttons. Delphi defines all constants for Windows virtual key codes in the Windows unit. Keyboard and VK Codes Here are some of the Delphi articles that deal with the keyboard and VK codes: Keyboard SymphonyDelphi For Beginners:Â Get familiar with the OnKeyDown, OnKeyUp, and onKeyPress event procedures to respond to various key actions or handle and process ASCII characters along with other special purpose keys. How to Translate a Virtual Key Code into a CharacterWindows defines special constants for each key the user can press. The virtual-key codes identify various virtual keys. In Delphi, the OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events provide the lowest level of keyboard response. To use OnKeyDown or OnKeyUp to test for keys the user presses, you must use Virtual key codes to get the key pressed. Heres how to translate the virtual key code to the corresponding Windows character. Touch Me - Im UntouchableIntercepting keyboard input for controls that cannot receive the input focus. Working with keyboard hooks from Delphi. ENTERing TabUsing the Enter key like a Tab key with Delphi controls. Abort a Loop by Pressing a KeyUse the VK_ESCAPE to abort a (for) loop. Use Arrow Keys to Move Between ControlsThe UP and DOWN arrow keys are virtually useless in edit controls. So why not use them for navigating between fields. Simulating Keystrokes from CodeA handy function to simulate the pressing of keyboard keys.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Political Science Russian Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Political Science Russian Politics - Essay Example After the August 1991 putsch and the dissolution of the CPSU, the DPKR in its first congress was renamed the People's Party of "Free Russia," and was headed by Rutskoi and Lipitsky. It flourished from 1991 to 1993, when it was considered a potential ruling party. Moving in March 1992 into constructive opposition to the course of the Boris Yeltsin-Yegor Gaidar administration, the NPSR reached an agreement with the Democratic Party of Russia, on the basis of which the bloc Civic Union was formed. (McFaul and Markov, 1993) In the 1993 conflict between Yeltsin and the delegates, Rutskoi sided with the latter and landed in prison after the attack on the White House. After his amnesty in May 1994, the party changed its name again, this time to the Russian Social-Democratic People's Party (RSDNP). Its main goals were the creation of conditions for free and thorough development of the citizens of Russia; elevation of their welfare; guarantee of citizens' rights and freedoms; and establishment of a civic society, a social-market economy, and a lawful government. Leaders had different ideas for the party's development: Rutskoi called upon the delegates to participate in the creation of the social-patriotic movement Power, whereas Lipitsky supported the idea of transforming the RSDNP into a social-democratic party of the Western European variety. In March 1995, the split became fact in congress, after which both sides essentially ceased existing. Rutskoi's group began working in the social-patriotic movement Power, and Lipitsky's in the Russian Social-Democratic Union. (McFoul, 2001; Reddaway and Glinski, 2001) In the 1995 elections, Lipitsky's supporters participated in the bloc Social-Democrats (0.13% of the vote), and Power pushed forward its federal list, on account of which a new split occurred in the leadership of the movement, and a number of politicians left it. The new list of Power with Rutskoi at the head received 1.8 million votes (2.6%), while in Rutskoi's homeland, Kursk, it received more than 30 percent. In 1996, Power was unable to collect the required number of signatures for its presidential candidate Rutskoi, and it joined with the bloc of popular-patriotic forces headed by Gennady Zyuganov. Soon afterward, Rutskoi was elected first as cochair of the Popular-Patriotic Union of Russia, and then, with its support, governor of Kursk Oblast. He resigned as chair of Power and fell into conflict with the NPSR and Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF). In 1998, Power, under the chairmanship of Konstantin Zatulin, entered the movement Fatherland of Moscow mayor Yuri Lu zhkov, and on the very eve of elections it split yet again and disappeared from the political scene. (McFoul, 2001) Free Russia gradually emerged from obscurity from the Russian Party of Small and Medium Businesses. This was due to the efforts of former presidential contender Irina Khakamada to revive the liberal movement in the country, which many in the West criticize for alleged backsliding on democracy. It has 55,063 registered members and is little known to the population. It has never run in a national parliamentary election, but gained 11% of the votes in the regional election in the Novgorod Region on October 8, 2006. In the 2007 parliamentary elections, Free Russia registered as a contender and will try to appeal to the right-wing electorate in the 2007 parliam
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Child Labour in Third World Countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Child Labour in Third World Countries - Essay Example In 2002, the U.S. Congress passed legislation ordering the Department of Labour's Bureau of International Labour Affairs to study the relationship between education and military expenditure in countries where child labour is recognized to be particularly common. The word child labour in general refers to any economic activity carried out by someone not above the age of 15. Not all work done by children is harmful or manipulative. Child labour does not normally refer to part-time work after school or rightful internship opportunities for young people. Nor does it refer to adolescent people helping out in the family business or on the family farm. Rather, the "child labour" of concern is general employment that prevents children from getting education, and which is often performed under conditions dangerous to the physical and mental health of the child. The International Labour Organization, or the ILO, defines child labour as "some types of work" done by children under the age of 18. The ILO also says that child labour includes full-time work done by children under 15 years of age that prevents them from going to school (getting an education), or that is dangerous to their health. More complete definitions of what child labour is in regard, age restrictions, job types, and exceptions can be found in convention 138, convention 182, and the convention on the rights of the child. (Child Labour) Other sources and organizations disagree on what child labour is. Some utter that it is merely perilous work or work that obstruct with a child's education, while others are broader and include any work done by children working for compensation. Some organizations, such as UNICEF draw a line between child labour and child work, which can consist of light work done by children above the age of 12. Child Labour in the Fashion Industry There are no reliable statistics on the rate of child employment in any particular economic activity, including the fashion industry. Most information on child labour in the garment industry comes from eyewitness accounts, studies by non -governmental organizations (NGOs) and academicians, reports by journalists, and studies by the International Labour Organization (ILO). Unreliable information obtained during the preparation of this report indicates that in some of the countries examined, fewer children could currently be working on garment exports for the U.S. market than two years ago. A striking example involves Bangladesh, where great numbers of children worked in garment factories as lately as 1994. Worldwide media attention and intimidation of boycotts and cancelled work orders led to the dismissal of thousands of child workers from the garment sector unfortunately without any backup support for them. Thus, it is possible that in the lack of government programs to help the children, the abrupt discharge of child workers can put them in danger, rather than protect them. More research is required so that governments, industry, international organizations, and others apprehensive of the welfare of children are better capable of designing suitable programs. It is obvious, though, those local and national assurances to collective and free education for children are instant and optimistic steps which can and should be taken. One cause for any possible downward
Monday, January 27, 2020
Nursing Information Systems Survey
Nursing Information Systems Survey Study of Nursing Information Systems (NIS) in teaching hospital of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Leila Erfannial Msc1,Yousef Mehdipour PhD 1,Afsaneh Karimi Msc 1,Ayeshe Zarei Bs 1,Nahid Mehrabi Msc 2 ABSTRACT Purpose: Nurses are one of the biggest providers in health industry that effect directly on health service quality and outcomes. Nurses need correct information in correct time to have an effective service for patient and other member of health society. Nursing information system (NIS) is subsystem of hospital information system that can help nurse to have better performances. The main goal of this study is evaluation of nursing information system in teaching hospital of Zahedan according standard criteria. Materials and Methods: This research is based on a descriptive – cross sectional study that has done on 2013.Nursing information system of 4 teaching hospital in Zahedan were evaluated. For data gathering, we use a checklist that its reliability and validity was verified. Results: According our result, NIS of our study has met 42.19% of priority in general scopes, 72.33% for nursing data set, none of them had classification system standards. They had 45% of nursing data register priorities and 61.12% of report requirement was met. Conclusion: According our system weakness in general aspects, data register and data classification, we propose educational package such as workshops, classes and bulletin for nurses in hospitals toward optimal using of NIS. In other hand , provide nurses with enough hardware requirements , management supervision on using system , provide NIS systems by nursing classification standards and contribution of nurses in selection and implementation of this system is suggested. Keywords: nursing information system; hospital information system; nurse INTRODUCTION There is an increasing growth in information production in different sciences and theqnics, so the management of these volumes of information is very difficult. Information technology is a useful tool for management and useful application of this information. Health industry has faced with increasing rate of information generation that are multiple and complicated in nature1. So health information technology can help this high-demanded industry to manage information. Health information systems are some kinds of tools that integrate and communicate patient data and information and also can process the data and make some new information2. Nurses are one of the biggest providers in health industry that effect directly on health service quality and outcomes. Nurses need correct information in correct time to have an effective service for patient and other member of health society3. Nursing information system (NIS) are subsystem of hospital information system that can help nurse to have better performances, more nursing knowledge and make available data and information for nurses to have a role in health policy making and also decision making around health society and patients4. Furthermore, NIS can participate in hospital information process so lead to a better communication between health care team in hospital 5 . Margaretconclude that using NIS in hospital has a positive effect on information quality that provide by nurses6 .Ammenwerth state that NIS lead to better and more complete documentation of patient information and also better quality of information process5 .Toolabi in her study conclude that optimization of hospital information system would lead to a significant progress in nursing care average and better communication between nurses , patient and health care team and consequently patient more truth to health system ,health services and nurses, more patient family satisfaction and at the end , decrease patient claims7. Zahedan, the capital city of a province in southeast of Iran uses hospital information system in teaching hospital. Nursing information system is one this system module that use in these hospitals. So the basic objective of this study is to evaluate Nursing information system according standard indexes in four sections: general specification of systems, nursing data set , nursing nomenclature and classification specification , documentation registration and reporting specification of systems. MATERIALS AND METHODS This research is based on a descriptive – cross sectional study that has done on 2013.nursing information system of 4 teaching hospital in Zahedan were evaluated. For data gathering, we use a checklist that its reliability and validity was verified. Checklist has 5 section at whole: section 1 has some questions about the system, vendor and some general information about NIS module, section 2 was about general specification of nursing information system. The questions has two answers yes or no.this section involve 23 question about patient care process,11 about ward management process, 10 about communication process and 1 question research and education section 3 , we have some questions about nursing data set that involve 5 question about nursing care data specification, 15 about patient data specification and 14 about service providing data specifications. Section 4 has some question about nursing nomenclature and classification data specification with 25 questions and in section 5 nursing data, registration and reporting requirements were evaluated by 6 questions about personnelreport, 14 questions about clinical report and 3 about financial report. The researchers attended in hospitals and by deep interviewing and also direct observation of systems, gather information and register in checklists. Supervisor of hospital, health information technologist and some professional nurse who uses NIS and familiar with the potential of system was interviewed; furthermore, during interview the researchers can observe the NIS and its functions. After gathering information, we use descriptive statistics to analysis our data by using Excel 2010 tables. RESULTS According our study, general specification of our NIS was evaluated in 5 aspects and 4 hospitals.(table 1) At whole, the frequency of patient care process data specification was 44/56%, ward management data specification was 31.81%, communication process data specification 47.5% and education and research data specification was 50% in our society research. Nursing data set was evaluated in 4 aspects in 4 hospitals: nursing care data set , patient data set, service data set (table 2) According our study , nursing care data set specification was 40% , patient data set specification was 71.66% and service data set specification was 84%. None of our NIS , has nursing classification standards specification data. Data registration and reporting specification data was evaluated in 4 aspects.(table 3) DISCUSSION Information technology making a great service for nurses to perform their tasks8. According our result, by using NIS in all hospital, nurses can receive patient demographic data from admission,discharge,and transmission (ADT) system of hospitals and also can register of different request such as laboratory tests, radiology and pharmacy services. And also they can observe laboratory and radiology results. But none of NIS support nursing evidence based and alert variances from normal patterns. According Ammenwerthstudy, after using information systems, nurses report more quickly patient data documentation, better information monitoring and progress in patient information legibility5. Kossman state that electronic health record implementation in hospital lead to decrease inter-department communication and promote critical thinking between nurses9. Making electronic communication between different parts of hospital is one of the most important capabilities of hospital information systems. According our study, by using nursing information system, in all hospital, nurses can schedule the admission of patients in their wards. Nurses in hospitals can access to information in every place of hospital. In hospital Cand D , nurses can transmit all information by NIS when changing their shifts. According Hinsonstudy , using NIS would lead to the time increasethat nurses spend on patient direct care (10.66%) ,verbal communication 19.33% decrease and mean time for reviewing data 8.9% increase10. Standard NIS needs nursing concepts standards and nursing data standards3. Without unified nursing language , internal data integration and external connection of information would disappear when information are shared and also there would be some problem for clinical decision other hand , nursing information are unstructured generally , so if we don’t use a standard unified language , the retrieval of information would be difficult11. Result of our study show that, none of NIS in Zahedan hospital use standard nursing classification. This issue is very similar to Ahmadi research, they suggest standard nursing classification system for standardization of nursing data and concept to facilities retrieval of information that register in nursing information system12. All NIS in our study, register patient demographic data , nursing diagnostic data and data about service provided by nurses can record ECG hospital C and D , patient vital signs and input-output liquid balance data , can enter to the terminal near patient bed. Anderson state that a standard nursing data set should involve nursing diagnostic data , nursing intervention , nursing outcome and intensity of nursing services and declare , by using such standard data set , management of nursing service cost , supporting of resources that allocated to the nurses , nursing knowledge developed and at the end nursing nursing profession would be promoted13. Making different reports is one of basic management capability of nursing information system that can provide valuable information about personnel productivity, budget management and nursing workload management in different shifts14. In hospital A,B and D , NIS making schedule for personnelshifts. All NIS , can make clinical reports such as laboratory and pathology report and reports about admitted or discharged patients. In Ahmadi study, reporting specification data was met 20.4%,63.5% and 85.2% in personnel , clinical and financial reports4. CONCLUSION Nurses have a great role in health care systems so documentation of their services would be very easy by using nursing information if we want to implement an effective NIS , at first , we should implement a powerful HIS as an infrastructure for any hospital ward subsystem. Nurses are the biggest group of NIS users , so nurses computer literature promotion , has an important role in success and acceptance of NIS. So educational workshop and classes for nurses in hospital would be helpful to make better utilization of nursing information system also increasing inter-hospital communication between nurses and health information technologist would have a helpful tool for transmitting professional knowledge between these groups. Using nurse’s knowledge and skills in all phase electronic system development and implementation and courage electronic health systems developer to use this knowledge in their production is an essential item for successfulness of NIS and systems li ke that. Since we don’t have any national nursing standard classification and nomenclature , prepare , provide an standard unified system according national requirements is another important factor for implementation and usage of NIS and at whole , establishment some professional workshop that has different different profession such as nursing , health information technology , policy making and so on , to start and monitored special effort about nursing information system requirement , development and implementation is very important. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful to nurses and health information technologist of educational hospital affiliated to Zahedan University of medical sciences who kindly participated in this study. 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Table1.frequency percentage of NIS general data specification in different hospital D C B A 17/52% 95/86% 73/21% 39/17% Patient care process 63/63% 36/36% 09/9% 18/18% Ward management process 50% 90% 30% 20% Communication process 100% 100% 0 0 Education and research process Table2.frequency percentage of nursing data set in different hospital. D C B A 60% 100% 0 0 Nursing care data set 60% 33/93% 60% 33/73% Patient data set 85/92% 57/78% 57/78% 71/85% Provided services data set Table3.frequency percentage of reporting data specification in different hospital. D C B A 33/33% 0 100% 33/83% Personnel report 71/85% 28/64% 28/64% 71/35% Clinical report 0 100% 100% 0 Financial report
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Critical Analysis of Drugs Essay
Drugs and alcohol use has been a common and consistent problem in the United States for quite a long time. From the prohibition era in the 1920’s to the common drug use seen in the 1970’s, we have always seen a problem that needs to be addressed. An array of scholars, from all the disciplines, have each experimented and researched this topic in their own unique ways. The natural sciences take a purely scientific approach by hypothesizing and using the scientific method to research and made evaluative claims based on experiment and observation as shown in the article â€Å"Relationship between Vigorous Exercise Frequency and Substance Use Among First-Year Drinking College Students†. Social Science is similar because it also uses hypotheses and the scientific method to observe and evaluate experiments, but at the same time uses theory critique and discussion methods as seen in the article â€Å"Decisional Balance and Collegiate Drinking†. The Humanities take a very difference approach to experiments and research than the natural or social sciences. The Humanities utilize analysis and interpretation in their approach and provide very subjective results to their studies as seen in, â€Å"Associations Between Aspects of Spiritual Well-Being, Alcohol Use, and Related Social-Cognitions in Female College Students†. All of these techniques give us a better understand of the subject as a whole by exposing us to all the different views of a single topic. See more: how to write a critical analysis outline Drugs and alcohol use, particularly in college students, in a continuously rising issue in our current society and is gaining more notice in recent years because of the rise in college student awareness. It is a pressing issue that affects people’s health, lifestyle, and general well being and needs to be treated with attention and an open mind to help resolve its current issues. Part I. From the scholarly point of view, drug and alcohol use in the college setting is covered by all the disciplines with different attention on certain aspects by each respective discipline. A social science article, â€Å"Decisional Balance and Collegiate Drinking,†by Dr. Morgen delves into college students drinking habits, and why they act as they do. The articles purpose is to show the relationship between how students perceive their drinking and how bad it actually is. Dr. Morgen focuses on identifying the problem and evaluating it. This isn’t far off from the approach the Natural Science article, â€Å"Relationship between Vigorous Exercise Frequency and Substance Use Among First-Year Drinking College Students†by Dr.Moore and Dr. Werch. Their focus is to compare exercise habits among self identified drinkers and to come up with scientific explanations for their habits. Like Dr. Morgen, the study included asking questions about the students drinking habits and perceptions of their actions. But, unlike Dr. Morgen there is a more objective approach to the results and less room for interpretation. The Humanities article compares more with the Social Science article and contrasts with the Natural Science take on the subject. The article, â€Å"Associations Between Aspects of Spiritual Well-Being, Alcohol Use, and Related Social-Cognitions in Female College Students†focuses strictly on discussion and results to questions they presented to the women in their study. When comparing the Humanities article to the other two, you can see a difference in the materials covered and analyzed. The Humanities support its findings through their discussion and thoughts on the results, while the two science articles find support from empirical data. When looking at all three sources it is easy to realize how complex and broad drugs and alcohol are among the three disciplines. When we view the Natural Science article is it clear that the use of scientific sources are more prevalent than in the Humanities article. The Humanities utilize primary sources, where the Social Sciences use a mixture of methods found in both the Humanities and the Natural Sciences. All of these scholarly discussions demonstrate the complexity of the subject, while also exposing it from many different angles. Each article seems to approach the topic of drugs and alcohol by exhibiting several different opportunities for argument. Given that all three articles deal with three different disciplines it’s no surprise that each article comes to its respective conclusion by different rhetorical means. â€Å"Relationship between Vigorous Exercise Frequency and Substance Use Among First-Year Drinking College Students,†by Moore and Werch, works to indentify factors in college students drinking and exercise habits and link them together. Moore and Werch rely on logos to convey their results, given that the article is in the Natural Sciences it uses facts, statistics, and experiments to argue its results. This differs greatly from, â€Å"Associations Between Aspects of Spiritual Well-Being, Alcohol Use, and Related Social-Cognitions in Female College Students†by VonDras et al. because VonDras et al. make up the framework of their approach and argument by using credibility and reliable sources (ethos). The Social Science article, â€Å"Decisional Balance and Collegiate Drinking†by Dr. Morgen, is a combination of both approaches. The use of logical reasoning and experiments yield to logos, but at the same time the exploitation of reliable sources and trustworthiness demonstrate ethos as its rhetorical choice. The point of view of the three articles is first person because the authors are directly explaining the experiments methods, process, and discussion to the reader. Throughout the three sources there is a certain ethos connection because of the experimenters relying on honest input from their subjects in each experiment. Overall, all three articles state the importance of the positions they take, and relate their topics to some degree. All have in common a kind of moderation in how they appeal to an audience rhetorically. Each source uniquely represents its particular discipline through textual evidence, and its take on the subject at hand. The Humanities article, â€Å"Associations Between Aspects of Spiritual Well-Being, Alcohol Use, and Related Social-Cognitions in Female College Students†by VonDras et al. represents humanities perfectly because of its strong use of interpretation and analysis. This approach differs greatly from the â€Å"Relationship between Vigorous Exercise Frequency and Substance Use Among First-Year Drinking College Students†article, which uses more observation and the scientific method, which is very representative of the Natural Sciences. Once again incorporating some of both of the disciplines to represent its take is the Social Science article, â€Å"Decisional Balance and Collegiate Drinking†. There is clear use of scientific method and experiment, but you can also see interpretation and analysis in the conclusion discussion which talks about the students drinking habits and perceived benefits from consuming alcohol. The Natural Science article strays from its disciplines approach at times and seems to come across as a Social Science article. Its uses analysis and observation along with its hypothesis. The Social Science article, â€Å"Decisional Balance and Collegiate Drinking†is most typical to its specific discipline. It exemplifies traditional Social Science approaches to the experiment and discussion more wholly than the Natural Science and Humanities articles represent their topic. The least typical to its discipline is the Natural Science article, â€Å"Relationship between Vigorous Exercise Frequency and Substance Use Among First-Year Drinking College Students†. Though, as stated, it does use scientific approaches which represent the Natural Sciences, it also incorporates some Social Science attributes in its structure. This is dissimilar to the Humanities article, â€Å"Associations Between Aspects of Spiritual Well-Being, Alcohol Use, and Related Social-Cognitions in Female College Students†because as previously stated, VonDras et al. stuck to the proper methods in their research and represented the Humanities in a proper fashion. Taken as a whole, these three scholarly sources predominantly stick to their discipline and properly represent their respective disciplines. Part II. The importance of drug and alcohol use in the college setting has never been more important and relevant than it is now. Drug and alcohol use at the college level can have many detrimental effects on the future of our society. We, the college students in America, are the future of this country, and if we cannot be responsible enough to drink not in excess then how can we be trusted to continue to run this country smoothly. The three sources used from the three different disciplines all touch on important ideas related to the topic at hand. As stated in the Social Science article, â€Å"Decisional Balance and Collegiate Drinking†by Dr. Morgen, most of the college students that claim they have their drinking habits in control and receive lots of benefits from drinking fall into the DSM-IV-TR category for alcoholism. This is a relevant issue because it shows that college students who think they are responsible for their actions could easily have a disease and not even know it. We must strive to fix or at least help the issue that is in front of us by going straight to the matter. In the Natural Science article, â€Å"Relationship between Vigorous Exercise Frequency and Substance Use Among First-Year Drinking College Students†it states college students who exercise more are more likely to drink heavily. That seems highly counterproductive, but from the student’s point of view, they feel that if they work out and exercise they can drink as a reward for their efforts. This is a skewed way to look at it and should also be addressed. We don’t need to promote no drinking because that will simply not work, but we can push to inform people of the health risks and harm they do to their bodies by drinking heavily on a regular basis. This is a very relevant take on the subject because it alerts the reader of the things they found and provides unbiased, correct information on the topic of drinking amongst college students. The Humanities article, â€Å"Associations Between Aspects of Spiritual Well-Being, Alcohol Use, and Related Social-Cognitions in Female College Students†approaches the subject from a different angle but still covers useful and relevant material to use and discuss. Its main idea is talking about how religion and spirituality effect their views and habits of drinking. The study found that religious affiliation and aspects of spiritual well being are moderators of behavior that lead to alcohol prevention. The level of awareness of the issue of alcohol use of all three scholarly sources seems to be very high. They all selected their topic of research to find definitive results about the use of alcohol and its effects on the people who abuse it. There seems to be a suitable amount of attention given, which is good because it seems that a large group of people are unaware of the negative aspects on their lifestyle and health of heavy drinking and drug use. We should be focused strongly on the issue more than the discipline we are reading it from. All the disciplines have unique approaches to their discussions but they still head towards the same issue that we should be focused on. All three of the sources seem to stay focused and never stray from alcohol use as their main topic. The Social Science article, â€Å"Decisional Balance and Collegiate Drinking†seems to be most relevant because of its practical explanations. It includes input and thoughts from the Natural Sciences and the Humanities, and that’s what makes it a Social Science article. The practicality of its subject, why students drink, is easy to understand, but at the same time is very in-depth. We learn so much from it such as, why people drink, how much they drink, their perceived benefits from consumption, and the effects of all those things added up. As stated earlier, this issue is very important in our society at this moment. College should be fun, but at the same time we must learn to be responsible and focus on what we are in college to do. That is learn and get an education so that we can later because the leaders and innovators that push this country to greatness. Only so much can be done, but the first step to changing anything is raising awareness on college campuses. Overall, drug and alcohol abuse is portrayed in all the disciplines with each one having an important input on the matter as a whole. It is a pressing issue that affects people’s health, lifestyle, and general well being and needs to be treated with attention and an open mind to help resolve its current issues. We cannot stray from this pressing issue in the near future and must continue to research and experiment so that we may better understand drug and alcohol use from all different points of view. As stated in the Social Science article, â€Å"Decisional Balance and Collegiate Drinking†, students who perceive their consumption as normal have in reality worse habits than the average person. We have to strive to expose this issue and correct it as best we can in the future. From the Humanities article, â€Å"Associations Between Aspects of Spiritual Well-Being, Alcohol Use, and Related Social-Cognitions in Female College Students†, we can conclude that religious affiliation and sense of spiritual well-being seem to have a positive effect on drinking habits. Simply put, morals seem to have an effect on if a person abuses alcohol or drugs. Also, as found in the Natural Science source, â€Å"Relationship between Vigorous Exercise Frequency and Substance Use Among First-Year Drinking College Students†people seem to be negatively reinforcing themselves because it was found that people how exercise more reported consuming more alcohol than the average person. That finding is a sad thing because it is so counterproductive to the body. From the sources as a whole you can easily find the connection that this is a pertinent issue today and will continue to be in the future. Its importance cannot be stressed enough but even with that, people will continue to not listen and use substances more than is considered responsible. We will see the consequences of this in the coming years, and determine if the issue really is as big as it seems, or if people finally grow up when they get out of college and realize they can’t have such destructive behaviors and continue to contribute to society in a positive way. In conclusion, we cannon stray from this issue, but we must continue to research it and learn from it to help fix and explain it to coming generations. Moore, Michele Johnson, and Chudley Werch. â€Å"Relationship Between Vigorous Exercise Frequency and Substance Use Among First-Year Drinking College Students. †Journal of American College Health Vol. 56. No. 6 (2008): 686-690. Morgen, Keith, and Lauren Gunneson. â€Å"Decisional Balance and Collegiate Drinking. †Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education (2008): 18-36. VonDras, D. , R. Schmitt, and D. Marx. â€Å"Associations Between Aspects of Spiritual Well-Being, Alcohol Use, and Related Social-Cognitions in Female College Students. †Journal of Religion & Health Vol. 46 (2007): 500-515.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Computers Should Replace Teachers Essay
Computers should replace teachers by: Raveeroj Period: 1 Length: 3 minutes Exact purpose: to convince the audience that computers should replace teachers. Imagine a world where every education is taught by computers, electronic devices, robots, and my other things. How perfect would education be? The quality of education would be at the highest and it would be equalized for all the students. The best education for a student is the 1 by 1 by changing teachers to computers we would achieve that. The decision lies on you whether or not to improve the child education in the future. I have been tutored and taught in the class, I have noticed a lot of differences- you understand more from the things we have been taught . Computers can makes lessons interesting. Computers can be developed by the best teachers that had the experience in making the class more interesting; when the students are having interest they are learning more from the subject they have been learning. When the students are having interest in class they will be smarter and strive to find information based on the subject. We just make the students expert in the section. When we learn more from one class it saves time. Saving time from classes will make you graduate faster. Wouldn’t you like to graduate faster and spend fewer years in torture? Graduating fast would help find jobs and find experience from the jobs, then get a lot of money. Saving time could be achieved by the going forward without the dumber ones weighing you down like in the class which the teachers need to make the dumber ones understand then go forward. Learning becomes fun. Learning for me could be a pain in the ass, with the boring teachers, with their lame speeches could just make you fall asleep, when you fall asleep they deduct your points simple as that. When learning becomes fun the students started wanting to go to school and experience the fun things with the computers, be fascinated by the creativity of the lessons presented to us. When we are in a good mood the learning can be absorbed more than when we are in a bad mood. Computers can provide a huge amount of knowledge and make teaching methods become better. Whether or not should agree with me in improving your child’s future the decision lies in you. Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy it
Friday, January 3, 2020
Jiambalvo Case 7-2 Five Star Tools Essay - 773 Words
Case 7-2 Five Star Tools This report provides an analysis and evaluation of constraints in the production process for the Model C210 and the Model D400 of the Five Star Tools product line. The significant growth the company has experienced in recent years has led to a strain on the firm’s production capacity. This report seeks to determine how to loosen constraints on production and identify the most profitable product line given current production limitations. Incremental analysis is used to determine both the benefit of one additional hour of production time in the coating and sharpening process and the incremental yearly profit associated with adding a new inspection station. Five Star Tools is a small family-owned firm that†¦show more content†¦Data indicates that Model C210 has a higher contribution margin per unit of the constraint. Therefore it is recommended that until the constraints in coating and sharpening are removed, production should concentrate its limited resources on produc tion of the more profitable model. The Model C210 contributes $1250 per hour compared to $537.50 per hour given the constraint in the coating and sharpening stage. The Theory of Constraints indicates that excess capacity from ‘subordinate’ departments should be utilized to lessen the strain on the bottlenecked department. Until the constraint on production has been removed management should subordinate everything else to the constraint. The proposed action of outsourcing inspection from the coating and sharpening department will free-up more valuable direct labor hours in the area of constraint. A separate inspection station before the final stage of production should be added to the production process. An employee from the chemical bathing stage will be cross-trained to inspect products as needed for the brief periods of inspection required. Because the second process has been deemed subordinate to the area experiencing constraint its excess capacity can be utilized in a more valuable capacity. Each additional hour in the coating and sharpening process will result in a firm benefit of $1250, or the contribution margin per unit of constraint for the Model C210. The addition of an inspectionShow MoreRelated5star Tools Case Study849 Words  | 4 PagesBUS5431 - Managerial Accounting Individual Case Study 7-2 FIVE STAR TOOLS James Jiambalvo – Chapter 7 Case 2 Submitted by: K Greene Executive Summary: Five Star Tools is a small family-owned business that manufactures diamond-coated cutting tools (chisels and saws) used by jewelers. The production of these tools involves three major processes. The first of these processes involves steel â€Å"blanks†(tools without the diamond coating) that are cut to size. The second process involvesRead MoreIntangible Asset Accounting and Accounting Policy Selection in the Football Industry85391 Words  | 342 PagesTreatment of Intangible Assets 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 The Nature of Intangible Assets The Importance of Intangible Assets Development of Accounting Standards for Intangible Assets in the UK International Accounting Standards for Intangible Assets Page 1 5 2 The Measurement of Intangible Assets 2.1 2.2 2.3 Financial Reporting Requirements Valuation Models The Amortisation of Intangible Assets 26 3 Human Resource Accounting 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 The Human Resource as an Asset The Relevance of
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