Monday, September 30, 2019
(a Farewell to Arms)Modern Tragedy Essay
Throughout the history of American literature, stories of the white knight saving the damsel in distress and riding off into the sunset to live happily ever after have plagued our shelves for centuries. The birth of the modern tragedy came in the late 19th century and early 20th century with novels such as Red badge of Courage, and All Quiet on the Western Front. They show the realism of war and the harass tragedy that comes with it. Ernest Hemingway was a product of war himself, serving in the WWI. Some consider his short narrative, A Farwell to Arms to be a reflection on his life during the war. Hemingway uses many themes, including love, faith, war and death in order to turn this story in a modern tragedy for the world to see. Some older writers of literature believe a true tragedy can only depict those with power and high status. As centuries past, the modern writer’s belief that tragedy may also depict ordinary people in domestic surrounding came to life in stories such as Henrik Ibsen â€Å"A Dolls House. †With the emergency of the modern tragedy, Hemingway released A Farewell to Arms. Through out this short story filled with five short narratives, you are taken on a journey through the eyes of a soldier, Frederic Henry, and into a tragic love story. His farewell is from Henry, to the woman Catherine Barkley, whose arms held understanding in the crazy world of the Great War. In the beginning of the book, Hemingway takes the main character, Henry, and introduced him to Catherine Barkley, the women he becomes romantically entangled with. Catherine seems to have a full grasp on the idea of war and the tragedy that comes with it. Henry, whose emotions towards woman have dulled, is rekindled with the emergence of Catherine. â€Å"I had treated seeing Catherine very lightly, I had gotten somewhat drunk and had nearly forgotten to come but when I could not see her there I was feeling lonely and hollow. †(41) Henry is describing his first intimation that his feelings for Catherine Barkley are more significant than he has previously felt for other women. The paradox of this occurring is, that Henry has Catherine to care for, and she all ready lost one love in the war. A modern tragedy looks at the average man with an everyday occurrence. Hemingway uses Henry to show the reader what can occur to men in time of war, and how it affects their life. It also shows their struggle to adapt to tragedy. As Italians are losing ground, many soldiers are losing faith and drawing back. â€Å"They were beaten to start with. They were beaten when they took them from their farms and put them in the army. That is why the peasant has wisdom, because he is defeated from the start. Put him in power and see how wise he is. †(179) Henry, to the priest concerning the disposition of the Italian army, Soldiers of this Italian army are just regular men, put into this situation. Henry has lost faith in the military, and the war. After fleeing an army, Hemingway brings Henry back to Catherine. Hemingway brings this relationship to the next level of love and ecstasy. Carrying them off too Switzerland, to live carefree form the Italian country they could not return to. Catherine becomes pregnant and Henry comes to the realization that he truly does love this women. â€Å"We knew the baby was very close now and it gave us both a feeling as though something were hurrying us and we could not lose any time together. †(311) Henry describing he and Catherine’s mood in the weeks before the baby is due. Hemingway portrays these main characters in bliss, and the deep love they share with each other. Neither knew that a traumatic conclusion loomed around the corner. In the final narrative of A Farewell to Arms, Hemingway concluded this modern tragedy with the birth of a still born baby to Henry and Catherine. Following this ironic occurrence, Catherine hemorrhaging was too much for the doctors to repair and she quickly faded away. â€Å"But after I had got them out and shut the door and turned off the light it wasn’t any good. It was like saying good-by to a statue. After awhile I went out and left the hospital and walked back to the hotel in the rain. †(332) Hemingway ends this tragic love story of and ordinary man in an ordinary situation, who meets with a heartbreaking loss of a child and the women he loves. He lost a woman, who seems to have an understanding and the ability to shelter him from the world plagued by war. A Farewell to Arms, which Henry narrates after Catherine’s death, confirms his love and his loss. Hemingway proves his ability to write a modern tragedy in these five short narratives. He uses this ordinary character, Henry, and shows the views of someone who has love and lost. Hemingway uses many themes to show his readers the dramatics’ that war can bring to people, and the quirk of fate, which people go through everyday. Man has the ability to lose faith when confronted with adversity, but also can learn to love as he shows when Henry transforms from a man looking for pleasure, to a man that falls in love. A Farewell to Arms is a classic modern tragedy that proves that there is not always a happy ending, and happily ever after doesn’t occur all the time.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Litigation in Cloud 9 Energy Drink Essay
Pune Following the confirmation of the state public health laboratory about the energy drink ‘Cloud 9’ containing more than the permissible level of caffeine, the state Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Pune region, has now filed an application seeking judicial action against the manufacturers and distributors of the drink Pushpam Foods and Beverages and Goldwin Healthcare Private Limited. The manufacturer had made misleading statements on the label that suggested that the drink was recommended for medical purposes. â€Å"We have now filed an application seeking judicial action against the offenders,†said C D Salunkhe, Assistant Commissioner, state FDA, Pune office. A central notification, issued on June 19, 2009, says energy drinks should not contain more than 145 parts per million (ppm) of caffeine, while the earlier official cap was 200ppm. Many popular energy drink brands thus overshot the limit by nearly 100 ppm. â€Å"It was a clear violation of a 2008 amendment to the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act banning energy drinks with caffeine content more than 145 parts per million (ppm). We sent samples of the drink to the public health laboratory and they have confirmed that the level of caffeine was 228. 2 ppm,†says the laboratory report that gave its findings recently. Chetan Chopra, director of Pushpam Foods and Beverages said that the product was already in the market before the new rules came into effect on June 17, 2009. â€Å"How can the FDA apply the new rules about the change in the caffeine limit to the products which were already manufactured in December 2008? How can the new standards be applied on the old products,†he said. Vasudeo Kolte, quality control manager of Pushpam Foods and Beverages said, â€Å"Our product was manufactured in December 2008 and hence it was already in the market as per the then prescribed rules. We have followed all the regulations and will challenge the case in court. †It was in November 2009 that the state FDA, Pune region seized over two lakh cans of ‘Cloud 9’ energy drink from godowns in Pune and Mumbai. â€Å"The stock, worth Rs 77. 3 lakh, is still lying in the godowns and the FDA has filed an application with the chief judicial magistrate’s court to destroy it,†said M S Kembalkar, a food inspector who was part of the investigation. The report has also pointed out that there were misleading statements on the label, which contravenes Rule 37 and 39 of the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act. The category of the proprietary food has to be clearly mentioned. The label suggests that the food is recommended for medical purposes. It says that it enhances physical endurance, stamina and strengthens immunity apart from fighting fatigue and enhancing alertness. However, the caffeine content has exceeded the permissible limits.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
WTO effect on Taiwan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
WTO effect on Taiwan - Essay Example (Antkiewicz, 2004) In other words, the more internationalized the financial markets and the more liberalized the capital account, the more challenges the autonomy of monetary policy have faced. In fact, financial internationalization underlay both the Latin American financial crisis happening earlier and the East Asian crisis a few years ago. Experts and scholars, by drawing important lessons from financial crises, have, retrospectively, advocated a progressive approach rather than an aggressive one to financial internationalization. They have singled out relaxation of capital account controls as the bottom-line defensive measure and have even viewed a certain degree of re-regulation as necessary in the aftermath of financial liberalization and internationalization. (Cai, 2005) By doing so, the negative impact of rapid and large-scale international capital movements on a countrys economy can be minimized. Generally speaking, financial liberalization includes cross-border flows of funds, personnel and commodities. In addition to opening the capital account, it also includes expanding offshore business, establishing foreign exchange call-loan markets, and allowing foreign bank operations and branches. The following phenomena, which are independent in itself but not exclusive of each other, illustrate the connotation of financial internationalization: 1) The restrictions on the currency exchanges and other international financial activities of residents and non-residents (including individuals, corporations and financial institutions) are relaxed Domestic banks are allowed to establish overseas branches. Domestic corporations can raise funds by issuing corporate bonds overseas or by investing overseas. Foreign banks and corporations are also permitted to conduct reciprocal financial businesses locally. (Weixing, 2006) 2) International capital movements
Friday, September 27, 2019
Critical Thinking Discussion Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Critical Thinking Discussion Question - Essay Example Framing a problem before offering up solutions can influence the outcome. Prior to an early morning board meeting a look out the window shows heavy snow falling. A check online at The Weather Channel shows a forecast of heavy snow for the next forty-eight hours. With this information you head down the hall to the boardroom where others are gathering. There is murmuring about the weather and the desire of many to go home. The chairman of the board enters and begins to discuss the need to draft a coordinated plan to hire contractors to build a bridge that the team designed. It is Wednesday and he wants the finished product on his desk by Friday. The others in the room are periodically glancing toward the window where they can see the snow falling. The room is quiet. The Chairman looks out the window and then back at the room full of employees. He chuckles and says: Oh yeah, grab your laptops and go home. Set up a conference call to compile your work and have it in my email box by Friday. A sigh of relief fills the room. The Chairman leaves the room followed by the team heading towards the doors with coats and laptops in hand. Problem solved! Forces of influence can change how one frames an argument and that influences the outcome.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Joural 1 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Joural 1 - Research Paper Example Voice overs or lectures were used as the common mode of giving the motion pictures substance and for increasing theatrical effect for the audiences. Through the study of various journals and documentary evidence, Silent era cinema can be insightful into the evolution of cinema in America and the world. Eadweard Muybridge is touted as the pioneer of motion pictures when he introduced series photography, which is cited as a significant contribution to the development of motion pictures. The Lumiere brothers invented the Cinematographe, which was filming device for shooting, projecting and printing motion pictures (Musser 59). Thus, these two individuals are credited for being the true fathers of cinema. The first films were referred to as ‘actualities’ maybe because of their depiction of the real life events that portrayed a semblance of reality to their audience. The use of the Lumiere Brothers’ invention made it possible for films to be exhibited to large audiences and for commercial purposes (Wasko 64). This led to the establishment of film companies and notable among them was the Edison Film Company that existed from 1893 to 1906. Early films from the Edison Company include Exiting the Factory, Arrival of a Train at La Ciota and Baby’s Lunch. Early wer e shots of everyday life activities and experiences, which run for less a minute and no more than 3 minutes to audiences mostly on shop front exhibitions (Everson 69). The emergence of the acting business is attributed to Edison through his films like Blacksmithing Scene, Three American Beauties and The Gay Shoe Clerk. These films were acted people who purposely participated in the film making exercise to earn an income out of their ability to produce desired outcomes for their intended audience. Another significant aspect of the Silent era of cinema is that it was mainly based in New York unlike today’s film industry that is predominantly based in Hollywood, California
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Business Ethics and corporate social responsibility(new) Essay
Business Ethics and corporate social responsibility(new) - Essay Example This is apparent in the company’s advertising and sales catalogues which depict aspirational youths maintaining the physical characteristics the company believes are stimulating to other youths who look toward reference groups to determine and shape their identities. The brand engages the desirable and shuns what the business considers the undesirable, the less attractive (Logue 2013). The CEO Mike Jeffries made an explicit commentary that the business hires only nice-looking individuals as sales representatives and managers in-store and that the company does not want people who are not cool to wear the company’s clothing (Levinson 2013). The majority of the branded clothing merchandise provided by Abercrombie & Fitch serves as a billboard for the company, presenting the business’ trading name in very visible and eye-catching font. As the CEO believes that this aspirational brand should retain its most loyal markets, this being trends-focused, attractive and yout hful buyers, the company believes that marketing to other market segments would depreciate the brand value of the organisation and make it less inspiring to loyal consumers. Offered the CEO in a 2006 interview (which has recently resurfaced in mass media), â€Å"Candidly, we go after the cool kids. A lot of people don’t belong in our clothes, and they can’t belong†(Levinson 2013, p.1). These comments angered one famous celebrity, Hollywood actress Kirstie Alley, who recently shed considerable weight and after having been the victim of media taunting about her explosive weight gain in recent years. Offered Alley, â€Å"blah, blah, blah, blah. That would never make me buy anything from Abercrombie. I’ve got two kids...they will never walk in those doors†(Winston 2013, p.1). In addition, advocates for the rights of overweight consumers have even developed mock advertising campaigns in an effort to bring public attention to the alleged unethical beha viours of the company. Figure 1: Mock A&F Publicity Exposing Hostile Sentiment about CEO Comments Source: LeTrent, S. (2013). ‘Attractive & Fat’ ad spoofs Abercrombie, CNN Living. [online] Available at: (accessed 21 May 2013). The CEO responsible for creating this negative public backlash had, historically, stood by his comments, defending the statements as justifiable with brand strategy and corporate rights. However, with a sudden 17 percent drop in retail sales in the United States as a result of the controversy (Become Gorgeous 2013), the CEO offered, â€Å"We look forward to continuing this dialogue and taking concrete steps to demonstrate our commitment to anti-bullying†(News Limited 2013, p.2). However, prior to this apologetic statement, Abercrombie & Fitch had been the historical target of special interest groups and general societal stakeholders for unethical business behaviours associ ated with alleged pornographically-centric depiction of its advertising models and for offending youth markets that are, essentially, shunned by the business and its representatives. Sales continue to fall with this company quarter by quarter. Literature review – Ethical leadership and stakeholder values Some of those who argue that Abercrombie & Fit
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Palliative care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Palliative care - Essay Example Twycross (2003) noted that palliative care helps in the treatment of social, emotional, spiritual, and practical problems that the illnesses bring up. Palliative care is advantageous because it can be done the same time with treatments targeted to cure the diseases, that is, when the disease is diagnosed, during treatment, at follow-up stage and at end of life stage. Health care providers such as nurses, doctors, registered dietitians, psychologists, social workers, chaplains, and massage therapists give palliative care. The exercise takes place in cancer centers, hospitals, long-term home care agencies and other care facilities. This essay involves a case scenario where Mark who is 56 years old is referred to the palliative care team because he has many serious illnesses that require extra care from the medical specialists. Mark was admitted due to the post haemodialysis where he was unwell, he also had restless legs and was also vomiting. Mark has a history of hypertension end stage renal failure on haemodialysis, prostate cancer not responding to chemotherapy, a diabetic toe wound, and Type 2 Diabetes. This essay is going to demonstrate a critical understanding of the external influences, which have a direct effect on end of life care and the strategies employed by the practitioners to facilitate the delivery of quality palliative care services. The essay will further evaluate a variety of physical, social, and psychological factors that affect the client’s experience in relation to palliative care. According to the case scenario, the external influences that have a direct effect on End of life care for Mark are the general weaknesses due attacks by dangerous diseases such as renal failure, type 2 diabetes and prostate cancer, which is not responding to chemotherapy. Mitchell (2008) defined End of life care as the care
Monday, September 23, 2019
Fashion Trend in 2009 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Fashion Trend in 2009 - Case Study Example The study "Fashion Trend in 2009" concerns the 2009's trend. The target market segment for the new designed products is middle market. The availability of cotton products in the middle class are only nominal due to the high production cost relating to the organic cotton products. Through direct purchasing and synthesizing of raw material the production cost can be signicantly reduced. This will help to focus on the middle market through appropriate pricing policies. â€Å"The purpose for segmenting a market is to allow your marketing/sales program to focus on the subset of prospects that are "most likely" to purchase your offering. If done properly this will help to insure the highest return for your marketing/sales expenditures.†The in-store presentation of the product will be in a sophisticated manner by using attractive presentation and display tactics. There should be separate section for the Y’s Passion series in the shop. The section will be made attractive by us ing glass tubes and light presentation. The product range should be of T -shirts clothing which is suitable for both men and women category. It will be available in 5 elegant colors. Comfortably fitting and skin friendly material renders a cool effect by easily absorbing the sweat. Products with unique and attractive modern designs which are affordable even to the middle class consumers, are the main feature of ‘Y’s passion’. Overall image of the product should be differentiated by its color and trendy designs and the fact that it is made from cotton. 100% pure organic cotton. The product must carry a new brand name followed by the company name. The brand name for the product range is "Y's Passion" which is a catchy one that will evolve interest and immediate attention. Following are the images of Y's Passion range products: Product features: "100% organic cotton, Color: Jersey Crewneck, 4 plus color fastness, shrinkage is less than 4 %." (Packing Bags: Organic Cotton T-Shirts). Product features: "Avocado Green", "Size: 5.8-oz. standard weight, double-needle stitching, cover-stitched hems, durability." (Visualize World Peas Women's Organic T Shirt Avocado Green). Product feature: Made from 100 % pure organic cotton, yellow haze, size: XL (100% Organic Cotton - (eco dad) T Shirt Yellow Haze XL (Extra Large)). 5. Dominant trends: The color of the products is its main interesting factor and attractive stylish rare color combinations are used for the product design. The environment friendly, high quality, perfect fit, highly stylish, comfortable, very insignificant percentage of shrinkage, fine fabric strength, textures and color fastness are other attractive features of the product. Moreover, the increasing popularity of cotton garments is an added advantage to the product, "Sales of organic cotton are set to triple to $2.6 billion at the end of 2008 from its current $900 million level as retailers and brands make significant new commitments to sustainable textile and apparel production." (Mowbray). 6. Country of manufacture: The manufacturing country for the product is India because of the availability of organic
Sunday, September 22, 2019
History and Political Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
History and Political Science - Essay Example They believed that the subjects under any rule were supposed to be controlled. These subjects were allowed little freedom in terms of actions or expressions1. The military leaders and capitalists believed that if people were given freedom of action and expression, they would exploit the chances in the pursuit of their self-interests. This would compromise the issue of national security and would result in disloyalty to the leaders. The military rulers were convinced that a society could fall into an abyss of political disorganization, which they mainly blamed on democracy. According to these rulers, an uncontrolled population may turn chaotic, and this will result in general disorganization of the political system of a society. Military rulers believed that the chaotic state of affairs may take a considerably long time to stabilize. This will lead to a great setback in the development of a nation. In addition to the issue of sovereignty, these military rulers were the leading advocat es of capitalism. They wanted to accumulate wealth for their own personal interests2. They realized that the national boundaries could not allow them to respond to the increasing system of production, which was a result of capitalism. They acknowledged that the resources available in their nations were inadequate to contain the expansion of productions in tandem with capitalism. This made the rulers to concentrate on breaking down the national boundaries through acts of aggression like wars. Therefore, these leaders believed in administering the varying levels of coercion and aggression in controlling the subordinate’s actions, and in wealth accumulation through capitalism3. On the other hand, the educated citizens and activists were indifferent to this style of governance used by military rulers like the fascists. According to their ideology, the rule of law should be given a chance in any human population. The scholars advocated for the adoption of the constitution. These s cholars acknowledged that for a more civilized state, there must be the participation of the people in the governance of a state. For a more secure and stable society, the leaders should be in the fore front in protecting the law. The population should be allowed participation through the election of representatives in the committees of administration. These representatives will push towards promotion of the population’s happiness and in fighting for the safeguard of his/her people’s rights4. The main ideology held by the advocates of constitutionalism and parliamentary representation is that the population must have a stake in formulating the guidelines to be used in governing them. For example, in a constitutional governing system, the consent of the representatives must be obtained. This allows humane formulation of the rules to be adopted in the constitution. On the contrary, the legislative power practiced by the military rules gives no room for the public’ s participation in matters of legislations. The whole power remained in the hands of the sovereign rulers and was not bestowed to the people. This was contrary to the ideology of those opposing rule of the whip, which allows little or no participation of their subjects in matters of governance. What pushed the development of the constitutionalism ideology was the need to implement a revolutionary socialism. The enlightened members of the population
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Julius Caesar Play Essay Example for Free
Julius Caesar Play Essay In play, Julius Caesar, it has strength that makes the play a famous play. In the play, we could understand characters emotion and behaviors clearly since it is in their own words instead of a narration. From the text from Cassius’s dialogue,†For my part, I have walked about the streets, submitting me unto the perilous night.†we could emphasizes how Cassius is showing off to Casca the braveness he has. Another point would be the speeches that are introduce in the play. Another example would be in Act 1, scene 2 where Antony comments, â€Å"When Caesar says, do this, it is performed. Sometimes not only the characters dialogue could be recognize as his or her personality and characteristics. In this text by Antony, we could feel the powerful leadership from Caesar. Speeches help a better understanding of each character thought towards different people. Such as the speech that Antony gave where it begins with â€Å"Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears†¦..†In this speech Antony keep repeating â€Å"Brutus is an honorable man†, this shows sarcasms that Antony is speaking out. While reading this speech, you will find confusions where Antony is criticizing Brutus action but on the other hand he keeps stating that Brutus is an honorable man that opposites other facts. This kind of passage grabs the reader attention to think profoundly. The weakness would be the organization of the plot. I believe the play is moving in a speed what I believe is fast. Fast play makes it difficult to recognize clearly with each scenes and acts. For example from the meeting of conspirators to the death of Julius Caesar flows quite rapid. Between those two scenes, I feel a bit empty cause no way that these conspirators did not planned in a way that they could successfully without any obstacles kill Julius Caesar. The play might improve if the process of planning would be added between those two periods. We might absorb characters; personality and perspective towards this event during their planning. Another example would be the death of Calupurnia. The death news was interrupted abruptly during before the war. Calpurnia played such an important role when comforting Brutus and place a spy on him. This shows the role of women played in Roman however she had passed away in a second where no one has expected. Overall the organization is pretty flow and vivid enough. I like how each scene was isolated by the characters in the play where one side is mainly characters that dislike Caesar and the other side would be characters that supports Caesar. The only error would be the speed of the play that gives no time for readers to vividly understand the story. The descriptions of different characters are the best element in the play. Characters were vividly described as I stated earlier. One more example would be when Cassius stated, â€Å"The torrent roared, and we did buffet it with lusty sinews, throwing it aside and stemming it with hearts of controversy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..or I sink!††In this dialogue we could understand two characters’ thoughts and history background. Cassius put up this fact show that he believes Caesar is not as capable as he should be. Another would be the background of Caesar where he was such a weaker. The diaglouge is very interesting because we could see through what each character wanted to express. One of the interesting dialogues was between Antony and Octavious. Octavious argued to refuse the instruction from Antony. Antony begins to realize the similar power between Octavious and Caesar when Octavious insist to follow left instead of right, so Antony called Octavious as Caesar after the argument of the formation.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Behaviour of Termites: Breeding and Effects of Repellents
Behaviour of Termites: Breeding and Effects of Repellents Introduction and Review of Literature General biology of termite Termites are social insects that live in colonies, which, in turn, function because the complementary roles played by the different caste. In United States, subterranean termites, Coptotermes spp. and Reticulitermes spp. are the most destructive and cause substantial economic damage to buildings/structures (Su Scheffrahn 1990). A population of subterranean termites is comprised of distinct colonies. Colonies may occupy underground networks that link several foraging sites (Thorne Breish 2001). Termite foraging behavior The nutritional ecology of termites has played a significant role in shaping their evolution and ecology organization (Thorne, 1999). To understand colony structure and the organization of foraging termites, it has been necessary to map both nest and feeding sites, frequently using behavioral assays of aggression to ascertain the colony affinity of a given nest or group of workers occupying a food source (Long Thorne 2006). Also, dye indicators and mark release recapture studies have been developed to attempt to census colonies, determine colony boundaries, and plot the distribution of foragers and other spatial aspects of resource use (Su et al. 1984, Forschler Townsend 1996, Thorne et al. 1996, Abdul Hafiz et al. 2007). Studies of termite foraging range generally offer statistic description of colony nest and satellite sub nest distribution and sometimes reveal the temporal dynamics of foraging range expansion and territorially, similar to what has been described in ants. Colony structure and the spatial organization of foraging in termites are, nevertheless, poorly understood in comparison to other social insects. The cryptic nesting and foraging habits of subterranean termites have hindered our understanding of many important features of their population biology, especially the distinctness of colonies and the breeding system within colonies. Their cryptic foraging and nesting habits, many features of subterranean termite biology have been difficult to study by using the traditional methods of field investigation. The main obstacle has been a lack of practical methods for delineating large numbers of colonies (Long Thorne 2006). Termite control Chemical and physical barriers to prevent them from reaching wood construction are two basic methods that have been used to control termites. Currently, insecticides used for termite control can be categorized into three groups, organochlorine, cyclodiens, which are being phased out of use because of potential damage to the environment and human health; pyrethroids, which considered not effective because of their repellency and short residual life in soil; and new termiticides that are considered as non repellent and slow acting termiticide (Potter and Hillary 2003). Remedial control is extremely difficult with acutely toxic chemicals because termites avoid area with dead termites, preventing any further contact with the toxicant. For the Formosan subterranean termites, remedial control using slow-acting toxic baits is are more acceptable method than the use of acutely toxic insecticides. Sub lethal insecticide exposure may be expected to influence insect behavior because most insect icides attack the nervous system resulting in detection by insects, distruption of physiological processes, and behavioral resistance (Haynes 1988, Silverman and Bieman 1993). The purpose of applying insecticides to soil proximal to a structures foundation of a continuous insecticide barrier in soils under and around the structure (Kamble, 1991). This barrier may be created by using either pre or post construction techniques. Post construction insecticide application technique include void treatments, soils trenching, sub slab injections, and soil rodding application. Chemical and physical barriers to prevent them from reaching wood construction are two basic methods that have been used to control termites (Abdul Hafiz et al. 2007). Remedial control is extremely difficult with acutely toxic chemicals because termites avoid area with dead termites, preventing any further contact with the toxicant. Sub lethal insecticide exposure may be expected to influence insect behavior because most insecticides attack the nervous system resulting in detection by insects, disruptions of physiological processes, and behavioral resistance (Haynes Baker 1988, Silverman Bi eman 1993) Non repellent termiticide Termiticide that do not repel termites from penetrating into treated soil but rather successfully kill them were recently registered in the United States (Kard 2003) and other parts of the world. They have become popular alternatives to conventional repellent soil-poisoning agents (Shelton and Grace 2003). Nonrepellent termiticides have been shown to be effective for the elimination of termite infestations when applied around the exterior perimeter of the building (Potter Hillary 2001) New generations of termiticides which contain imidacloprid (Premise ®), fipronil (Termidor ®) and indoxacarb, chlorfenapyr (Phantom ®), Chlorantraniliprole are used as soil-applied or by direct injection in the colony, posed lethal effects to subterranean termite (Osbrink Lax 2003; Kamble Davis, 2005; Hu et al., 2005; Spomer et al.,2009). The advantages of these new termiticides are slow-acting and non-repellent. Thus, termites cannot detect these termiticides when applied in to the soil or when used on filter paper in the laboratory. The transfer effect of imidacloprid, fipronil and indoxacarb among termite workers was studied by researchers and results showed that the termites were able to transfer the termiticides from the treated termites (donors) to the untreated termites (recipients) (Kard 2003, Thorne and Berisch 2001, Vargo Parman 2004, Tomalski and Vargo 2005, Hu et al. 2005, Shelton Grace 2006; Spomer et al.,2009). Termite baiting Baiting for suppression or elimination of subterranean termites is not a new idea. The ultimate goal of termite baits is to eliminate termites from structure (Su 1994, Su et al. 2000). Recently, hexaflumuron baits have successfully been applied to control the field colonies of Coptotermes spp. and Reticulitermes spp. (Su 1994, Su et al. 2000). At the same time Nouviflumuron also have been widely used in termite baiting. In laboratory trials in which R. flavipes were fed radiolabeled noviflumuron or hexaflumuron, noviflumuron demonstrated significantly faster speed of action, greater potency, and nearly 4-fold slower clearance from termites compared with that of hexaflumuron (Sheets et al. 2000; Karr et al. 2004, Spomer Kamble, 2006). Primer pheromones (Wilson Bossert, 1963) are chemical messengers that can be passed among individuals, thereby triggering a physiological response in a recipient. In termites, JH is one such primer pheromone (Henderson 1996); it includes presoldiers differentiation from workers at excessively high titer. The differentiation of the soldier caste, a development end point, in respond to JH is indirect in maintaining immature features in all other non social insects (Henderson, 1996). In the last decade there has been a dramatic increase in the research on and the development of bait systems for termite management. The increasing availability of bait systems for the control of active termite infestations is already significantly affecting termite management practices in many part of the world. There is even discussion of using such system as standalone measures for the long- term protection of a structure (Su et al. 2001; Grace et al. 1996). Even though these important and remarkable trends, baiting is developing technology, and many more changes to existing bait technology can be expected (Potter 1997). The bait matrices containing hexaflumuron, a chitin synthesis inhibitor, were most effective in reducing or eliminating foraging populations of Coptotermes formasanus Shiraki and Reticulitermes flavipes Kollar (Su Scheffrahn, 1996, Su, 1994). Molecular genetic marker The application of molecular genetic markers to the field populations of subterranean termite provides a powerful way to discriminate among large numbers of colonies be identified and distinguished from each other. The application of molecular genetic marker to field populations of subterranean termites provides a powerful way to discriminate among large numbers of conspecific colonies in a population as well as to determine colony breeding structure (Husseneder 2003) Genetic markers provide the most powerful means for delineating the boundaries of colonies and for determining colony affiliation for groups of foraging workers (Thorne et al.1999, Vargo 2003a,b). Microsatellite markers, with their co-dominant nature and high variability, are especially useful for investigation of colony distinctness (Vargo 2003b). Genetic markers are also the most practical way to determine colony breeding structure (Thorne et al.1999, Ross 2001), and there have been a growing number of genetic studies of breeding systems in termites (Luykx 1993, Husseneder et al. 1997, 1999, Husseneder Grace 2001a, 2001b, Vargo et al. 2003), including some on Reticulitermes spp. (Cle ´ment 1986, Reilly 1987, Jenkins et al. 2002, Bulmer et al. 2001, Vargo 2003b). The most detailed studies to date of the eastern subterranean termite, R. flavipes, are those of Reilly (1987) using allozymes, Bulmer et al. (2001) using allozymes and mitochondrial DNA haplotype data, and Vargo (2003a,b) using microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA sequence data. These studies have revealed variation in colony social organization in R. flavipes from very highly inbred colonies in Tennessee (Reilly 1987), to a mixture of approximately one third simple families and two thirds inbred colonies headed by many neotenic reproductives in Massachusetts (Bu lmer et al. 2001), to three fourths simple families and one fourth inbred families with only a few neotenics in North Carolina (Vargo 2003b). The above studies were conducted in natural areas, and there are no comparable studies performed to date in urban areas around buildings. Colony social organization in R. flavipes may vary in response to local ecological conditions (Bulmer et al. 2001), raising the possibility that for a given geographic area, colonies in urban habitats may differ in their social organization from those in natural habitats. In a study of Reticulitermes Hesperus Banks in southern California, Haagsma and Rust (1995) found differences in colony size, foraging activity, and body weight between colonies in natural and urban habitats. In addition to providing a powerful way to determine colony distinctness and to infer colony breeding structure in subterranean termites, molecular genetic markers are useful for applied studies, such as tracking colonies over time after exposure to an insecticide treatment and determining whether termites that reappear after treatment are part of the originally treated colony or are from a neighboring untreated colony that has moved into the area (Husseneder et al. 2003). Such studies are critical in the evaluation of management practices that target septic colonies and aim to eliminate them or greatly suppress their populations. Genetic/breeding structure population Colony fusion For social organisms, genetic structure assumes additional significant not only for the evaluation of social behavior, but also for the evolution of multiple queen societies, reproductive skew, sex ratio conflict, conflict over growth versus reproduction. Colony fusion has long been a suspected mechanism generating unusual colony genetic structure in termites. Colony genetic structure, reported a lack of genetic differentiation between colonies of Reticulitermes grasseiacross some regions of France and Spain. Together with this genetic data, a lack of distinct nest mate discrimination in laboratory trials (Clement 1986) suggested that colony fusion was widespread in some populations. Although recent studies have failed to corroborate these earlier descriptions of widespread colony fusion in this species (DeHeer et al. 2005), Clements work raised considerable awareness about colony fusion for those working on other subterranean termites. In introduced populations of Coptotermes formos anus, inter-colony aggression is often found to be weak or variable (Husseneder and Grace 2001a, Cornelius Osbrink, 2003) and one mark-release-recapture study described patterns consistent with a colony fusion event (Su and Scheffrahn, 1988). Nevertheless, genetic evidence for colony fusion in this species has remained elusive in spite of the relatively large numbers of colonies which have been assayed (Vargo et al., 2003, 2006; Husseneder et al., 2005). For Reticulitermes flavipes many experimental results have suggested the possibility that colony boundaries were porous. Laboratory agonism studies (Grace 1996, Polizzi and Forschler 1998, 1999, Bulmer and Traniello 2002, Fisher and Gold, 2003) and field surveys of molecular diversity (Jenkins et al. 2002, Bulmer et al. 2001) both suggested that individuals originating from different colonies may not distinguish between nestmates and non-nestmates, and consequently share the same nests or tunnel systems. However, in contrast to other species of subterranean termites these findings in R. flavipes have been confirmed via more direct assessments of colony fusion (Fisher et al. 2004), including one molecular study that provided a time course of colony genotypes before and after merger (DeHeer and Vargo 2004). Such fused colonies also appear to occur in other groups of termites. The relatedness hypothesis indicates that fused colonies are preferentially formed between groups of related termites because any costs associated with fusion are reduced when relatedness remains high in these colonies. This argument necessarily assumes that such colonies experience some general benefits to increasing their size (Costa and Ross, 2003). The genetic diversity hypothesis posits that increased genetic diversity provides sufficient group-level benefits to offset the costs of decreased relatedness within colonies. The specific benefits of increased genetic diversity could include the same types of benefits hypothesized to occur elsewhere (Schmid-Hempel and Crozier, 1999), in addition to the potential benefit that could result from a reduction in inbreeding. Simple family extend family Subterranean termite colony such as Coptotermes formosanus, generally begin as simple families headed by two primary (alate derived) reproductives that pair after mating (Tamashiro et al. 1987, Raina et al. 2003). As time goes by, the primary king and/or queen will be replaced by varying numbers of neotenics (non alate derived reproductives) from within colony; where this replacement leads to extended families with different degrees of inbreeding depending on the number of reproductives and number of generation of inbreeding (Thorne 1999, Bulmer et al. 2001, Vargo et al. 2006, Husseneder et al. 2007) Bioinformatics/ Computational Molecular Biology Biological database is a large, organized body of persistent data, usually associated with computerized software designed to update, query, and retrieve components of the data stored within the system. A simple database can be a single file containing many records, each of which includes the same set of information (Lewis et al. 1995). For example, a record associated with a nucleotide sequence database typically contains information such as contact name, the input sequence with a description of the type of molecule, the scientific name of the source organism from which it was isolated, and often, literature citations associated with the sequence. The term of Bioinformatics meaning the application of information technology to the field of molecular biology. Bioinformatics currently contains the creation and advancement of databases, algorithms, computational and statistical techniques, and theory to solve formal and practical problems arising from the management and analysis of biological data (Hogeweg1980). Over the past few decades rapid developments in genomic and other molecular research technologies and developments in information technologies have combined to produce a tremendous amount of information related to molecular biology. It is the name given to these mathematical and computing approaches used to glean understanding of biological processes. Common activities in bioinformatics include mapping and analyzing DNA and protein sequences, aligning different DNA and protein sequences to compare them and creating and viewing 3-D models of protein structures (Huang 2004) Bioinformatics focus on developing and applying computationally intensive techniques (data mining, machine learning algorithms, and visualization) to achieve this goal. Major research efforts in the field include sequence alignment, gene finding, genome assembly, protein structure alignment, protein structure prediction, prediction of gene expression and protein-protein interactions, genome-wide association studies and the modeling of evolution (Huang 2004). In the application of molecular ecology studies of termites, mitochondrial genes were used for taxonomy purpose in termites (Cameron Whitting, 2007). Thus, the whole mitochondrial genome can be used to predict useful regions for further investigation in the multiple alignments methods application. Multiple alignments are the key starting point for prediction of protein secondary structure, residue accessibility, and the identification of residues important for specificity. Multiple alignments can provide the basis for the most sensitive sequence searching algorithms (Barton Sternberg, 1990). Furthermore, methods in multiple alignments affective analysis of a well-constructed multiple alignments can provide important clues about which residues in the protein are important for stabilizing the second and tertiary structure of the protein (Altschul et al. 1997) ClustalW will calculates the best match for the selected sequences, and lines them up so that the identities, similarities and differences can be seen and will provide a better quality for sequences (Thomson et al. 1994). Meanwhile, T-Cofee application is better to overcome with some of the problems that standard hierarchical method s have in aligning sequences of very different length or that share only local region similarity (Notredame et al. 2000). The program works by building a library of pairwise alignments for the sequence interest. Furthermore, T coffee has been adapted to include structural alignment and alignments from threading algorithms since it can work from pairwise alignments that originate from any source (Notredame et al. 2000). In addition, the program PSI-BLAST searches database with a single sequence, any high-scoring sequences that are found are built into a multiple alignment, and this multiple alignment is then used to derive a search profile for subsequent s earch of the database. This process is repeated until no new sequences are added to profile, or a specific number of iteration have been performed (Jones 1999). Research Objectives To test non-repellent termiticide model assay for their ability to induce detectable molecular changes in worker termites e. g., hemolymph proteins their corresponding genes. To infer the colony social organization of R. flavipes in urban habitat based on colony and population genetic structure and to compare this social organization in nearby natural habitat, To track the foraging locations of a large number of Reticulitermes colonies from natural forest (Wilderness Park) over the course of three field seasons using previously developed microsatellites by Vargo (2000). To analyze colony and population genetic structure/breeding system in natural and urban regions in order to determine the prevalence of neotenic reproduction and improve our understanding of the factors facilitating the spread of subterranean termites to new urban areas To determine the termite colony either a simple colony or extended colony using molecular ecology methods and also to determine if the colony undergo any kind of colony fusion To delineate the genetic structure of swarm aggregations of alates in order to infer potential mechanisms leading to inbreeding avoidance that do not require kin recognition. To utilize bioinformatic/molecular computational biology application tools to analyzing data at molecular level using BLAST, Clustal X, TCofee for sequencing analysis, pairwise/multiple alignment to study colony breeding structure of R.flavipes MATERIALS AND METHODS Termite Collection Sampling Reticulitermes flavipes, the Eastern subterranean termite, will be collected from locations within Wilderness Park Recreational Area, Lincoln; NE. Twenty workers will be sampled in each collection point located every 20 m along two intersection transects. The termites will be maintained on moistened corrugated cardboard and only 3-5th instar worker termites will be used for the study. Detection of fused colonies In order to detect colonies that had undergone fusion, collections of termites from large numbers of established colonies of R. flavipes will be collected between May 2009 and October 2011. At each location, minimum of 20 adult workers in 95%ethanol from multiple feeding sites, and mapped the locations of these feeding sites relative to one another using compass and measuring tape (DeHeer and Vargo, 2004). Samples will be stored in alcohol at 480C until DNAisolations could be performed. Microsatellite genotyping (Fusion Inbreeding) Using the Puregene DNA purification kit (Gentra systems, Minnepolis MN,, genomic DNA will be isolated from each of 20 whole worker bodies from each of the feeding sites. At the location, minimum of 20 adult workers in 95% ethanol from multiple feeding sites will be collected, and mapped the locations of these feeding sites, and the locations of these feeding sites will be mapped relative to one another using compass and measuring tape. Each genotype individual termites at six different microsatellite loci : Rf1-3, Rf21-1 and Rf24-2 from Vargo (2000) and Rs15, Rs76, and Rs78 from Dronnet et al. (2004). PCR reactions will be setup in 96oC. Well plates in 5ul reaction mixtures containing 1X PCR buffer (Eppendorf), 2mM MgCl2, 0.2 mM of each dNTP, 0.2 U Taq polymerase (Eppendorf), 0.4 pmol of forward primer. Forward primers will be labeled with IRD 700 fluorescent dye (LI-COR), and samples were run on Li-Cor 4200L automated sequencer. Gel image will scored manually on Adobe Photoshop 7.0 by comparison to a size ladder. Colony affiliations To determine colony affiliation of the collection points, methods of other studies will be followed. Testing all pairs of collection points within each species for genotypic differentiation by means of a permutation test by using the program FSTAT (Goudet 2001). Pairs of collection points that will be significantly differentiated will be grouped into the same colony Morphology Scanning electron microscopic pictures (coronal and profile views) will made of the heads for each species) and will be studied using a binocular microscope to evaluate the profile of the post clypeus. Colour of the tibia of reproductives will be noted because this feature is an informative morphological indicator in association with the postclypeus profile. Genetic Data Analysis/ Simple or Extend Colony (Breeding Structure) The collection points will be analyzed to determine belonged to the same colony. The genotypic frequencies between all pairs of collection points by means of a log-likehood (G) based test of differentiation using the program GENEPOP on the Web (Raymond Rousset 1995; The overall significance will be determined via Fishers combined probability test. G-test analysis will be performed with collection points over the large scale with multiple collection points within the extensively sampled sites and finally among the colonies from each population to verify genetic differences will be used. Colonies will be classified as simple families when workers had genotypes consistent with being the direct offspring of one pair of reproductives and when the observed frequencies of the genotypes did not differ significantly from those expected under Mendelian segregation of alleles from two parents. Significance will be determines by a G-twst (P Colonies will be classified as extended families when the genotype distributions within colonies were not consistent with being produced by a single pair of reproductives (e.g more than four genotypes at a locus or three or more homozygote genotypes) or genotypes frequencies deviated significantly from those expected in simple families. Genetic relatedness among workers will be estimated for each colony and averaged over colonies for the same site will be using the computer program RELATEDNESS 5.00 (Queller Goodnight 1989) Inbreeding-adjusted estimate of relatedness r* that better reflects the number of reproductive presents in each colony by using Pamilo (1985) formula R*= r- [ 2FIT /(1+FIT)]/ [1-2FIT/(1+FIT)] I,C,T representing different colonies The breeding system and genetic differentiation among colonies will be investigated with hierarchial F statistics, assuming the infinite allele model and with individuals nested in colonies. The hierarchical analysis will be performed with F-stat program. It will be investigated whether there will be isolation by distance (a positive correlation between genetic differentiation and geographical distance) by calculating Fst between pairs of collection points within large colonies using the programe FSTAT and by testing the significance of correlation between FST/(1-FST) and logarithm of geographical distances with MANTEL test (Mantel 1967). Computer program GENEPOP, with 10 000 permutations and the Mantel correlation coefficient r can be obtained with MANTEL ( Estimating Colony Foraging Area Termite collected at a sampling point will considered to be affliated with a given colony if Fct, which measured genetic differentiation between collection points, will not significantly different from zero (i.e., 95% confidence interval did not overlap with zero. Fct will be measured between all possible combinations of collection points pair at each site. Variation in mitochondrial DNA markers will be provided additional support for colony designation (Bulmer et al. 2001). The maximum linear distance between collection points affiliated with the same colony will be used to estimate foraging range. For colonies that will be composed of three or more collection points (n+4), will be estimated the area encompassed by non intersecting lines drawn between collection points and adjusted so it did not overlap with neighboring collection points affiliated with different colonies. Swarming trap The swarm aggregation of alates will be collected alive with light traps. The traps consisted of buckets with a battery operated black light attached to attract the alates. Flight Observation Sticky trap will be used to monitor the dispersal flights of these species, which, in hindsight, may help explain some of the differences in how they are genetically structured. In addition their emergence and landing location. Sex ratio Sex ratio in swarm aggregations were tested for significant deviation from 1:1 using Binomial tests. Swarm aggregations were tested for significant genotypic differentiation with log likehood G Statistics using FSTAT Bioassay Genetic mutation/change after being exposed to non repellent termiticide The concentrations were 0.001, 1.00, 10,100 and 1000 ppm for fipronil, imidacloprid and indoxacarb. In addition, distilled water was used as control for each termiticide. The method used for treatment was described by Hu (2005). Five kilograms of soil were collected from the site of the subterranean termite C. gestroi colony. The soil was then oven-dried. One kilogram for each termiticide was sieved and subsequently divided into six parts. The soil was placed in 100g increments into self-sealing plastic bags for treatment. Ten milliliters of the five concentrations of, fipronil, imidacloprid and indoxacarb will be added to the 100 g bag of soil for testing. The bags were sealed and allowed to mix thoroughly. The soil will be removed from the bags and placed in plastic bags (12 by 115 cm). The termiticide-treated soil was air-dried in a hood for ten days to allow solvents in the formulation to evaporate. Treatments were replicated three times using new stock solutions for each replicate. Bioassay design: Bioassay tubes designed by Su et al. (1995) will be used to investigate termite penetration in various thicknesses of termiticide-treated soil (Figure1). At time of testing, dried treated soil will be removed from the hood, placed into plastic bags and 10 ml of water was pipetted into the bags to obtain 10% moisture content. Three (3 cm) wooden applicator sticks were placed at the bottom of the glass test tube (2 by 15 cm), and 7% non-nutrient agar was inserted into the test tube until it rested on the wooden sticks. Oven-dried and sieved soil will be placed into plastic bags and moistened to concentrations of 10% (10ml /100g) to serve as untreated sand in the test designs. A 0.0, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, or 10cm layer of termiticide-treated soil was centered between two layers of untreated soil (Figure.1). A glass funnel will be used to place the soil in the test tube and a scintillation vial (10ml) attached to the shank of a screwdriver was used to lightly and level the layers of soil. A 5 cm segment of termiticides-treated soil and a 5 cm segment of untreated soil served as control. Additionally, layers of untreated soil at various thicknesses in the bioassay tube will be served as control. The soil segment will be capped with a 1.0 cm core of agar and a 4cm by 4 cm portion of paper towel folded placed on the top of the tube. Eighty C. gestroi workers and five soldiers (20:1) were placed in each test tube to simulate normal termite activity and prevent overcrowding. A piece of aluminum foil will be placed over the top and end of each tube, and will be covered with black plastic container to allow for darkness and prevent desiccation of the termites. Bioassay tubes will be kept at 29 ±1 °C. The experiment was a 6 (concentrations) x 3 (replicates) x 5 (soil thickness) factorial design with concentration and thickness as the main effects. Test tubes will be held vertically in test tube racks with termites at the top of the tube. Observations will be made daily up to one week for the number of worker termite mortality, vertical distance of treated soil penetrated by termites and percentage of penetration into treated soil. The percentage of termite mortality and soil penetration data were subjected to arc-sine transformation before analysis of variance and means were separated with Tukey HSD. Then percentage of penetration into treated soil and the percentage of mortality were analyzed with analysis of variances (ANOVA). Also the percentage of surviving termites located at the bottom of the bioassay unit was analyzed. DNA will be isolated from dead termite to b
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Life in the American Revolution :: Essays on American Revolution
On January 14, 1741, Benedict Arnold was born in Norwich, Connecticut. (B Arnold) Arnold’s father, also named Benedict, had a drinking problem and his mother Hannah often worried. (B Arnold) Arnold received his schooling at Canterbury. (B Arnold) While away at school, a few of Arnold’s siblings passed away from Yellow Fever. (B Arnold) Arnold was a troublesome kid that would try just about anything. (B Arnold) As a rebellious 14-year-old boy, he ran away from home to fight in the French and Indian War. (B Arnold) Later, Benedict Arnold deserted and returned home through the wilderness alone to work with his cousins. (B Arnold) The army had excused him without penalty because of his tender, young age. In 1762, when Benedict was just twenty-one years old, he went to New Haven, Connecticut where he managed a book and drug store and carried on trade with the West Indies. (B Arnold) In 1767, he married Margaret Mansfield, a daughter of a sheriff of New Haven County. (B Arnol d) They had three sons together. (B Arnold) When the Revolutionary War was just beginning to break out, Benedict Arnold became a prosperous ship owner, merchant, and trader. (Lake Champlain) Within days, Arnold became very interested in the war once again and joined the American Army. All of the battles Arnold commanded over showed immense courage and bravery, but he was soon known as America’s greatest traitor due to his betrayal of the American’s. As the Revolutionary War broke out, Benedict Arnold decided to volunteer to head over 1,000 men up to Maine. (Lake Champlain) He asked for additional men from his companies to join the army. Arnold then became a captain in the Connecticut Militia. General George Washington had his favorites, which Arnold was among the very few. (Macks 118) So, Benedict Arnold was sent on a infernal 500 mile march to Maine by Washington also known as "The Rock". (Macks 72, 118) There, he met up with General Richard Montgomery. (Mac ks 72) The relentless Benedict Arnold and only about fifty percent of his original soldiers made it to the St. Lawrence River where they met up with General Montgomery. (Macks 72) Their plan was to attack the British Army by surprise in Quebec City, Canada. (Lake Champlain and Macks 72) Both Montgomery and Arnold arranged to start on the lofty mountain sides of Quebec. (Macks 72) Arnold and his soldiers found themselves trapped by the British.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
A Separate Peace :: essays research papers
Sitting in my third grade classroom we chattered anxiously, waiting for the spelling quizzes to be passed back. My teacher placed them all facing down on our desks, a rather pointless effort when she was already aware that at any moment the room would burst into havoc with yells of "what did you get?", shouting numbers back and forth, and of course superior comments from the students proud of their marks. I quickly flipped mine over and grinned at the 8/10 scrawled in red marker near the top of the page. "What did you get?" sure enough my friend Jenny thrust me her paper. As I stared down at her 100% sitting aside a bright yellow smiley sticker I felt a familiar twinge of jealousy. From that day on I had a secret goal to achieve higher marks than my friend. I can not remember when this rivalry ended, but I do know that it is normal behavior. Each person feels rivalry or competition to other humans, for the majority of their lifetime. This rivalry greatly affects our ability to understand others, and this eventually results in war, discrimination, and enmity. Children are definitely culprits for acting inhumane to each other with teasing, competition, and often hurtful remarks. Although this is the way children often act, it is in the teenage years realization, along with careful thought and consideration, brings each individual to understand wider prospects of human nature; that people coldly drive ahead for themselves alone. Man’s inhumanity1 to man is a way for people to protect themselves from having pain inflicted on them by fellow humans, and achieving their goals and desires free from interference of others. The concept of man’s inhumanity to man is developed in John Knowles’ novel, A Separate Peace. The primary conflict in this novel centers on the main character, Gene, and his battling of jealousy, paranoia, and inability to understand his relationship with his best friend Phineas. Yet the larger battle of man’s inhumanity to man is portrayed by the backdrop of World War II. Gene Forrester is an average, studious, young man attending Devon school in New Hampshire during the second World War. His roommate at Devon, Phineas (otherwise known as Finny) sends Gene on an unexpected journey of self discovery. Finny represents man in his innocence, a kind of edenic2 Adam. He is very athletic, honest and trusting.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Essay --
1. BRIEF INTRODUCTION ON THE SYSTEM This project is to develop a web-based service application for The Malaysian Association of Practicing Opticians (MAPO) with database system. The project is focused to solve client problem, generally to convert the file-based system into a web-based service with database. Title of this system is â€Å"MAPO Membership Loyalty System†that performed as web-based application, allows the organization to manage their clients and solve other matter arise. 1.1 COMPANY BACKGROUND The Malaysian Association of Practicing Opticians (MAPO) is the professional body that represents optometrists in Malaysia. Optometrists are graduates with at least a Bachelor of Optometry degree from a recognized university. Some optometrists also possess other entry-level qualifications such as the professional masters and doctoral degrees in optometry. Optometrists are the primary eye care professionals who provide comprehensive eye examination and vision care services which include: prescription of glasses and contact lenses, rehabilitation of the visual system in lazy eyes and in cases of binocular vision difficulties, and the detection of common eye diseases. MAPO was born in 1985 and this year they are celebrating its 28th Successful Year. The association has been greatly active throughout these years, organizing fairs and educations to help their members upgrading their knowledge, hence provide a better service in the market. Consists of a large group of professionals, the association was formed with the following objectives: 1. To raise or improve the standard of practice in order to project an image of professionalism. 2. To protect the overall interest of MAPO members. 3. Strive to provide the best primary eyecare to t... ...on each request are imposed to fully dependence to the application service / server as its responsibility. This is to ensure that there are no sniffing to potentially leaked data management to the very complex details such variable names, row / column / tuple name of database and even exposed unsecure port. However, as using three tier client server architecture with services, too much security might overly restrict the end user thus denying the actual service that should be able available for them. Developer could be blamed if this matter are arise especially during their essential works. Thus using unique cached ID together with RBAC trained services and sessions, it’s like digging a secured tunnel for the respective user for them to work without any interruption as every path are measured and assigned with the suitable permission and access validation.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The Haunted Mask Ii and Anthology Series
The Haunted Mask li and Anthology Series BY pud1992 Goosebumps Episodes Season One: 19 Episodes 1 . The Haunted Mask (Part One): Sick of being scared and tortured by the boys at school, shy and quiet Carly Beth Caldwell buys a Halloween mask from a new store, but doesn't heed the storekeeper's warning of wearing the mask for more than three times, which is when the mask begins to change its wearer's personality. 2. The Haunted Mask (Part Two): Carly Beth visits the man who sold her the mask to help her break its spell over her. 3.The Cuckoo Clock of Doom: Michael Webster's prank on is unruly little sister involving an antique cuckoo clock sends Michael backwards in time. 4. The Girl Who Cried Monster: Lucy Dark discovers her librarian's strange behavior of eating flies after closing time and suspects him of being a monster. 5. Welcome to Camp Nightmare (Part One): Billy's summer camp trip turns scary when his friends start disappearing and a monster is rumored to be loose in the wood s. 6. Welcome to Camp Nightmare (Part Two): Billy plots revenge on the counselors when they threaten to go after one of the campers–until he learns the secret of Camp Nightmare. Phantom of the Auditorium: A school production of †The Phantom †is threatened by strange happenings from a real phantom. 8. Piano Lessons Can Be Murder: Jerry takes piano lessons from a weird man who's obsessed with stealing the hands of his students–and is haunted by the ghost of the weird man's mother. 9. Return of the Mummy: In the sequel to the Goosebumps book, â€Å"The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb†(which was never made into an episode),Gabe and his cousin are trapped in a pyramid belonging to an Egyptian queen who now has control of the mummy from the first book. 0. Night of the Living Dummy II: A girl named Amy receives a replacement ventriloquist dummy, which she accidentally brings to life. 11 . My Hairiest Adventure: Larry Boyd freaks out when his hands become hairy presumably as a result of expired tanning lotion. Things get weirder when his friends begin to disappear and dogs who share their physical features appear in their place. 12. Stay Out of the Basement (Part One): Two siblings, Margaret and Casey, investigate the strange plant experiments in their father's basement. 3. Stay Out of the Basement (Part Two): Margaret and Casey find a man tied in the basement who laims to be their real father who was trapped when his plant-hybrid clone locked him up and took over his life. 14. It Came from Beneath the Sink! : Kat finds a sponge under the sink of her new house that's actually a monster that causes and feeds on bad luck. Directed by David Winning. 15. Say Cheese and Die! : Three friends, Greg, Bird, and Sherri, find a camera that predicts misfortune on the subject it photographs. 16.A Night in Terror Tower (Part One): Two siblings, Eddie and Sue, get lost in England after visiting a torture chamber†¦ and are hunted by an executioner. 7. A Night in Terror Tower (Part Two): A wizard disguised as a 20th century man reveals that the two lost siblings are actually a prince and princess who traveled forward in time to escape being murdered. 18. The Werewolf of Fever Swamp (Part One): Grady Tucker gets a dog suspected to be a werewolf after rumors of murdered animals and late-night howling surface. 19. The Werewolf of Fever Swamp (Part Two): 1.Be Careful What You Wish For†¦ : Klutzy Samantha Byrd gets three wishes from a strange woman named Clarissa–with horrifying results. 2. Attack of the Mutant (Part One): Comic book addict Skipper finds out his favorite comic book villain is real. Adam West guest stars. 3. Attack of the Mutant (Part Two): Skipper discovers that he has been turned into a comic book character chosen to fght a villain called The Masked Mutant. 4. Bad Hare Day: Wannabe magician Tim Swanson steals the bag of tricks from his favorite magician–and finds himself unable to control the mag ic.Colin Mochrie makes a small appearance. 5. The Headless Ghost: Two pranksters, Stephanie Alpert and Duane Comack find themselves trapped in a seaside house haunted by a headless ghost, a sea captain, and the ghost of a boy who died falling hrough a dumb waiter when his strawberry ice cream didn't arrive. 6. Go Eat Worms! : Todd Barstow's sadistic experiments on worms backfire when his test animals begin to haunt him. 7. You Can't Scare Me: Two boys (Eddie and Hat) who dare each other to scare a fearless girl (Courtney) find themselves running from swamp monsters. 8.Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes: A lawn contest prompts a dad to buy two lawn gnomes who cause destruction at night. 9. Ghost Beach: Two siblings, Jerry and Terri Sadler discover the secrets of a seaside mountain cave supposedly haunted by a ghost. 10. Attack of the Jack O'Lanterns: Pumpkin-headed aliens force four children into trick or treating in a strange town. 11. The Haunted Mask II (Part One): In this two-part sequel to â€Å"The Haunted Mask†, Steve Boswell, one of the boys from the original story takes an old man mask from the store that Carly beth went to and begins to become an old man.Meanwhile, Carly Beth's mask from the first story returns to exact his revenge on its former wearer. 12. The Haunted Mask II (Part Two): Steve and Carly Beth try to break the mask's spell–and defeat the mask that tried to possess Carly Beth. 13. Let's Get Invisible! Max and his brother Noah find a mirror in the attic that turns its users invisible, but on the other side is a world where evil mirror reflections want to switch with real people. 14. The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight: An old couple is haunted by demonic scarecrows brought to life by a farmhand's black magic. 5. Monster Blood: In this adaptation of the first â€Å"Monster Blood†book, Evan Ross and his friend, Andy, discover a novelty slime called Monster Blood that devours everything in its path. 16. More Monster Blood: In this story (which has never appeared in the Monster Blood series), Evan travels back home, only o find that the Monster Blood he destroyed is aboard the plane. 17. Vampire Breath: While searching for their birthday presents, two siblings, Freddy and Cara find a bottle that releases the spirit ofa vampire. 18.How to Kill a Monster: Step-siblings Gretchen and Clark stay at their grandparents' house in the middle of a swamp that has a monster locked in a room. 19. Calling All Creeps! : School newspaper Journalist Ricky Beamer plays a prank on his rival that calls the attention of a group of kids who are actually reptilian aliens bent on world domination. 20. Welcome to Dead House Part One): The Benson family moves into a house in a neighborhood were its residents were killed in an accident from a chemical factory and now walk the Earth as zombies. 1 . Welcome to Dead House (Part Two): The children, Amanda and Josh try to fight the zombies and send them back to their graves. 22. Don't Wake Mummy: Adapted from the â€Å"Tales To Give You Goosebumps†anthology series, a family inherits Beauchamp, a wannabe writer, receives a typewriter that brings anything written to life–even the story of a blob monster. 24. Night of the Living Dummy Ill (Part One): Slappy is found by the O'Dell family, and begins terrorizing them. 5.Night of the Living Dummy Ill (Part Two): Slappy faces off against another evil dummy named Rocky who later turns good and kills Slappy and himself to protect the O'Dells. Season Three: 22 episodes 1. A Shocker on Shock Street: Erin Wright and her friend Marty are trapped in an amusement park based on a horror movie series. 2. My Best Friend Is Invisible: Sam Jacobs visits a house that's supposedly haunted by the ghost of a lonely boy named Brent†¦ who ends up following him home and becomes his invisible friend. . The House of No Return: Adapted from the â€Å"Tales To Give You Goosebumps†anthology eries, four friends get trapped in an old house haunted by a married couple whose firstborn child died in an accident. 4. Don't Go To Sleep! : After being told that he can't have the attic as his room, Matt Amsterdam goes to sleep in there, and finds himself in a chain of alternate worlds and on the run from a police force bent on nabbing anyone who messes with reality. Don Cherry guest stars in this episode. 5.Click: Adapted from the â€Å"Tales To Give You Goosebumps†anthology series, a boy mail-orders a remote control that controls his TV, his VCR, his DVD, his stereo–and his life. The 2006 summer film Click starring Adam Sandler has a similar plot to this. 6. An Old Story: Adapted from the â€Å"Tales To Give You Goosebumps†anthology series, an aunt feeds her nephews, Tom and John, prunes that have the power to turn them into old men. 7. The Barking Ghost: Cooper Holmes and his new friend Fergie are tricked into switching bodies with ghostly canines. 8.One Day at HorrorLand (Part One): The Morris family get trapped in a theme park run by monsters. 9. One Day at HorrorLand (Part Two): The Morrises compete on a game show run by monsters from the park. 10. The Haunted House Game: Adapted from the â€Å"Tales To Give You Goosebumps†anthology series, two friends play a game that comes to life–and may cost them theirs. 11. Perfect School (Part One): Adapted from the â€Å"Tales To Give You Goosebumps†anthology series, Brian gets sent to a boarding school where students are cloned and sent to live with the real students' families. 2. Perfect School (Part Two): Brian tries to stop his clone from taking over his life. 13. Werewolf Skin (Part One): Alex Blackwell discovers a secret about the werewolves that live in the woods. 14. Werewolf Skin (Part Two): Alex confronts his aunt and uncle about the werewolf skin they use to turn themselves into the beasts. 5. Awesome Ants: Adapted from the â€Å"Tales To Give You Goosebumps†anthology series, a kid buys an ant farm that comes with pellets that turn the ants into giants. 16.Bride of the Living Dummy: Adapted from the â€Å"Goosebumps 2000†series, Slappy returns and now is planning to marry a girl's doll (who proves to be Just as evil as Slappy). 17. Strained Peas: Adapted from the â€Å"Tales To Give You Goosebumps†anthology series, Nick discovers his new baby sister is a monster. 18. Say Cheese and Die – Again! : In the sequel to â€Å"Say Cheese and Die†, Greg Banks tries to prove to his English teacher that the amera he found does exist so he doesn't flunk his class.When Sherri unearths it, she accidentally takes Greg's picture which predicts that he'll become so fat, he'll explode while Sherri's picture comes out as a negative, predicting that she'll be so part episode that was never adapted from a book, a greedy girl gets sucked into a toy town where she cheats the people during a lemonade sale and turns into a pig as the town chases her down. 20. Chillogy, Part II: Strike Three You're Doomed! : In part two of a three-part episode that was never adapted from a book, a boy gets sucked nto Karlsville and gets caught in a twisted baseball game. 21.Chillogy, Part Ill: Escape from Karlsville: In the conclusion of a three-part episode that was never adapted from a book, Matthew and Jessica enter the toy town to prevent Matthew's younger brother Todd from being turned into plastic. 22. Teacher's Pet: Adapted from the â€Å"Tales To Give You Goosebumps†anthology series, two kids on a field trip in the woods discover why their teacher is so obsessed with snakes, he is one. Season Four: 8 Episodes 1 . How I Got My Shrunken Head (Part One): Mark given a shrunken head by his xplorer aunt travels to the Jungle where his aunt's partners want to steal the shrunken head for themselves. . How I Got My Shrunken Head (Part Two): Mark learns of the Jungle magic hidden in his shrunken head while searching for his aunt.
Individual Learning Plan Essay
When you first took the Disposition Survey for Individual Learning Plan (ILP) in your ePortfolio: Transition Point 2, you were at the beginning of your MSED specialization program. Your reflection on your knowledge and skills was a snapshot in time. Your Individual Learning Plan was constructed based on your interpretation of your ratings and your perception of your level of implementation in the areas of Professional Dispositions, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), and Technology Proficiency. For this Major Assessment, you will write a two-part essay describing what you have accomplished in your Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and explaining your plans for continual improvement. In preparation for writing this essay, you will take the Disposition Survey for ILP a second time and compare both your initial and current survey ratings. You will also review your initial Individual Learning Plan and assess your progress in completing the activities you had planned. Address the following in your essay: Essay Part 1: Accomplishments(1 to 2 pages) Describe the activities you implemented from your initial Individual Learning Plan for each of the three sections: Professional Dispositions, NBPTS, and Technology Proficiencies. Share specific information that illustrates how these activities have contributed to your professional learning and growth. Essay Part 2: Plan for Continual Improvement(2 to 3 pages) As part of your plan for continual improvement, describe the activities from your initial Individual Learning Plan that you have not yet completed. Explain why these activities have not been completed and share new timelines and/or revisions to the activities you had initially planned. Review your new survey results and compare your ratings with the initial survey results. Reflect on and explain your perceptions of how you initially rated your knowledge and skills compared to your current ratings. What new insights did you gain when comparing the two results? What additional areas do you now want to target for continuous improvement in each of the three sections that were not included in your initial plan (Professional Dispositions, NBPTS, and Technology Proficiencies)? Report on one new area from each section and create SMART goals for each.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Pakistan Earthquake
On October 8, 2005 the history of Pakistan turned a new page when a massive earthquake hit the northern part of the country. It was said to be the most powerful quake in the last 100 years. It had a magnitude of 7. 6 and was accompanied by more than 60 aftershocks. It killed and injured more than thousands of people and caused massive destruction in the northern part. It was early in the morning when the earth shattering quake jolted the residents out of their beds. Those who were already up and about ready to go, or were at work and school rushed out of their buildings into the open air as the earth shook violently beneath them. They started praying. Still many were trapped as the buildings come down on them. Most of the students lost their lives, as they were completely unaware that they would be buried alive under the ruins of their school building. My family and I had moved to Islamabad (northern part of the country) just two days ago. Our part of the city was not as affected compared to the other parts and because of that we felt lucky. The Margalla Towers, an apartment complex collapsed and killed most of the residents living there. Many of our relatives and family friends lived in that area. Mom tried to call them but the communication systems were disrupted by the quake. This added to the anxiety of the people who could not call their relatives in the affected areas. Many of them were injured and lost most of their family members to the quake. However the most disturbing news was that my aunt lost her husband and her six months old son. The quake affected millions of people directly and indirectly. The official death toll was 87,000 and more than 100,000 people were injured. Many dead bodies were pulled, from the rubble with missing limbs or completely crushed by the rescue teams. But also there had been a handful of incredible stories of survival. Rescue teams worked against insurmountable odd, and succeeded in pulling victims alive from the rubble. A six year old boy became one of the last to be pulled alive from the earthquake’s devastation. After 200 hours, Ahmad had remained conscious but trapped eneath the layers of rubble, which was all that remained of his family’s apartment. â€Å"I was playing with my truck, then I fell†, he said, recounting what had happened. The rest of the family was not as lucky. There were other amazing stories, a ninety year old woman was found alive while other members of her family were lying dead around her, with exception of her three year old grandson. She was left to raise him at this old age. A mother was recovered de ad and she was shielding two children under her. One had died but the other lived. The quake affected millions of people, ordinary people come in thousands to help in relief efforts. Volunteers answered the calls for blood donations and brought food, water and other goods for the victims. Muzaffarabad and its surrounding areas were badly affected. Most of the villages were completely wiped out, and roads were blocked by heavy rocks from the Himalaya Mountains. The Pakistan Air Force helicopters that were well equipped to perform relief activities waved their way through the mountains and flew over the affected areas. But landing in some areas was impossible. The clock ticked by, and despite the hard work of the rescue teams, many bodies were trapped inside the heavy rubble, with an acute smell of human flesh coming from them. Nature continued to be needlessly cruel. There was rain and hail, many people without shelter died. In less than two months, the Himalaya Mountains got their first snowfall and the temperature was below zero. Aid came from around the world. But still it’s too little and often the wrong kind. There were not enough tents, blankets and warm clothe to go around. Hundreds of tents had been provided but thousands of families remain out under the sky. They face rain and hail with dread in their hearts. They have lost everything even their hope to live. Imagine yourself buried under the heavy rubble alive, with no food, no water and constantly bleeding and weighting for your only killer†¦ â€Å"time†. The devastating earthquake shocked the nation, but brought out the best as they rose up to the occasion to help the victims.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Boumediene V. Bush: an Unconstitutional Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus
Kevin C March 26, 2013 US History I Honors Boumediene v. Bush The United States is a free country that was forged out of the tyrannical English Monarchy. Thomas Jefferson wrote that â€Å"All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights†(Declaration of Independence). Those rights are represented in the United States Constitution which is the foundation which strongly upholds American ideals and beliefs.Although the Constitution does not always apply to foreigners, Boumediene and the other detainees at Guantanamo Bay deserve habeas corpus rights because it is a fundamental principle that applies to everyone, regardless of state or nationality. The final decision that was made by the US Supreme Court was the correct one because they realized that Guantanamo is under US jurisdiction, the DTA provides an inadequate substitution to habeas corpus, and that MCA does violate the Suspension Clause of the Constitution. In 2008, Boumedien e, a captive at Guantanamo Bay had his habeas corpus rights denied by the D.C. District Court and the Appellate Court based on bills passed by Congress. The founding fathers specifically state in Article 1, Section 9 that congress shall not pass any bill that restricts habeas corpus rights. The detainees at Guantanamo Bay live in cells for twenty-three hours of the day. They are in constant fear of being abused and tortured, mentally and physically by the guards and many have been at the naval base for over five years. Among all the detainees, none have been given access to any type of tribunal board to hear what their being convicted of.The biggest problem is that all of them have been denied habeas corpus rights which effectively allows the Executive Branch of the US government to hold them indefinitely. The United States has adopted many of England’s traditions. One of which are habeas corpus rights derived from the Magna Carta signed in 1215. However, when the case reache d the District Court, the Bush administration plead their case stating that Guantanamo Bay was not on Sovereign US soil, therefore, the protection of habeas corpus could not be granted to the etainees. However, looking back in history to the English, they were in a similar predicament. India was officially a part of the British Empire in 1858, however, the British had occupied the country since the 1700’s with a heavy military presence. Despite India not becoming an official part of the British Empire, the Writ of Habeas Corpus was being incorporated into their government since the dawn of the nineteenth century. The Indian government were allowed to hear cases of habeas corpus since 1773.But, it was not until 1775 when it was actually first used by chief justice, Sir Elijah Impey to question his detention by Governor-General Warren Hastings at the Calcutta Supreme Court (A. G Noorani). The British allowed Indian prisoners the right of habeas corpus even though they did not h ave sovereignty of the country. This example in history sets precedent that if a country occupies a territory with a heavy military presence, then the right of habeas corpus shall be extended as well. The Supreme Court agrees because they voted in a 6-3 majority in the case, Rasul v.Bush. Supreme Court Justice Stevens issued his concurring opinion which stated that the detainees â€Å"have never been afforded access to any tribunal, much less charged with and convicted of wrongdoing†¦they have been imprisoned in territory over which the United States exercise exclusive jurisdiction and control†(Stevens, Opinion of the Court, 542 U. S. ). The Supreme Court ultimately decided that since the US government maintained a strong military presence and holds an indefinite lease over the area, it therefore had complete jurisdiction and control over the base in Cuba.Because the US government had complete jurisdiction over the base, ultimate sovereignty, which is granted to Cuba, h olds no weight in the argument. This essentially makes Guantanamo Bay part of the US and not Cuba, which means Sovereign US laws should apply there, the same as it would to any US State or territory. The respondents stated to the Appeals Court that detainees are given a fair alternative to habeas corpus rights. However, these alternatives do not protect the detainee as fully as habeas corpus would.The respondents stated that the Combat Status Review Tribunals (CSRT), which were established by the Defense Department, were put into place for the sole purpose of hearing the cases of the detainees. However, there are many flaws in having such a system determine the legality of one’s detention. The Supreme Court recognizes that the CSRT process for hearing cases puts many â€Å"constraints upon the detainee’s ability to rebut the factual basis for the Government’s assertion that he is an enemy combatant†(Boumediene v. Bush, 476F. 3d981).Some flaws the court p oints out is that the CSRT assumes that the detainees are guilty before the trial has even started and it is all up to the detainee to prove that they are in fact, not enemy combatants. This goes against the typical US court proceedings when all suspects are presumed innocent until proven otherwise. The bias shown by the members of the CSRT puts the detainees at a disadvantage. Furthermore, while many of the detainees have a limited knowledge of English, they are not given the specifics as to what crimes they are being charged with because the information may be classified.Additionally, with no textual evidence, the detainees often go into the CSRT board empty handed and without legal representation. Not only do the proceedings of the CSRT seem unfair, it also seems to be designed to intentionally make it difficult for detainees to secure their freedom. Coming back to the respondents original claim, if the CSRT is essentially a substitute for habeas corpus, why not just use habeas c orpus? Habeas corpus has been around since 1215 and has survived in the US Government for over 300 years for a reason†¦ it is an effective way for people to question the legality of their detention by the government.The Military Commissions Act (MCA) of 2006 was an amendment to the Detainee Treatment Act (DTA) which would have disallowed Federal Courts to hear writs of habeas corpus from the detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The US Supreme Court decided that because the DTA was an inadequate substitution for habeas corpus, then the MCA cannot strip away Federal courts jurisdiction to hear habeas corpus cases. The reason behind this is that it would then be an unconstitutional suspension of the writ of habeas corpus because it violates the Suspension Clause.At the Appellate Court, the respondents (Bush) stated that the Suspension Clause is an ‘individual’ right granted only to US citizens. However, while looking at the text of the Suspension Clause in context, it states: â€Å"The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the Public Safety may require it†(US Constitution, art 1, sec 9). The Supreme Court counters the respondent’s argument by stating that the Suspension Clause is meant to be a limitation to Congresses powers and not something that applies to individuals.Nevertheless, nowhere in that phrase do the words ‘individual’ or ‘citizen’ ever show up. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that the Suspension Clause only applies to US citizens and that it is not a universal right to anyone being held under US jurisdiction. Additionally, the founding fathers placed the Suspension Clause in Article 1, Section 9 in the Constitution. This is important because if the founding fathers specifically intended to apply the Suspension Clause to US citizens only, then they would have placed it in the Bill of Rights which are specifically reserved for the people to protect them against the government.Furthermore, the rest of the clauses in Article 1, Section 9 specifically state what types of activities that the Legislative Branch cannot do. Hence, the Suspension Clause, because of its placement, was intended to be a limitation upon the abuse of power by the Legislative Branch. Lastly, the principle of separation of powers came from the idea that each branch would be able to check one another. The MCA effectively stops the Judiciary Branch to do its job therefore is also unconstitutional.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Islamic and christian perspective on computer science Essay
Islamic and christian perspective on computer science - Essay Example It is from such beliefs that people various perspectives emerge, all shaped by the specific dogmas of the time. As such, one would expect that at any particular time, it is highly likely that various perspectives will root out from various religious beliefs. For the purposes of this paper, the paper shall research and analyze Islamic and Christian perspectives on computer science. My major is computer science. It encompasses the study of software and hardware development and management to meet societal needs. While studying computer science, we also study contemporary issues around computer science such as religious perspectives on computer science. Under religion, a unit in computer science, we also study philosophy, critical theory and psychology. Given the interdisciplinary approach my university adopts, the course on religion is also designed to teach on various religious beliefs held by various societies that practice such religions. This assists one to be able to interact cordi ally with others as a computer scientist in a dynamic world. The goals of the major are to prepare one to be in a position understand the dynamism that exists in the society. Apart from instilling skills and technical know-how, the course also prepares one to embrace the concept of diversity and be prepared to accept others without any discrimination based on their religious beliefs. It is also apparent that the course prepares one to function properly in the current global village where various cultures, values and practices are increasingly becoming evidenced in the work place. Islamic Perspective on Computer Science One may observe that Islamic perspective on computer science is one that
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 15
Art - Essay Example This statue was curved for the purposes of Pharaoh Khafre’s remembrance. Initially, the statue was kept in the Pharaoh’s valley temple near the Great Sphinx. The statue was presented as part of necropolis funeral city used in most important funeral rituals. This research paper explains the Khafre Enthroned funerary statue, from Gizeh, Egypt. The Khafre old kingdom artistic statue was designed putting into considerations a lot of symbolism in it. Firstly, the statue had an important function in Egyptian tombs. This statue overly acts as a sub-statue abode for the Pharaoh’s Ka. Ka in Egyptian cultural beliefs is the life that accompanies the righteous persons with a kind of other self. After death, the Ka leaves the individual body and soul into the afterlife (Gardner et al. 111). The statue embodiment therefore remains contemporarily to show a peace to rest; to the dead souls. The Khafre enthroned sculpture was designed in spiral form. This statue shows his majesty Khafre seated. This was one of the famous statue designs with a basic formulaic types used in the old kingdoms to show the human figure. Art speaks and through Khafre Enthroned statue, his figure in the seat is greatly shown. This artistic work if was to go by; would easily explain the kind of a ruler king Khafre was. This Egyptian statue design was inf luenced by mummification in Egypt (Gardners Art through the Ages: The Western Perspective 121). Mummification played a major role in the Egyptian culture in the ancient civilization era. This process involved a 70-day purification of pharaoh’s body to ensure immortality for Pharaoh. Beginning in the third millennium BCE, mummification became impossible in Egypt. This process was hectic and cumbersome hence there was need for finding a better way to remember the Pharaoh’s of Egypt. If the Pharaoh’s mummy was damaged, ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5 ART - Essay Example he High Renaissance meant paint that was created by mixing pigment with egg yolk to create a thick colored liquid that could then be applied with brushes to any surface. The egg yolk was the binding agent and artists would often also mix in other liquids such as honey, water or milk to vary the consistency or increase opacity. One of the main properties of this type of paint is that it dries quickly, which is beneficial when one wishes to paint over specific areas but can be problematic when one is trying to blend shades together on the canvas. This type of paint can’t be applied in heavy layers, though, and is generally not as bright or saturated as other forms of paint. What perhaps wasn’t known by the artists of the Renaissance, though, is that tempura maintains its original colors over time rather than darkening as many oil paints tend to do. Frescoes are somewhat different from tempera paints or oils in that they utilize the material of the receiving surface as the binding agent for the pigments rather than an internal ingredient. In fresco painting, painters would mix pigment with water and then apply these colors to the still wet plaster wall where the painting was to be. The water would absorb into the wall and evaporate, leaving the pigment trapped within the plaster itself. Preparation of the wall had to take place at least a week in advance to allow the underlayer of plaster to dry first. Then only enough top layer of plaster was applied that the artist could reasonably paint in a given day, meaning about eight or nine hours of work, before the plaster hardened to the point where no more paint would be absorbed. This painting in segments makes it possible to still trace what the artist did from one day to the next. Another problem with frescoes was that there could be no mistakes or the entire segment would have t o be removed and started from the beginning. Oil painting eventually emerged as the most preferred form of paint because of its
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